Chapter 23 Tanaka

  Probably nothing happened to Gaoyue, so the head she saw just now should be just a hallucination.

Then, what kind of power caused him to have such a realistic hallucination?

...a ghost?

This idea popped up from the depths of my bewildered mind.

In fact, deep down in my heart, I am afraid I have always wanted to dispel such thoughts.

Talking about supernatural power, for a standard modern person like him, under normal circumstances, he would not think about it in that direction at all, but at this point today, he can't insist on his own thoughts.

Indeed, I can no longer think about problems in the way I used to.

For myself, I cannot unilaterally deny that there are supernatural phenomena in this world.

Now, this question has to be taken into consideration practically.

"No matter what else, let's find Satsuki now."

Fang Jing took out his mobile phone at the same time, and he decided to call his mother Suzi first.

However, when he took out his mobile phone, he found that it was not in the service area.

"There is no mobile phone installed at home, this will be troublesome! Maybe I have to borrow it from my neighbor..."

Fang Jing was also annoyed when his sister disappeared and the phone couldn't be reached.

(What should I do... If it is a horror movie, the biggest problem should be in this building and my own house. In other words, my best choice is to leave the building...)

Of course, this is just using the "knowledge" gained from horror movies. The best way at this time is to leave the building and ask for help.

It's just... Can the "knowledge" of horror movies come in handy in real supernatural events?

In this regard, he had deep doubts in his heart.

What if you encounter sudden danger when you leave the apartment building, or encounter strange hallucinations?

Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and he decided to choose the most appropriate method.

"Go to the neighbor's house for help first. I remember the two housewives said that the problem should be room 405, and the other rooms should be fine..."

He calmed down his horror, picked up the bamboo knife that fell on the ground, and resolutely decided to go out.

Tanaka's house is room 406, very close to his concierge.

Fang Jing almost didn't think much, and knocked on the door of Tanaka's house.

"Strange...the door is open."

Fang Jing was a little surprised, because the door of Tanaka's house opened as soon as it was pushed.

There was no light in the room, but the square mirror took out the phone screen for lighting.

"Is there anyone please?"

He tried to shout twice, but the room was quiet, as if there was no breath of living people.

There seemed to be an ominous chill in the air.

Fang Jing's gaze also became sharper, and he realized that things had become difficult.

"There seems to be something wrong with the Tanaka family, should we quit now—"

Perhaps, this is a wise idea, but Fang Jing did not put it into action, because he glanced slightly in the room and saw something.

"The black Buddha statue of Kinugawa."

Yes, there is a black Buddha statue on the beige coffee table on the tatami.

Fang Jing was naturally able to recognize what this thing was, it was the masterpiece of the well-known engraver Kinugawa.

For some reason, these strange wood carvings unexpectedly appeared in Ichinose's apartment, and no one knew the reason.

(Perhaps, the deceased landlord, Uncle Yuasa, knew a lot about this, but unfortunately, he is already dead...)

Uncle Yuasa is dead after all, and it is impossible for a dead person to speak, so this clue cannot be traced...

"It's rare to find another black Buddha statue. Anyway, you have to get it first."

He rushed forward a few steps and grabbed the black Buddha statue in his hands. At the same time, he also secretly activated the absorption ability of "Yin Fragments".

Only this time, he unexpectedly got nothing.


Fang Jing's face became ugly, he held the black Buddha statue in his hand and weighed it, his brows were tightly knitted together.

He has a feeling that the black Buddha statue seems to have lost a certain "quality", which is an indescribable feeling, as if there is something substantial inside that has been stripped from the black Buddha statue.

While he was weighing the black Buddha statue back and forth in his hand, he also noticed a detail.

"What is the crack behind the black Buddha statue?"

It was different from the black Buddha statue he had handled before. There was a crack on the back of the black Buddha statue in his hand. For some reason, Fang Jing had a thought in his heart, that is, there was a hole in the back of the silkworm cocoon, as if something broke the cocoon from it. But out of general.

"No yin energy? Why is it like this? Are all the black Buddha statues in Kinugawa different?"

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