It’s okay to know those strange people, special superpowers, and huge robots. The girl feels that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant. Suddenly, monsters, robots, and superpowers all ran out. The bearing capacity is not bad, I guess...

"Are there no clues about your memory?" The girl suddenly asked, "Those people know you, right? Didn't they tell you your previous identity?"

"Well, I said something, but I don't understand, I heard that it seems to be a reincarnation?" Mu Xiaoxiao pressed her temple, "Do you know what a reincarnation is?

"……do not know."

Reincarnation?What it is?Liuhua really didn't understand.

"Ah, sure enough..."

"The lunch break is almost over, let's go back."

The two of them back in the class naturally couldn't avoid being teased, but to be honest, Liuhua is almost getting used to being told that she has a relationship with Xiaoxiao every day. She would refute it before, but now, Liuhua doesn't even bother explain.

When school was over in the afternoon, Baoduo Liuhua left with her friends. As for Mu Xiaoxiao, she just stayed in the classroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao was going to wait here for a while, to see if Qishi and the others would come over.

"Xiao Xiao, aren't you going back?"

Hibiki Yuta came over, "Utsumi and I are going to visit Liuhua classmate's shop, shall we come together?"

"No, you guys go first, I have to wait," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head and refused, smiling, "I have to wait here for someone."

wait for someone?Who are you waiting for?Could it be Xintiao's classmate?

Nei Haijiang looked at him sadly, "Student Mu, since you and Baoduo Liuhua are in a relationship, don't pester Xintiao any more. It's a scumbag's behavior to be in two boats."


Is the child ill?Mu Xiaoxiao stared at him dumbfounded, then curled her lips, and said something strange.

"It's okay, Akane knows about my relationship with Liuhua."

Mu Xiaoxiao wrote a novel, revealing a bright smile.

"What?! How is it possible for Xintiao...and you actually called her by her name?!"

The inner sea is about to explode, but Mu Xiaoxiao smiled with a dark belly, and looked at him faintly, making Xiangyu beside him dripping with cold sweat, Xiaoxiao, a little black-bellied.

"Nei Hai, let's go," he hastily dragged Nei Hai away.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Mu Xiaoxiao almost laughed out loud, then stood up, "Well, let's take a stroll around the school for now..."

At this moment, Akane Shinjo, who had already returned home, started her plan.

"It's your turn." Akane Shintiao looked at the monster model in her hand and smiled, "Go and make a big fuss, and then get rid of all the annoying guys, and let them completely disappear in this world!"


A roaring sound rose from the ground, and a huge figure reappeared in the city, in front of everyone.

"That is……"

Chapter 504: Monster, Mu Xiaoxiao!

"Boom boom boom!?"

Looking at the towering monster, Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was numb.

"Isn't it? That monster appeared again?!"

How many days have passed?The second monster ran out, do you want to be so dedicated?Ready to make a small fuss in three days, or make a big fuss in five days?

In other words, this movement does not look like a small fight.

"Boom boom boom boom!?"

Looking at the raging monster, Mu Xiaoxiao's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Looking around, many students were also startled by the monster that appeared there, and they raised their heads to look over.

"Hey! What's that?!"


"Where did that thing come from?"

"so big!"

Seeing that most of the students were just joining in the fun, Mu Xiaoxiao was also drunk. Are you guys still watching the fun without any sense of crisis?In case that guy came here and was accidentally killed by it... These guys aren't so dull, are they?

Wait a minute, that it really coming this way? !

Mu Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank, and the huge monster in the distance turned around and walked towards the school. The students who watched the excitement were not calm this time, and fled outside with a scream.

"Bang bang bang bang!?"

The sound of the ground trembling made my ears uncomfortable, and Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, "That guy, his goal is probably me, right?"

Seeing the monster approaching step by step, Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed her fist. He misunderstood, thinking that the target of the monster was himself.

But it's not surprising, looking at the figure of the monster, there is really a feeling that the target is himself.

"Get out of here quickly..."


At this time, the phone rang, and Mu Xiaoxiao took it out to look, and found that it was from Rong Qishi.


"Xiao Xiao, a monster has appeared," Cheng Qishi's voice sounded from there, "Where are you?"

"Um, I'm at school..."

"School? Isn't that where the monster is going?" Qi Shi was not calm anymore, "Its target is you?!"

Well, her first reaction was that the target of a monster was Mu Xiaoxiao.

"It should be, I don't know too well... How about you? Hasn't that robot come yet?"

"Berry and the others have already gone to get the strelitzia," Rong Qishi's voice sank, "you hurry up and get out of there, we'll be there soon."

"……it is good!"

boom--! ?

Several laser shells spit out from the mouth, causing a series of terrifying explosions, and a large area was turned into a sea of ​​flames and ruins. The collapsed building was not far away, and Mu Xiaoxiao could clearly see that many people died tragically there. During the explosion, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Seeing the scene of the dead, my hands and feet felt cold.



"The monster appeared again?!"

Second-hand store, Liuhua and three people stood at the door, looking at the raging monster in the distance, and said blankly, "Why did it appear so soon? This..."

"If this continues, this city will become more and more dangerous," General Neihai murmured, "Was that robot that day? Didn't it show up?"

"not yet……"

"Yuta! There is a crisis, now is the time for us to dispatch!"

Gullit in the computer called him.

Seeing the reckless monster over there, Hibiki Yuta turned pale, "But even if you say that, Gullit..."

Hibiki Yuta was still a little scared and timid.

"Wait," seeing the direction the monster was moving, Liuhua covered her mouth, "That monster seems to be going to school!"


Indeed, the huge monster was moving towards the school while destroying everything around it, and Hibiki Yuta also remembered, "Not good! Xiaoxiao is still in school."


Baoduo Liuhua turned his head abruptly, his eyes widened, "He's still in school?! What's going on? Why is he still in school as a member of the homecoming department?"

Doesn't he just leave every time after school?

Liuhua was shocked.

"I don't know, he seems to be waiting for someone or something."


Liuhua suddenly trembled, could it be because of what he said at noon?Said that his confidante might go to him, and then...

So, isn't it his own fault that caused Xiaoxiao to face this kind of danger?

Baoduo Liuhua's face darkened, and he ran outside immediately.

"Wait, Liuhua-san! Where are you going?"

"Go find him!"

"No, it's too dangerous over there!" General Neihai held her back, "That monster is too dangerous, even if you go there, it's useless, can you save him?"


The expression on Baoduo Liuhua's face was a bit painful. He was right, but it was also because of this that the girl felt powerless for a while. Could Xiaoxiao die in school?

"Don't worry, he's not an ordinary person, is he?" General Neihai said, "I think he should be fine."

"Yeah, doesn't he know someone very powerful? It will be fine," Hibiki Yuta said, and paused slightly, "And I will help, Gullit, let's get together!"

"Just waiting for your words, Yuta!"

Hibiki Yuta finally made up his mind and joined forces with Gullit to deal with monsters.

At this time, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was in school, knew that Cheng Qishi and the others would rush over, but in the face of this danger, he was still going to run first, let alone confrontation, he would bear the slap of the monster himself No, life-saving is the most important thing, Mu Xiaoxiao muttered, and suddenly saw a few people still in the classroom.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Seeing those girls didn't seem to notice, Mu Xiaoxiao was also drunk, and didn't notice the monster coming?Get carried away with playing?Did you not feel such a big earthquake?


"Get out of here quickly, it's dangerous!"

As soon as Mu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, there was another violent tremor, and several girls fell directly to the ground.

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