"...how is it? Are you not injured?"

No. 02 came over and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitching.

"Thank you, thanks to you, otherwise I would be really in danger..."

Every time she was saved by a girl at a critical moment, Mu Xiaoxiao was also quite embarrassed.

"You're welcome, I was just called over by someone," 02 said happily, with the corners of his mouth raised, "and that person's attention was attracted by you just now, so I had the chance to do it, otherwise he I think it is almost impossible to get close to that strange perception ability."

No wonder, that guy didn't find this girl in the end.

No, the battle between myself and the reincarnation was seen, so there will be no misunderstanding, right?Mu Xiaoxiao's heart tightened, that's why he led the reincarnated person here, but he was discovered anyway?

But having said that, if she hadn't found out, she might have been planted here, and she was also her benefactor?

Mu Xiaoxiao fell into a tangle.

Chapter 069: Nanny job?

"02! Are you all right?" Just when Mu Xiaoxiao was in embarrassment, the blue-haired girl suddenly appeared.

Was she the one who informed the girl?Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, guessed it, and then thought about it thoughtfully. Moreover, he didn't expect this girl with pink hair to be so good at physical skills. It seems that she is not an ordinary girl.

"The enemy has been dealt with?" Berry moved closer to Mu Xiaoxiao with a nervous expression on her face, "You... are you okay? You have suffered such a serious injury..."

Mu Xiaoxiao's body was still paralyzed, she couldn't move, and she looked miserable.

"Thank you...I'm fine...I'll recover soon..." After being rescued by two girls, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that there was no way to keep her face cold, and her tone softened.

"It doesn't look like it's okay..." Berry walked over, "Don't move, I'll help you bandage."

Mu Xiaoxiao discovered that the other party was still carrying a medicine box, and she was also drunk.

Looking at the gentle expression on the face of the girl beside her, Mu Xiaoxiao was in a daze for a while, "That... thank you, my name is Mu Xiaoxiao..."

"Although I've already introduced it once, well... let's make it an exception. I'm 02, and this is Berry."

"I will introduce myself!" The blue-haired girl glared at the 02 pink-haired girl, "My name is Berry, Xiaoxiao, please give me more advice in the future."


"Your injury is relatively serious. In order to recover as soon as possible, you can sleep in my room. Anyway, I rest alone."

"No! You will definitely do something dangerous to Xiaoxiao..."

"It's too much, they are all companions and still don't trust me."

"It's two different things, and in this respect, you can't believe it!"

Watching the scene where the two girls bickered, Mu Xiaoxiao's hair was black, why do you feel like you are familiar with me?

In the end, Berry still couldn't hold back 02, and agreed to let Mu Xiaoxiao rest in room 02 tonight.

Mu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to refuse, but when she returned to the dormitory in this state, there would definitely be no bones left to be eaten by those reincarnated people, so she had no choice but to agree...

Wait, suddenly remembered, I seem to be able to use this super fusion?

Compared with these two strange girls, his own card is more important.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that she just killed the reincarnated person, so she can use this super fusion. The ability of the reincarnated person looks pretty good, and has the value of fusion. Mu Xiaoxiao took out the After picking up the super fusion card, he found that the card was indeed shining slightly.

Sure enough, several ability options appeared on the card.

But now let's see what abilities can be integrated?

"This is……"

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at it, the electric shocker is the ability to discharge, right?Although it was only B-level, it was the best, but Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly hesitated again.

All the abilities and talents of this reincarnator will drop in his treasure chest. Is it necessary for me to waste this super fusion for an ability that I can get?

"Well, originally this treasure chest was intended to be reserved for Xing or Violet, and there was no conflict, so it was decided..."

[Electric Shocker (B)]: Can use the power of thunder and lightning, but needs to consume mental energy.

The energy needed by reincarnators to use abilities is transformed through spiritual energy. For example, Jiang Haiyan’s ninjutsu and chakra also need to be transformed through spiritual energy, and spiritual energy is a kind of thing related to spiritual power. The higher the attribute, the more spiritual energy.

It's a pity that the current Mu Xiaoxiao has the weakest spirit attribute...

However, this electric shocker is still very good, and can be used to survive the early stage. Who makes most of his props and skills useless in combat effectiveness?

After resting overnight in 02's room, Mu Xiaoxiao's injuries basically recovered.

Nothing interesting happened at night. Mu Xiaoxiao and the two girls got acquainted with each other and became friends. There is no way.

I just lament that there are no games or animations in this place, otherwise, if you brush a small amount of favorability, wouldn't it be rising slowly?

Xiaoxiao likes these things the most, they know it very well.

"Don't be discouraged, there are still opportunities!" Waking up early in the morning, Mu Xiaoxiao's figure had disappeared into the room, and she seemed to have left. 02 patted Berry on the shoulder and licked his lips, "Yesterday After the events of the night, it's a perfect step, isn't it?"

"That's right...let's continue to work hard today!"

The next day, the missing Lu Ming did not attract too much attention from the reincarnated people. After all, the reincarnated people were not watching each other all the time. Everyone thought that Lu Ming might be hiding somewhere, maybe preparing to hide behind his back. Yin man, anyway, these reincarnators didn't suspect Mu Xiaoxiao, and they didn't know that Mu Xiaoxiao had already got the reincarnation treasure box of that person.

Instead, they are more cautious.

"There's no one..." Mu Xiaoxiao was standing in the warehouse where equipment parts were stored, wearing the work uniform of 13 cities, carrying two buckets of water, as well as mops and rags, this is their reincarnation The job that one needs to do in this world.

Support staff?It's actually a cleaner.

"This kind of job is actually quite good." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled indifferently, the surrounding seemed a little dark and he was alone, but he was very comfortable, "There is no need to stay with those dangerous reincarnations. ,It could not be better."

Pick up the mop and start mopping the floor. I am the only one who cleans the warehouse in Nuoda. I guess it will take a while. If possible, I will find a way to lure the reincarnation out tonight...

Now there are only three reincarnations left, and after killing the reincarnation with lightning ability, Mu Xiaoxiao's strength has improved a lot, and she has become more confident in herself.

Although the Electric Shocker is only a B-level ability, it is just right for me now, no matter how advanced the ability is, it is useless...

To lure out those reincarnations and deal with them, they are enemies anyway, so don't think that the other party will be merciful, Mu Xiaoxiao decided to take the initiative.

"Hmph, hum..." Mu Xiaoxiao, who was alone, hummed a little tune in her mouth, and then heard a voice coming from her ear.

"He looks very relaxed here..."

Mu Xiaoxiao paused suddenly, turned her head, and found that Berry had walked over at some time.

"It is you……"

"Call me Berry," Berry looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, they got along well last night, why do they feel different now?

It's not about birth, it's just that Mu Xiaoxiao is a little embarrassed...

"Okay, Raspberry... what are you doing here? I'm cleaning out the warehouse..."

"You don't have to do this, just follow me."

Mu Xiaoxiao was taken aback when her hand was held by the girl with short blue hair.

"Huh? This is my job..."

"It just so happens that I also have a job here that needs your help. Help us clean and organize the dormitory rooms." Berry still held Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, "Let's go."

"Wait... wait! The cleaning of the dormitory seems to be assigned to another person, right?"

If Mu Xiaoxiao remembers correctly, it is another reincarnation who is responsible for cleaning the dormitory...

"I've already let him go," Berry said lightly, "You are more suitable for that job."

Why do you believe me inexplicably?Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

"And...you know what happened last night, I don't quite trust that person..."

That's right, that person is also a reincarnator. After last night's incident, I will somewhat distrust him, but believe me?Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, "Okay, I'll go with you..."

It worked!Berry raised the corner of her mouth, so that she would have the opportunity to have more contact with Xiaoxiao!

Well, if you want to have a good relationship with Xiaoxiao before 02, you must beat her once!

Although the two are already partners, they will still compete in some things, especially about Mu Xiaoxiao.

When the two came to the dormitory, they didn't see the reincarnators who were assigned here before. It seemed that they were really driven away. Berry didn't take Mu Xiaoxiao to meet those senders, but took him to her own Room.

Let Xiaoxiao clean my room first, besides...

"Let's start from this room..." Berry suddenly smiled strangely, and then took out a lot of clothes, "And these clothes, can you wash them off for me?"


So, I really became a babysitter? !Mu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide.

"If you think it's too troublesome, I can go with you..." A cunning flashed in Berry's eyes.

"No need," what kind of joke are you asking her to help?This will cause a commotion, right?These people are very important couriers, Mu Xiaoxiao repeatedly shook her head, "It's okay, I can do it by myself..."

"Isn't it troublesome to have so many clothes?"

"No trouble."

"And the cleaning of the entire dormitory building..."

"no problem!"


Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao walking out clumsily with those clothes in her arms, Berry looked a little helpless, after thinking about it, she followed.

Mu Xiaoxiao has never washed clothes by hand. She always uses the washing machine at home. Even if it breaks, she takes it out and washes it. He has no problem sweeping and mopping the floor, but washing clothes...he really has never done it.

Berry followed him all the way into the forest, looked at the clumsy Mu Xiaoxiao by the river, sighed, and walked over without hesitation, "I'll help you!"

If I change to 02, I will definitely take the initiative, and I have to take the initiative, Berry thought.

But she didn't realize that Goro was also following behind her, quietly following her...

Chapter 070: Jealousy


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