The big-nosed boss' eyes lit up when he saw the gold coin, he quickly embraced him, and led Mu Xiaoxiao upstairs with a smile on his face.

Although this hotel is not very luxurious, it is still quite clean. After walking around the room, Mu Xiaoxiao went out.

It's afternoon now, Mu Xiaoxiao is going to have something to eat outside, and by the way, ask about which Snow White is, because he wants to get close to her...

"Christmas, there is no difference between Christmas here and my world." Walking on the road, looking at the Christmas trees and Santa Claus dolls on the street, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Since it is a fairy tale world, it should be Is there Santa Claus? I don’t know if I can meet him.”

Before you know it, it's night.

The castle in this fairy tale kingdom is as full of fantasy as in fairy tales. It will be Christmas soon, and everyone’s face is filled with happy smiles, just like a real fairy tale. This is indeed a fairy tale world. , but... not as beautiful as in real fairy tales.

This kingdom and this castle reveal their beautiful side during the day, but only at night can they discover that this place is not as perfect as imagined...

In fairy tales, there is also darkness and filth.

As the heavy snow fell, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, some shops were closed, and a part of the city fell into darkness. On the street, there were some scattered beggars lying on the side of the road where the heavy snow was blowing.

And among these down-and-out rogues, there is a petite figure that is particularly eye-catching. It is a little girl with blond hair. Her beautiful blond hair is curled up on her shoulders. She is very beautiful, but she is wearing old and messy clothes. , the pair of worn-out slippers under her feet formed a contrast with her little feet.

Such an eye-catching little girl did not attract the attention of those passers-by. They seemed to be used to the existence of these homeless people, and walked past them without changing their expressions.

However, the little girl did not sit on the ground like those homeless people. Instead, she dragged her pair of big slippers and walked in the snow. She didn't even have a basket in her hand, but only stuffed matchboxes in the pockets of her old clothes. , bulging, with a few boxes of matches in his hand, walking slowly on the side of the street, shouting.

"Selling matches ~ selling matches ~"

"Sir, sir, do you need matches?"

"Sister, do you need matches?"

The little girl's delicate and beautiful face was hidden under the dust. She was selling matches, but it had been a long time, and the pedestrians on the street did not know how much they had changed, and no one bought her matches.

The little girl stood alone on the street like this, without a single response, looking very desolate.


Her stomach was already growling, but the little girl seemed to have gotten used to being hungry, so she continued to sell her matches. The cold wind made her body shiver. Until there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, the little girl did not sell a single match. Boxes of matches until she saw a teenager...

"Sell matches, sell matches, brother, do you need matches?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the little girl trembling in the cold wind, and saw the little girl standing alone on the street in thin and shabby clothes. He didn't need matches, but after seeing the expectation in the little girl's eyes, his heart moved , in her surprised sight, nodded.

"Thank you brother!"

The little girl's dirty little face showed a happy smile. Mu Xiaoxiao took two boxes of matches casually. She wanted to hand over a gold coin, but when she saw the beggars around, she sighed and decided not to. Passed up two copper plates.

Every man is innocent of his guilt.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, nodded to her, and left.

But the little girl didn't care so much, looking at the copper plate in her hand, she felt endless power gushing out of her heart for a moment, and continued to sell her matches in the dark night.

Mu Xiaoxiao was walking on the road, looking at the completely different scene at night and day, she shook her head helplessly, "It seems that even in a fairy tale world with a bright appearance, there will be such a scene..."

Darkness will exist no matter where it is, and there is always a feeling of disillusionment in fairy tales.

Of course, fairy tales are not necessarily beautiful, so I can only comfort myself in this way.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed and returned to the hotel.

On the other side, until late at night, the little match girl also returned to her home.

No, it's not so much a home as it is a deserted room, completely desolate.

Except that the roof above is still there, the surrounding walls are all tattered. The cold wind blows in through the gaps, making the little girl tremble. There is no difference between this house and the street, and it is completely unable to resist the severe cold. , and she is the only one at home, it seems that the little girl's family members are gone.

But even so, the little girl was not pessimistic, instead she smiled and took out two pancakes from her bosom.

It was bought with those two copper plates.

After eating half a piece of pancake, the little girl shrank in the corner and slowly fell asleep.

A few days later, Christmas Eve came quietly...

It has been snowing for the past few days, and a thick layer of snow has piled up on the street. Snowmen are piled up on the street and in front of shops. Christmas trees are also put out, and the flashing neon lights add to the There was a hint of joy, but in such a happy place, a little girl appeared.

Still the little girl selling matches.

"Selling matches, selling matches~"

"Uncle, do you want to buy matches?"

"Auntie, why don't you buy a box of matches?"

In the past two days, the little girl has not sold a box of matches, and the two pancakes have been eaten. Seeing that Christmas Eve and Christmas have come, the little girl's situation is getting more and more dangerous.

Pedestrians on the street were carrying a gift box in their hands, which was a gift for sale in the store. They had no intention of buying matches. The little girl walked and yelled, and accidentally walked to a window. The Christmas tree and the candies in the hands of the two children, looking at their happy scene, thought of the deceased grandma and sick mother.

The little girl's eyes were red, and she couldn't help sobbing.

After crying for a while, the little girl wiped her eyes and continued to walk forward, "Sell matches, uncle and aunt, let's buy some matches..."

The snowflakes fell on the girl's blond hair, which looked very beautiful, but no one noticed her until a carriage came galloping by.


The little girl was so frightened that she fell down on the side of the road, and the big slippers on her feet flew out without a trace.

"Shoes...that's mother's shoes..."

The little girl hurriedly got up, but she couldn't find the big slippers anymore. Walking barefoot on the snow, she could only move forward with difficulty. By the end of the night, her little feet were already red and swollen.

"very hungry……"

The little girl shivering in the corner, listening to the bursts of laughter from the window, and the smell of roast goose, made the little girl cry again, the matches were still not sold, and she was still hungry , I was so cold, my feet were sore and ice-cold, and I didn't even have the strength to walk.

I don't know if it was the arrangement of fate, but the little girl saw the big brother whom she met last time. Only he bought his own matches, which impressed the little girl deeply.

"Big brother……"

The moment the little girl stood up, her body softened and she fell heavily.

At the last moment of unconsciousness, a gentle hand hugged himself.

Chapter 153: The fastest main mission in history

"This girl..."

Looking at the unconscious little girl in her arms, Mu Xiaoxiao had a troubled expression on her face, "The one I met before? What now..."

Seeing her red and swollen little feet, dirty clothes and matches scattered on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao sighed helplessly, "Forget it, just help me."

He really couldn't bear to leave this little girl here, or she would definitely freeze to death tonight, and it looked too pitiful... Sighing, Mu Xiaoxiao carried her back to the hotel.

This little girl looks about ten years old, but the clothes on her body are too torn, she doesn't even have a pair of shoes, and her face is pale. It seems that she hasn't eaten for a long time, and her body is extremely cold. Now Already in a coma, it looked like he was in danger.

After Mu Xiaoxiao returned to the hotel with the little girl in her arms, she quickly fetched a basin of hot water.

He didn't know how to take care of people, he just wiped her face and swollen feet with hot water, then hugged her into the bed, and after feeding some hot water, he took a long breath.

"It should be fine..." Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and then fed another bottle of healing potion. Feeling the little girl's body warm up, she was completely relieved.

the next day……

The long-lost warmth enveloped the whole body, and the paleness on the unconscious little girl's face slowly faded, revealing a faint halo. This warm feeling... I haven't experienced it for a long time, little girl Slowly opened his eyes, feeling the warmth, for a moment he thought he was dreaming.

"I... am I in heaven..."

For the little girl, it seems like she is in heaven now, because only heaven can be so comfortable and warm.

The little girl thought she died and came to heaven.

"Heaven is much more beautiful than here," a faint voice came from the side. The little girl raised her head and saw a boy sitting beside her, who was the big brother she met before.

"Big brother..." The little girl was slightly taken aback, "Did you save me, brother?"

"About... How is your body? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" Mu Xiaoxiao probed her forehead. Fortunately, she didn't have a fever. As for the identity of the little girl, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't bother to inquire about her attire. With her attire and her pitiful appearance last night, you can guess her situation, and there is no need to ask.

"It's not uncomfortable, it's so comfortable..." The little girl said, and suddenly she looked startled, "Matches, my matches..."

She found that all her matches were missing.

Still miss your matches at this time?Mu Xiaoxiao was also speechless.

"No matches, I...I..."

"Do you make a living by selling matches?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her and asked softly.


Actually not, because selling matches can't survive, yesterday was an example, if it wasn't for Mu Xiaoxiao, the little girl would have been frozen to death.

Looking at the little girl, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say. After a long while, she turned around and walked out, then came back with a bowl of porridge.

"You haven't eaten for a long time, right? There's some porridge here..." The porridge in Mu Xiaoxiao's hand smelled like rice, and there were a few pieces of chicken on it. The smell made the little girl's stomach growl a few times, feeling She was going to be even hungrier, but she was a little embarrassed.

"I... can I eat?"

"Eat," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed faintly, this little girl is really distressing, well, she was fed by Kalian and the others before, and now it's her turn, but Mu Xiaoxiao is not insane The special feeding play method is just an ordinary feeding.

After taking a mouthful of porridge, the little girl couldn't help showing a look of happiness on her face, but in the next second, tears oozed from her beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey? Why are you crying?" Mu Xiaoxiao was confused, talking in a panic, didn't she do anything?

"No, it's just... a little happy..."

Is it so happy just to have a full stomach?Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her with a complicated expression.

After eating a bowl of porridge, the little girl's face completely recovered its rosiness, and it seemed that her spirit had also recovered a lot.

"I... I'm leaving..." The little girl also knew that she was embarrassed to disturb others all the time, and she was satisfied with eating for herself, and she wanted to leave.

"Leave? Where can you go? Do you have a home?"

"I do not have……"

"where is your family?"

"Grandma passed away... Mom also died of illness..."

Looking at the little girl with a sad face, Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, "How about stay...stay with me for a while, how about it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao decided to adopt her temporarily and find a chance to settle the little girl in the future.

"I... can I?" The little girl stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with wide eyes.

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