In this series of operations of Fang Jing, each step was calculated extremely skillfully.He also saw through the fiction and reality of Mystic Obscurity and Illusion, and fully played the cards in his hand.The current strength of Mingshen Luhuanzhai is not too weak, and the clan's supernatural power can be used for its own use, and it can also release the "black awn field" to seal various extraordinary powers.On the other hand, he has usurped the authority of the Dawn Pavilion. He is able to deeply understand the true structure of the Dawn Pavilion and control the distorted time and space of the Dawn Pavilion at will.As soon as he made a move this time, a sword light slashed at him. It was suspected that two kinds of clan supernatural powers were gathered to evolve countless sword-like silk threads that roamed in the air.Just seeing this scene, Fang Jing came to the conclusion that Mingshenlong Huanzhai already has a level close to his own.

This also made his eyes radiate with murderous intent, making him determined to kill Mingshen Huanhuan.

Speaking of the past, Misunderstanding and Illusion only posed a slight threat to him, and he also knew in his heart that if this guy continued to strengthen according to the current trend, the degree of threat to himself would also increase.

(After absorbing several low-level clan powers in a row, it becomes so difficult... This is the sound of Fang Jing exhaling and breathing. Following this deep breathing action, there is a sudden fine sizzle sound on his body It diffused, it was the blood in the veins of his body, and it made a burning sound. His whole body moved up and down, his muscles and bones pushed, and there was a loud crackling sound.

It was as if hundreds of prehistoric beasts had awakened from the depths of his flesh and blood.

The violent violent killing intent turned into a turbulent airflow that seemed to be real.

His spirit became ethereal, and he slowly communicated with the martial self in the depths of his mind by concentrating his mind and thoughts. When he was in a daze and silence, he vaguely felt a pair of red gold eyes deep in his consciousness. His eyes slowly opened.


An invisible force passed down from the void, passed down from afar, poured into his flesh and blood.

It made the strength of his whole body condensed like never before, and even his skin was slightly black and golden.

This black-gold luster is like the martial body condensed in his consciousness. At the same time, the "martial body" transformed from his own consciousness also emerged in the depths of his consciousness.

The martial body condensed from the consciousness of the self is completely different from the evil body and the angry body.Those two phantom self-consciousnesses are both fierce and evil, as if they came from the evil gods and demon kings in hell. 0456 1

Only this martial body gives people a kind of solemnity and profoundness, like a statue of a god and Buddha in a temple.This is a statue condensed in the depths of Fang Jing's consciousness, and his posture is like a legendary Valkyrie.In martial arts, there is also a saying of "God's Fist and God's Fighting". When practicing boxing, drink amulet water and invite the upper body of your body to make you invulnerable.But in essence, it is still self-hypnosis to stimulate one's own potential.And when it comes to Fang Jing! He regards his martial body mind as a god, and the martial body mind also blesses him with an invisible force.The triple switch mode is also activated at the same time.The three precise holes in his body release the life essence, which flows into the body like a mighty river.According to the normal mode, after the triple ghost gate is activated, Fang Jing's body will swell and become a gray-skinned giant.However, this time, his body didn't change significantly. This is also because the martial arts mind buffed his body, forming an inexplicable force that forced the muscles and bones of his whole body to forcibly contract, as if a section- Like a knotted spring, he forcibly accumulated the strength of his body in his body, so that he kept his size, and the explosive energy all over his body was compressed to the limit.Fang Jing's skin also seemed to be coated with a layer of dark gold, without any flesh and the body shrinks.The explosive power was accumulated and compressed again and again, and he could also feel the changes from inside his body. It seemed that all his endurance and savings had been exhausted. He heard a bang, and his whole body The person jumped out from the sky, and in just one step, he rushed in front of Mingshen Wuhuanzhai.Just in this split second, the brief acceleration brought him back to Pofeng, and in his eyes, the whole world was gradually slowing down.

Fang Jing once again experienced the feeling that the air was as thick as a layer of mercury, and every time he took a step, he would break through the air barrier.

"This is the field of extreme speed! I didn't expect to use the 'Warrior Body' blessing and the 3-fold Lidian synchronously, and the speed will reach this level!"

His current physical speed is close to five or six times the speed of sound.And this speed is far less than the "God of Speed" mode in the quadruple burst mode, because Fang Jing estimated that the speed of his physical activities at that time should have reached the level of fifteen times the speed of sound

Usually, even if he opens the triple ghost gate, he can increase the speed to three or four times the speed of sound at most.But today, in the short time he was blessed by the martial arts mind, he made progress again, and he just raised his speed to another level.Mingshenwuhuanli's expression was horrified, and he knew that he still couldn't catch up with this extreme speed.

In the eyes of Fang Jing, who exploded at five or six times the speed of sound, his movements were as slow as snails.

The black awn collar may open suddenly, which also makes the "untimely fruit" mutation disappear.After being thrown out by the square mirror, the "untimely fruit" hangs in the air, not moving at all.Mingshen Huanzhai's movements also stopped at the same place, he was holding the knife, and "Fruit of Untimely" was less than half a meter away from him.

In the time and space where everything in this material world is advancing slowly, only the speed of the square mirror is not affected.

He snatched in front of Mingshen Yuhuanzhai in one step, crushed his right wrist holding the "Moon Demon Pill", and at the same time held down Mingshenyu Huanzhai's head, pulling his body out of a hundred meters away with all his strength. , smashing into the rocky mountain piled up with rocks.Next, he rushed back to his original position one step at a time, reached out and grabbed the "Moon Demon Pill" with a severed hand on the handle

It was also because of his extremely fast speed that he was able to complete this step as if by magic.

This 'untimely fruit' is weird and inexplicable, and I don't know what its origin is, the black magic whisker of this moon magic pill may not be closed yet, let me chop it up and see what happens!"

"Moon Demon Pill" can restrain the extraordinary power of cutting mess, and "Untimely Fruit" seems to be restrained by it.Fang Jing's thoughts turned in his heart, and he held Mingshen Huanzhai's severed hand in his hand, raised the knife fiercely! - swung, and slashed the "untimely fruit" head-on.

Chapter 509 Breaking the Seal

This is a great time.Changing to Fang Jing, he himself has no ability to suppress this "untimely fruit", he has no way to control the "black awn field", as long as he tries to capture the "untimely fruit", he will be contained by the "timely fruit" in turn He has already figured it out in his mind, using normal means, don't expect to be able to bring out the "untimely fruit". The only way is to use dangerous tactics to see if there is any way to get rid of it. Even if the strangeness of sealing the "Fruit of Untimely Time" cannot be sealed, he must find a way to weaken it. For this reason, the moment he appeared in Myojin Obscure Huanzhai, he set his mind on the "Moon Demon Pill" held by Myojin "On this weird demon knife. You must know that this demon knife unfolds" and once Mingshen chooses to do so, it is Fang Jing's biggest opportunity.His hair was all raised, and his muscles were horribly bulged, forming armor-like outlines, and his skin had a dark golden color.The thick hands learn to hold the sword, like a steel warrior made of gold. The whole body is dark gold, and he swung down.

In the silent sound that the fleshy voice cannot hear.

The moment the "Black Glow Field" was activated, the jet-black blade made a slashing arc wantonly.There was a sudden change, and a huge concussion impact was sent fiercely. Fang Jing was "bounced" out of the extreme speed field abruptly.I don't know the reason, but after the strange sound of "cracking clang", the "untimely fruit" that shattered a crack actually caused circles of transparent shock waves, and it was also thanks to this abnormal power that he The ghost gate mode in the game is invisible.

The time flow of reducing love has also returned to normal.

The whole world in slow motion also began to work again.While running violently at several times the speed of sound, a long gully was torn out on the surface of the ground. Dust was scattered all over the sky; Fang Jing's last move against the air turned into a white shock wave, as if there was a delay in the camera lens , which is also the result of being too fast.On the other side, Fang Jing, who was holding a knife in his hand, stepped back a few steps.

Followed by "Fruit of Untimely Fruit" made Jin Zhan's trembling sound, "Fruit of Untimely Fruit" was cut open by a knife, and split in two in mid-air.

click click

On the body of the black tungsten steel Yuemawan sword, several ice-like cracks gradually appeared.At this time, there was a creepy sound, and the glass crystal shattered.From the empty space, a strange voice came from the ethereal.It was a vague laughter, with a gloomy, terrifying, and cold atmosphere, which was transmitted in mid-air, and the source and location of this sound could not be judged at all, as if it had been spinning around people's ears. many years. I'm free at last!!"

Suddenly, the sky was gloomy and gloomy, and it suddenly darkened.

The inside of the shattered "Out of Time Fruit". Countless streams of black air erupted outward, and a stream of thick black air gushed out like a fountain, and a strong emotion filled the two airs , that's a vile, stale, uncompromising idea

The owner of the voice roared angrily, venting his dissatisfaction like a beast.

"You guys really can trap me forever!"

"Finally, finally let me out, hehehe, I'm free, I'm free."

"I was trapped by you in that deathly stillness, blackness, and ice-coldness. Every minute, every second, is like an eternity. I have been trapped for so many years, but in the end, you still failed!"

The sky is filled with black air currents of rolling people. These ominous atmospheres are like- wriggling dark clouds. Each group of black air streams is extremely dense and viscous. Between the flows is a golden liquid like mercury. As dignified as a cloud, there is a vortex in the center of the cloud, and a huge eyeball emerges from it.This big eyeball casts its gaze on Fang Jing's body sideways. It is a terrifying gaze. Anyone who is stared at by this huge eyeball will have a feeling of being naked in the wilderness and being stared at by wolves.

Kano Goro! Hey! I never thought that this mysterious outsider would be sealed in the "Untimely Fruit".Fang Jing's mind was also spinning rapidly. Through high-speed thinking and calculation, he also figured out many details.

No wonder the "untimely fruit" was so tightly guarded by the three major eclipses, and the core of the seal was the slightest bit of this untimely fruit.

"Hey hey hey, you set me free," Kano Egoro, who was regarded as an evil god and monster-like existence from another world, softened his voice, and a thought was directly conveyed to Kagami's mind regardless of the distance.

"In order to help you, I will make you immortal, never sad, and happy to be one with me forever!" Several thick black strands of air flow rolled from the dark clouds, and suddenly rushed out, like an evil dragon with teeth and claws He swooped over.Fang Jing has also heard that "Kano Egoro" acts weirdly, and it all depends on his own preferences. Now it seems that he has been in the four-pillar cave for a long time, and his brain has problems, and his consciousness is getting more and more crazy.He retreated backward like lightning, in order to avoid the sweeping black air currents.

The black air flow released by Kano Egoro is full of mana power, just by waving it, it spreads the field fluctuations of burning mana into the air, like hundreds of long dragons, rushing to kill in front of you.The silver sword light flashed, and a round of rippling sword brilliance like broken moonlight was released from the blade.Fudozhi Shenmiao flow esoteric secret flash Bakui kill.Countless streams of vacuum sword energy pierced through the air, tearing apart the airflow, and colliding with countless black cable airflows.


Instantly swung hundreds of swords.

The sword masters of the past dynasties can't learn it even if they use the Fudozhi Shenmiao Flow. Only those who have trained their speed to the limit can use the secret technique to cut into pieces the countless black cables that are submerged in vision.

At the same time, the "Moon Demon Pill" in his hand also completely broke.The blade disintegrated into countless fragments.Fang Jing also realized that the magic power of the Yaodao Yuemowan was also fading.At the same time, he noticed with sharp eyes that Kangoro Kanno released several clouds of black air, trying to take away the untimely fruit that was broken into two on the ground.

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