It is impossible to refuse, two ceremonies pulled their cheeks, even if their brains were smashed, Minato would not refuse.

Seeing that Mu Xiaoxiao agreed, the two ceremonies also breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, they can feel at ease, right?

Mu Xiaoxiao opened the system interface, and handed over the recruitment to Baruda and the others. As her assistants, Baruda, Bailey and Balaro, who were integrated with the main god system, plus Azathoth , They can also recruit reincarnations, but these days the recruitment work is all done by Xiao Xiao himself.

He seemed quite novel and liked this function, so Azathoth and the others didn't bother to intervene.

But after so many days, the function of recruiting reincarnation feels a little tired. At least the degree of enthusiasm has dropped a lot, and Mu Xiaoxiao has returned to that kind of salty fish state, doing nothing in this daily world. .

But the two ceremonies are still quite happy, being able to live in a two-person world with Xiaoxiao... Well, although strictly speaking it is not a two-person world, but a three-person world, it doesn't matter.

I am very happy to be with Xiaoxiao in this kind of leisurely holiday life.

Hei Zhen must be envious to death, right?The two rituals were thinking in my heart.

Joan didn't dislike this kind of life, this peaceful time...

Nagase Minato was successfully recruited by Mu Xiaoxiao to the main god's space. Although there is still no change on the surface, in this world, he goes to and from school every day, and if he has to go on a mission occasionally, he will disappear for a while, which has little impact on his daily life.

As for Mu Xiaoxiao, after playing in this world for a few days, she left with Joan of Arc and the two rituals.

He still has a lot of things to do.

"Hmm... Rias seems to be fine at the moment, and the same goes for Yuna. Ballaro, if you find the hunter from last time, you must notify me."

"No problem, little one."

With their attention, Mu Xiaoxiao can rest assured.

"Are you going back to our world? Or go to another place?"

Walking in the empty public area, Joan asked while looking around.

"Next, I have to go to a few more worlds to meet my old acquaintances, Joan of Arc and Shi. Do you want to stay here, or go back to your own world, or come with me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao asked while looking at the interface of the main god system to peek at what those reincarnations were doing.

"Of course it's with you, Xiaoxiao," said the two without any hesitation.

"Me too," Joan of Arc smiled, "It's too messy here, there's no need to go back, Xiao Xiao, you brought me here, you have to be responsible to the end."


Hmm, according to what you mean, Joan, doesn't it mean that every reincarnated person in the main god space should be responsible for me?The corner of Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched.

"Well then, you all follow me and go back to that world for a while," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, stretched out her hand and nodded her chin, "Speaking of which, I haven't been there for a while, I don't know Guiwalun How are they?"

Is it a girl again?

This thought flashed across the minds of the two ceremonies.

Well, in comparison, Joan of Arc is much better, I just thought it should be a friend I knew a little bit.

"What world is it?"

"Uh, I don't know much about it. I was only in that school back then. It seems to be called Love Land Symbiosis Academy?"

Love Land Symbiosis Academy?Why does it sound familiar?

The two ceremonies thought about it carefully, and they didn't remember where this academy was, but they just felt familiar for a while.

"A lot of things happened there back then," Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing, "That's where the first high-level reincarnator was killed... Speaking of which, although the college is mixed school, but the status of the boys is a bit subtle...the school is completely controlled by the girls, that one is called Five Swords of the World."

Mu Xiaoxiao started talking non-stop.

Love Land Symbiosis Academy is controlled by the Five Swords of the World. I also had some disputes with the Five Swords of the World. It is really interesting to think about it now, but it has been so long, but what happened there.

Speaking of it, the world is different, it may be the same as Yuna's world, several years have passed in one go!

"Don't worry, Mu Xiaoxiao," Baruda appeared beside him, "In that world, only about two months have passed."

"Two months? That's totally acceptable..."

While speaking, the three of them, Mu Xiaoxiao, were wrapped in white light and disappeared in place, transported to this world.

Love Land Symbiosis the deep mountains behind.

The three of Mu Xiaoxiao appeared here.

"Wow, it's really a long-lost school..."

Looking at the outline of the school not far ahead, Mu Xiaoxiao sighed.

"Is this world also an ordinary world?"

Two Rites, who had never been here before, asked.

"I don't know too well, but it doesn't seem to be the case? The martial arts and swordsmanship here are still very powerful," Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, "The strength of the Five Swords of the World is not weak... This time I came back for a while. On the one hand, we can look at them, on the other hand, we can also recruit them as reincarnations."

With the strength of the five swords in the world, it is no problem to become a reincarnation.

If they are willing to come, it will be another strong support.

"Five swords in the world..."

The two ceremonies murmured, "I'm a little interested in being praised so much by you, Xiaoxiao. By the way, let's help you investigate them. After all, you can't just enter the main god space."

Hey, that's not what you said in Nagase Minato before!

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