Emiya Kiritsugu nodded.

"If you think about it this way, it would be unbelievable. Since Tohsaka had time to wait for the enemy to come to the door, why didn't he use this time to go out and meet him directly, instead he deliberately revealed the servant."

The Tohsaka family has experienced the second and third Holy Grail Wars, and its owner must be familiar with various theories, so it is impossible for him not to know that his home base, the Tohsaka Mansion, is being watched by others.

However, Tohsaka Tokiomi still sent out his followers without hesitation. From the perspective of ordinary people, this is definitely a bad idea.

"In the battle of servants, it is an iron rule to hide the identity of the heroic spirit, but why would Tohsaka Tokiomi let the servants be seen by everyone?"

"Because he wanted to be seen, didn't he?"

Regarding Maiya's words, Emiya Kiritsugu nodded again.

"Indeed, if you do this, what value will it have to whom? This question will give you the answer after thinking about it. By the way, what happened to the Master of Assassin?"

"I took refuge in the church last night and was protected by the supervisor. In addition, the master of Assassin is named Kotomine Kirei."

Hearing this name, Emiya Kiritsugu seemed to have a trace of cool fear in his eyes.

"Maiya, go to Fuyuki Church to arrange a familiar, just one first."

"Is this okay? It is strictly forbidden for the Master to interfere with the church's territory."

"Get as close as possible without being noticed by the priest, don't bother controlling it too much, just keep it hidden."

After hearing such instructions, Maiya was a little dazed, and she couldn't help frowning.

"So it's not used to monitor the church?"

"Just act like you're watching, or hide somewhere where you won't be seen."


Afterwards, Emiya Kiritsugu went to the bed and checked the weapon box on top, the most obvious thing inside was a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

Of course, for Emiya Kiritsugu, in the battle against the magician, what he needs to use is the bullet called the Origin Bullet, which is his most important weapon in this Holy Grail War.

"By the way, according to the news from my family before, one of the twelve monarchs of the clock tower, Kenneth Elmeloy Archibald, the monarch of the El-Melloi faction, was in the Hyatt Hotel. The second floor of No.30 was killed by an unknown force, and the holy relics that summoned the heroic spirits were probably also taken away. When those people arrived, there was only a pile of indistinct pieces of meat left."


After hearing this news, Emiya Kiritsugu gasped.

"I have already found the other party before the battle started, and I was able to kill that genius magician... If it is a person who acts alone, then just thinking about his strength makes people feel a little horrified, it is so terrifying."

"Although the identity of the mysterious person is not known yet, it seems that the battle pattern will change in the future."

Maiya frowned and looked a little confused.

Emiya Kiritsugu had a rare confident smile on his lips.

"It's been a long time since this happened... But, no matter what, as a magician, the stronger the opponent is, the higher my chances of winning will be."

As he spoke, he opened a box, took the flintlock gun lying quietly in his hand, and quickly put the bullets into the magazine with his left hand.

"Two seconds... It seems that I have regressed..."

When making his own formal attire, Emiya Kiritsugu made the most of his extremely unique "origin".

The first and second ribs on the left and right side of his abdomen were cut off, and the removed ribs were ground into powder, then condensed with soul engineering, and used as bullet cores to be sealed in 66 rounds of bullets.

This bullet will materialize its "origin" to the "hit" object. If it hits the creature's body, there will be neither wounds nor bleeding, but the shot will become necrotic Like an old wound.

The surface appears to be healed, but the nerves and capillaries are not properly regenerated and lose their original function.

And this bullet, which has the function of concept arming, will pose a more serious threat to the magician.

Among the 66 bullets, Emiya Kiritsugu had already consumed 37 bullets before, but none of them were wasted. The bullets made by using a part of him shooting you have completely destroyed 37 magicians who thought they were excellent.

Emiya Kiritsugu said in a rare joking tone.

"It will be the same this time. No matter how good the opponent is as a magician, he will never be able to catch a bullet moving at high speed, right?"

Author's message:


Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (PY.jpg)

Chapter 19 I'm Alright (Fourth update!)

At this moment, Xia Qing was leaning against the single bed on the inner side, and when he was cushioned with pillows, his posture could be made more comfortable.

Xiao Ying was holding the book that Xia Qing bought for her on the other single bed and watched quietly. In the quiet room, she could clearly hear the sound of her flipping the book every once in a while.

While listening to the conversation of Emiya Kiritsugu and others next door, Xia Qing broke his knuckles boredly, making continuous clicking sounds.

And on the floor next to him, the platinum star that had appeared at this moment was the reason why Xia Qing could clearly hear the conversation in the opposite room through the wall.

He looked up at the gray ceiling, thinking about one thing.

"Such a rare opportunity...do you want to kill the two of them directly..."

Sensing the thought in Xia Qing's mind, the figure of Platinum Star floated forward a little.

'No, wait... Now Emiya Kiritsugu can't leave the stage so early. '

Platinum Star retreated to Xia Qing's side again.

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