At this time, after seeing the arrival of the three swordsmen, the "ghost" had already started to retreat, but when it just turned around, it was stopped by Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

The blue sun wheel knife that has been unsheathed is ready to go at this moment.

"Wait... is this okay? Mr. Xia Qing!"

At this moment, Butterfly Ninja held the hilt of the rapier she was wearing around her waist, and said to Xia Qing.

"Let me come, my poison will send him to the other world immediately."

Naturally, there is no need to use "ripple" to deal with such ghosts.

It is similar in shape to a rapier, the scabbard is white, the blade, the band, and the handle are all mint green, the band is in the shape of four leaves, and "Evil Ghost" and "Mie Sha" are engraved on the two sides of the blade respectively [Japanese] Wheel Knife].

Yae, who couldn't help but feel a little anxious, shouted at this time.

"Slow, slow...!"

Yoshiyuki Tomioka who heard Yae's shout replied at this moment.

"What are you waiting for? You should know that it is a monster that is far beyond the range of humans, right? That is not a human, it is a "ghost"!"

Facing the "oni" whose severed left arm has begun to recover, Tomioka Yoshiyuki rushed forward.

"Water Breathing Unbridled Shape · Striking Tide!"

The blue light of the knife streaked across, accompanied by the sound of waves and waves, and dozens of streaks across the body of the "ghost"!

The next moment, the head was already in the air, and when he was about to die, the curse of the "ghost" disappeared, and he showed human emotions again.

There was a sound from the head, which made Yoshiyuki Tomioka, who was just about to put the knife into the sheath, shrank his pupils, turned around quickly, and looked at the head that had begun to dissipate.

"how come……"

Chapter 72 Straight ball from Butterfly Ninja! (2/5)


Seeing the "ghost" that had completely turned into dust and dissipated, Butterfly choked back.

After seeing Tomioka Yoshiyuki solve it, Xia Qing silently put the shining golden [Sun Wheel Knife] into the sheath.

At this time, Xia Qing suddenly noticed something, and instantly rushed in the direction of the girl Yazhong.


After seeing Xia Qing's movements, Die Die quickly turned around and looked in Yae's direction.

At this moment, the girl with long hair had already taken off her shoes, trying to pull the trigger of the shotgun with her toes.

She let out a light breath.The hazy white mist floated up and dissipated before her eyes.

"Finally... I can be free..."

Die Die couldn't bear the shock in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, but at the current distance, it was impossible to run in front of the girl to stop him.

"No... Yae...!!"

At the very moment, a golden light flashed past Xia Qing's figure, and immediately stopped the girl.

Xia Qing snatched the shotgun that the girl was holding in her arms.

"Give it back to me...give it back to me..."

The girl tried to take the shotgun back from Xia Qing's hand, but with her strength, she couldn't do it at all.

"Let go...why...why come to stop me..."

The slender arms and weak fists beat on Xia Qing's chest.

One step late, Butterfly Shinobu who came to Yae's side looked at her with some distress.

"Why did you choose such a time...?"

At this moment, Yazhong's eyes were red from crying, and his hands were tightly clutching Xia Qing's collar.

"I have been maintaining this shotgun, let me die..."

"Miss Yae..."

Butterfly looked down at her reluctantly.


As if abandoned by the whole world, Yae bit her lips tightly, trying not to cry at this time, but the tears kept flowing out as if she couldn't control her.

"You guys... what do you know... Leave me alone...! Leave people like me alone! People like me..."

"There is something to tell you, it may be for you."

Yoshiyuki Tomioka, who was walking towards this side, spoke at this moment.



The girl raised her head with a dull expression on her face.


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