"No, no, it's because he is the person in charge of the bank, and it was his wife who was taken as a hostage and finally released safely. Then it is more suspicious. Officer Sato, you have not forgotten that you must use someone you know to commit the crime. "

Yes, when a case occurs, the acquaintances of the victim must be checked first.


There is a connection between people, but not everyone can be connected, except for those who are particularly unlucky, then it is an acquaintance who commits the crime.

People who have been in contact with you a lot will want to attack you.

This is a human limitation.

It's not like Gabriel, who can directly destroy people all over the world with just a horn.This kind of natural disaster is really nothing to say.

As for this case, Yu actually wondered how smart the gangster was.

If it is him.

The hostage that will be specially set up by gangsters to threaten is his breath.

This works great.

Because the person in charge is only the person in charge of a district, the money in the bank does not belong to him, but if the money in the bank is lost, he may be found, but if the victim is his wife, then the people above can't deal with him .Because it is too impersonal.The job was secured, and the money was successfully taken away.

Finally, contact my wife again, and go to the police station to make a record and identify the criminals casually, and then the case can be closed.

How wonderful!

So, what is this Masuo-san like?

It must be a scumbag.

"Three times."

Yuu heard the sound of Haibara Ai's counting, and the elementary school students were very perceptive.

"This person has looked at his watch three times since he came here," Conan added.

So this Masuo-san's behavior is very blatant.

It's a piece of shit.

I only heard Mr. Masuo shouting suddenly, "You bastard, why don't you come to the police station quickly..." Then he accidentally pressed the button of the loudspeaker.

"Ah..." A scream came from the loudspeaker.Appears to have been injured while on the phone.

"Mrs. Masuo!" Officer Sato hurried over.

And Mr. Masuo also called his wife's name.


On the other hand, Yu propped his chin with one hand, listening to Police Officer Sato and Mr. Masuo calling his wife's name loudly, he sat in front of the computer and called up Mr. Masuo's address.Then silently dialed the phone number.

120 first aid.

"I'm Police Officer Sato from the First Search Division. Please send someone to the address XXX immediately for first aid. The victim's life may be in danger. Even if you break the door, you have to break in."

Chapter 0158 The love story of the general police!middle! (one more)

Yuu's actions were actually a bit excessive.

If the victim was not killed at home, and then he asked the doctors to break the door, it would be embarrassing if they got it wrong.

So he reported the name of Officer Sato.

But it shouldn't embarrass Officer Sato.

He was 80% sure that the victim was at home and that there were no other criminals in the house.Instead, he was killed by the agency.

And the culprit is Mr. Masuo.

He doubted him.

It's not just the various violations that were revealed because Mr. Masuo came to the office.

Instead, when he was sitting in the office yesterday, he looked through a large number of case files, and then came to a conclusion.

Everyone's IQ is not at the same level.

There may be cases of murder and kidnapping due to ordinary quarrels or excessive reasons. There are all kinds of motives, but both the criminal methods used by the criminals and the methods exposed by the police with the help of detectives are all surprising.

Because the IQ of these guys is too high.

Whether the prisoner figured out the criminal method himself, or the murdered person could quickly use various codes to convey the murderer's name or message at the last moment of being killed, and the off-site detective can deduce it and the prisoner is still alive. Can plead guilty.

It's too much!

It's too much!

It's too much!


Prisoners are all high IQ criminals, and detectives are all high IQ reasoning.


Under such circumstances, the police became very passive and often needed the help of well-known detectives. From the mouth of Sato's police officer, he also learned that there were such 7-year-old girls and children and the sleeping children. Detectives like Goro helped solve the case.

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