Following the louder and louder noise from the group, three figures walked in from the passage.

The young man in the lead has a handsome appearance, a well-fitting casual suit, and a somewhat lazy look.What is more striking is that on his left hand hangs a big beauty with pink hair, stylish clothes, and a bumpy body. At this moment, her charming face is smiling sweetly, and the charm she exudes makes everyone present feel dazed.This was not over yet, the girl's left hand was tightly embraced by a blue-haired girl in a blue kimono with the elegant temperament of an ancient noble lady. It was obviously a move against the status of a lady, but the girl was confident, as if it was a matter of course.

All three of them were handsome men and beauties who were rare to see, and this kind of behavior of showing off their affection in public, naturally aroused the curious, hot, or jealous eyes of the people in the hall.

The visitors were naturally Shiji, Yuzaoqian and Qingji.Their plane was after Saber, but because they didn't have to go through customs, their speed was much faster.

Whoever pretended to be the master-slave relationship in the hot springs did not get results. Kiyohime strongly opposed Shiji and Tamazamae as partners, and did not want to be with Shiji, and it finally turned into this.Anyway, even if it was concealed for a while, with the degree of obsession between Yuzaoqian and Kiyohime for their Master, as long as Shiji walked around Dongmu City, it would probably be exposed, right?Therefore, it is the best choice to show everyone your strength simply and neatly.

"Hey, Saber, isn't their behavior the legendary stealing of the limelight?" Irisviel secretly tugged on Saber's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"..." Saber opened her mouth but didn't say anything in the end, she looked at the man and the woman solemnly.

Aware of Saber's abnormality, Irisviel put away her joking thoughts and asked seriously: "What's wrong, Saber?"

"Irisviel, be careful, those two women are Servants! Strange, this doesn't comply with the Holy Grail War..."

Saber's voice was a little puzzled, and at the same time, she raised her vigilance to the highest level in her heart, and she was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and with the appearance of Irisviel behind her, the situation was a bit harsh, no, no, that man seemed to be more dangerous.Fortunately, it's daytime, and it's still in a public place. I hope that the other party's Master is not a crazy and unscrupulous person.

"Two?" Irisviel raised her voice a bit, and looked at the two women carefully. She had to admit that Qing Ji, whether full of charm or lady-like, was very beautiful, with a demonic nature different from ordinary people. , "What a beautiful beauty!"

Four Seasons also noticed that Saber was facing a great enemy, or in other words, it was only reasonable that he saw two such outstanding figures the first time he entered the hall.

'Alice Viel and Saber?Such a coincidence?That's right, it's almost time.Then say hello...'

After all, they are highly popular characters in the previous life. Even if they hadn't collected the information of the two before, Siji felt that he could still recognize these two. The characteristics are too obvious.

Stepping towards the two of them.

Tamazamo beside her has already let go of Shiji's arm, and started secretly preparing for it. As the wise and intelligent C fox☆, she is not a burden that can only be in heat.

Seeing the approaching trio, Saber tensed her nerves, ready to go to war.

Chapter 44 Girl, your thoughts are dangerous!

Seeing the vigilance in Saber's eyes, Siji smiled and waved his hands: "Don't worry, I'm not crazy enough to start a war here..."

"...Really? That's the best way to go." Saber nodded solemnly, but the vigilance in her eyes didn't diminish in the slightest.

Shiji didn't care, and turned his gaze to Irisviel behind Saber, with a little curiosity in his scrutinizing eyes.

Is this the Lesser Holy Grail that controls the Great Holy Grail?The crystallization of the highest craftsmanship of the Einzbern family.The Holy Maiden of Winter, Yustissa, was an accidental product, and Einzbern could not reproduce her, so it is a feasible solution to create a Lesser Grail with similar performance to her.

Four Seasons was indeed curious about the Einzbern family, because after coming to this world, he discovered that the origin of this family was different from his own impression.

It is the workshop established by the disciples of the third magician for the salvation of mankind and the reproduction of miracles, and they have struggled for thousands of years.The final conclusion is that even if human hands can make things that surpass human beings, they cannot make things that can redeem human beings.

'Is there anything that cannot redeem humanity...'

I'm afraid it's just limited by my own talents and methods, right?Only those who have really worked hard will deeply understand how important talent is.Four Seasons doesn't mean to ridicule, this kind of struggle for the continuation of one's own race can be called a hero in itself.It's just a pity.


Perhaps it was because Shiji's scrutinizing eyes were too direct and naked, Alice Feier couldn't help hiding behind Saber.

Then, the four seasons reaped the two-finger Zen from Tamamo, and Qing Ji's low laughter.

"Since there is no intention of going to war, let's say goodbye!"

Saber just wants to stay away from these three people as soon as possible.If she was alone, she would be fearless, but with Irisviel behind her, she really didn't have confidence.

"Please..." Siji stretched out his right hand to indicate please.

Watching the four of Saber leave, Siji clapped his hands: "Let's go too!"

By the way, both Yuzaoqian and Qingji wore illusion and magic dresses in disguise, which covered their parts that were different from ordinary people. Otherwise, a fox-eared girl and a dragon girl would have caused a sensation long ago. Here again Not Akihabara.

The people from Qiangami's family are already waiting at the airport.

Sitting in the car, Yuzao asked strangely: "Master, that silver-haired woman is what you call the Little Holy Grail, right? Why don't you just capture her and hold her in your own hands?"

Before, she was ready to fight, and only waited for an order from the four seasons.

"The Little Holy Grail will only be effective when more than half of the Servants are defeated and dead. It is meaningless to get it now." Siji turned to look at Yuzao: "What's more, how will I arrange her after I catch her?"

"Just tie it up and put it in the room after being unconscious!" Yuzao looked at the four seasons with an inexplicable light in his eyes: "Do you still want to feed her well?"

Girl, your thoughts are dangerous...

"Look at the way he was so fascinated that his eyes were fixed, Xiaoyu, I'm just telling you that this flamboyant guy is unreliable..." Qing Ji beside him added lightly.


Siji didn't bother to pay attention to Qing Ji, anyway, he had confidence in Yuzao.

Sure enough, Tamazamae ignored Kiyohime's words, frowned and said, "Master, you said that we walked into Fuyuki City so directly and without pretense, so wouldn't the relationship between the three of us be exposed?"

The usual Tamamo-mae is definitely a virtuous wife fox who considers the Master wholeheartedly.

No matter how you look at it, one more Servant will definitely bring a huge advantage, plus the four seasons as a magician, the supply of magic power will definitely be no problem, and two Servants who can release treasures without limit will definitely change the situation of the Holy Grail War.

"It's just the difference between the exposure now and the exposure at night?" Siji smiled and shook his head: "Leaving aside the other things, a Tyrannosaurus rex has been mixed into the territory of a group of lions. You said they will fight each other to fight for the territory, or What about working together to kill the Tyrannosaurus rex that came in?"

The four seasons are attached to Yuzao, Qing Ji is attached to Yuzao, and the three of them are almost together.Unless the four seasons have been hiding in the magic workshop and not participating in the war, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of other Masters.What's more, there is Tohsaka Tokiomi who is aware of his existence, and Shiki is very curious about what kind of big news he can make.

"Of course it's a joint effort☆!" Tamamo nodded in understanding.

The car entered Fuyuki City and headed towards Shiji's house in Fuyuki City along the Mien River.Soon after, the four seasons in the car raised his head abruptly and looked in the direction of Xindu.

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