Fang Jing thought of this naturally, but he couldn't know the truth of the facts.


"I'm not in a very good mood. Maybe I will break one of your hands, or it may be a broken mandible, or I will break a few of your bones. Anyway, you don't have much time. Before I lose my patience, you It's best to be honest..."

When Numakawa heard this slight voice, he could only guess that it was a child, no, it should be a woman.

The opponent suddenly took advantage of the carelessness of himself and the other two companions, and attacked from behind in an instant.

This guy's weapon is two light swinging sticks made of polyester material. "He" should have learned martial arts such as the Philippine short stick. To deal with frequent fights, the three with actual combat experience can easily win.

And it easily defeated two of them, and dragged Numakawa to a separate alley.


Next, Numakawa only felt a burning pain on his face.

His teeth were also broken, and he spit out a mouthful of bloody sputum, and the bloody broken teeth also fell on the dirty ground.


Numakawa was kicked in the chest again, and he collapsed into the garbage bag with a slumped body.

A foot stepped on his ribs, constantly releasing the pressure and stimulating his painful bones.

"Don't do it, don't fight anymore, please!"

Numakawa couldn't hold on anymore, he begged for mercy,

"This kind of medicine... only you sell it privately. "Shen [-] Reading Book""

Zhu Ma Yao shook a small medicine bottle with blue pills in it.

"There is no source of supply nearby, and there is no big influence involved. You sell these medicines exclusively to nearby high school students. I just want to know... what is it?"

"It's nothing dangerous, just ordinary amphetamines, ketamines, and some synthetic drugs..."

"That's right, the problem is that you still mixed some other things in it."

Yao Ma investigated for a long time and finally caught some clues.

"It's none of our business. The source of the goods is also sent by someone. To put it bluntly, we just sell the things. As for who they are, we don't know. The goods are the same. What use do we have for those pills? I don't know..."

"You're joking... Maybe you don't even know what it is."

Playing Ma Yao naturally does not believe his nonsense.

"We really don't know. The quantity of that kind of goods is not large, and they sell out quite quickly. Besides, we have an agreement with the delivery person that we can't deliver goods without authorization..."

Numakawa lay on his side on the ground, covering the wounded place, with an obviously disturbed expression.

"So the delivery person? Who is the person who contacted you?"

"You said the delivery man...let me think about it."

Numakawa fell into deep thought, his eyes became more and more blank, and his sight became out of focus.

"Wait a minute, I think, I can't remember, it should be a man, no, it's a woman... No, no, that person is the oldest..."

For some reason, Numakawa's expression became more and more weird, his whole face began to distort, and snot and tears poured out.

He suddenly opened his mouth wide and let out a frantic laugh, the whole person seemed to lose his mind.


Zhu Ma Yao was obviously taken aback, she took a step back, Numakawa went crazy for some reason, he knelt on the ground, laughed wildly, and kept hitting the ground with his head until he bled.


For most people, there are no shortcuts on the road to boxing practice. If you want to reach the pinnacle of boxing skills, the only way out is to study hard and practice hard.

"But obviously I'll be an exception."

After staying in the boxing gym for about a month, Fang Jing naturally learned all the two methods of rigidity and softness in Shaolin boxing, including the five types of boxing of rigidity, Renwang, Sanhe, Bailian, Diwang, Heli ; the five boxing techniques of Dragon King, Longhua, Wuhua, King Kong, and Arhat in the soft method.

Akasaka and his senior brother Xuanzo, who had already left, taught each other intermittently. His ten martial arts have all been completed, and the status column of the ten martial arts, that is, the sub-item "Sakaki's Shaolin boxing method" has also changed to Primary.

More importantly, his strength, speed, and physical fitness have also risen to a higher level.

Strength attribute: 4.3;

Physical attributes: 5.4;

Speed ​​attribute: 4.1;

When he looked in the mirror naked in the bathroom, he could feel that the muscles of his whole body were like cast iron, showing unparalleled endurance and explosive power.As his body became more and more perfect, he could also understand that his body was improving rapidly.

"I have an intuition that once the measurement attribute breaks through the value of 5, it will break through an invisible bottleneck. And now I only have one physical fitness that breaks through the value of 5..."

Fang Jing guessed that the limit value of normal human beings, that is, the limit of strength, physical fitness, and speed should be 10. That is to say, no matter how ordinary people exercise, their bodies also have a limit.

In the words of scientists: the human body's athletic potential is like a steed, and there is always a rein to hold it while running infinitely. This is the physiological structure of our body.

If everyone can be strengthened countlessly through exercise, then everyone in this world has the opportunity to become a Super Saiyan.

According to his own attribute growth scale, the human body limit he deduced is around 10.

However, this is an estimated value. At present, Fang Jing has never seen such a powerful human being.

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