Saber directly raised the sword, and the strong wind from the blade made Rider frown.

"Then you want to try the sword of this little girl in your mouth? Conquer the king!"

Chapter 26 He came and he went. (first update)

Seeing Saber's more serious expression than Lancer's, as well as his fighting spirit ready to go, Rider heaved a long sigh.

"Then our negotiation broke down, what a pity, what a pity."

The moment Rider muttered with his face down, he saw Xia Qing who was looking at him, and there seemed to be a flickering light in his black eyes.

"Yo~ hello, Lancer's master, even in the face of three heroic spirits, you can be so calm, I appreciate you very much!"

Rider laughed and patted Waver's shoulder, making the latter a little out of breath.

"Master, hurry up and learn from other people's masters, and you can't be so frightened casually in the future."

Weibo held his swollen forehead, which was a little sore, and shouted to Rider with regret.

"That kind of thing is not important at all!!! What should I do, isn't the conquest you're talking about annoying until the end... Do you really think you can beat Saber and Lancer?? "

Facing the Master's question, the burly servant laughed out loud without showing any guilt.

"Some things always have to be tried to know the result hahaha!!!"

Waver, who was dizzy with anger, beat Rider's cloak with his powerless fist, with an expression on the verge of crying.

This is probably the most embarrassing master in the audience.

Realizing that his Master was so disappointing, Rider sighed helplessly, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously, then he raised his head, faced the empty night sky, and laughed loudly!

"Come out! There are other people here, hiding in the dark and watching the accomplices here!!"

Saber who heard this sentence was a little surprised at this moment.

"What...there are other people..."

"Hahaha, you made such a crisp sound of swords and halberds colliding in the previous battle, I'm afraid I'm not the only one who attracted the heroic spirit."

Rider replied with a laugh.

Irisviel, who was standing behind, was terrified by this sentence. What she was afraid of was that Emiya Kiritsugu, who was hiding somewhere, would be spotted.

However, what Rider said next made her heave a sigh of relief.

Rider seemed to only think about other servants, and opened his mouth to spread the deafening sound to every corner around him.

"Heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail, gather here now! Cowards who are afraid to show their faces will inevitably be scorned by my conqueror, Iskandar!"

Rider's rough voice even reached Emiya Kiritsugu who was hiding on the top floor of the building and watched secretly with a sniper rifle, and Tohsaka Tokiomi who sent Assassin to hide his breath to observe the battlefield also noticed it through Assassin.

The way of thinking of these legendary heroes is so far from that of Emiya Kiritsugu that he couldn't even sigh.

"...How on earth did that guy conquer the world?"


Maiya also had a helpless expression.

Like Emiya Kiritsugu and Maiya, Kotomine Kirei, who was secretly watching through Assassin's sight and hearing, also saw Rider's every move and heard his outrageous words.

At this time, Kotomine Kirei was in the distant Fuyuki Church, and informed Tohsaka Tokiomi of the situation through the jewel communication device next to him with all the details he heard and saw.

"This time...not so good..."

Such a word came from the distant Tohsaka mansion.

"It's really not good."

Neither Tohsaka Tokiomi nor Kotomine Kirei could scoff at Rider's declaration like Emiya Kiritsugu did, because they all thought of the same Heroic Spirit after hearing Rider's declaration.



A few seconds after Rider's outburst, a dazzling golden light appeared, and with the entanglement of light particles, a figure in golden shining armor gradually formed, standing proudly above the street lamp ten meters above the ground!

There is no heavy equipment in his body that is not covered by armor, and being able to show up in response to Rider's arrogant words proves that he has the strength enough to regard Rider's words as a provocation.

"I didn't expect that two people who became king without knowing the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth would appear overnight."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Gilgamesh, who was directly for Archer, curled his lips in an extremely unhappy manner, showing his contempt for the three servants who were confronting him.

Although Gilgamesh's proud attitude and tone are exactly the same as Rider's self-importance, they are fundamentally different. The voice and eyes of the King of Conquerors are not as cold and ruthless as him.

"Even if you speak rudely...I, Iskandar, am still the most famous conqueror in this world."

"Joke, the hero who is truly qualified to be king is the only king in the world, and the rest are just dubious bastards!"

Archer simply uttered a declaration that was nothing less than an insult.

At this time, Saber's face also turned pale with surprise, but Rider looked at it tolerantly, and sighed in surprise.

"For the sake of this, how about reporting your own name first? If you are also a king, you won't be afraid of your own reputation, right?"

Rider made such a gag, Archer's red eyes became more and more haughty and angry, staring at the huge sweat in front of him.

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