Chapter 39 The Ghost Mother of the Golden Toad, Liu Meiniang (please subscribe!)

It seemed quite easy for Mu Han to tamper with Elder Shi's memory, and he didn't feel the slightest effort.

His level of soul refining master has already stepped into the seventh level of great soul master.

Elder Shi suddenly felt a flash of light in his mind, any hatred he had towards Mu Han dissipated, and his expression became extremely respectful.

It turned out that Mu Han tampered with Elder Shi's memory and changed it to Elder Shi. He felt that Mu Han was quite terrifying, and that he was the elder of Shushan, who would definitely escort Princess Ling'er back to Nanzhao Kingdom.

And he still has a major task to hurry back to Nanzhao Kingdom, this major task is to assist the Witch King and eradicate the Moon Worship Sect.

Therefore, after Elder Shi suddenly felt a flash of light in his mind, he showed a respectful expression.

"Your Highness, the old minister is really stupid. Mr. Mu is extremely powerful. He is young and promising, with world-class martial arts. He will definitely protect the princess and return to Nanzhao Kingdom. However, the old minister is stubborn and can't help but feel ashamed."

"Now, the old minister has something important to do, so he asked Mr. Mu to escort the princess back to Nanzhao Kingdom, and the old minister will leave."

As soon as Elder Shi finished speaking, he hurriedly fled away from the ghost altar.

His abnormal expression made all the women look suspicious.

It stands to reason that when Elder Shi saw more than a dozen Nanzhao warriors being killed, he should have jumped in anger, but he didn't mention these Nanzhao warriors, instead he hurried down the mountain as if fleeing from a wilderness.

This made Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and other female generals look at Mu Han suspiciously, and they were absolutely sure that this incident might have something to do with Mu Han.

Seeing that all the girls turned to look at him, Mu Han smiled slightly, revealing a doting smile.

In fact, when tampering with Elder Shi's memory, Mu Han also asked Elder Shi to monitor every move of the Witch King.

Although the Witch King is Zhao Linger's father, this kind of waste is still a waste of food.

He asked Elder Shi to assist the Witch King to eradicate the Moon Worship Sect, and also wanted to use the hands of the Moon Worship Sect to kill the Witch King.

This is not because Mu Han is vicious, but the law of the jungle and the victor is king.

The feeling of standing at the top of the food chain is the same as stepping on countless corpses to reach a high position.

The mountain wind suddenly picked up, blowing his spotless white clothes.

Mu Han stood proudly, standing on the ghost altar, looking at the Yangzhou city immersed in the bustling lights, he knew that the girls were not sleepy either.

He turned to look at Zhao Ling'er, Lin Yueru, Han Mengci and Caiyi's daughters, causing them to also look up at him.

"Let's go, tonight we will go down the mountain from the Ghost Yin Altar, and after passing the Hama Mountain, we will be Yangzhou City."

Hama Mountain is a gate of Yangzhou City. According to legend, there is a toad spirit on Hama Mountain, which made him want to meet the toad spirit.

But Lin Yueru, Zhao Ling'er and other women didn't know about Hama Mountain, they were so tormented by Elder Shi and others, and they didn't feel sleepy at all.

Mu Han and the girls followed the dim light of the stars and the moon, and went down the mountain from another exit of the Ghost Yin Altar.

"Ding, kill a warrior from Nanzhao Kingdom, system points +3000!"

"Ding, kill a warrior from Nanzhao Kingdom, system points +3000!"

"Ding, kill a warrior from Nanzhao Kingdom, system points +3000!"

"Ding, kill the warriors of the Nanzhao Kingdom..."

More than a dozen Nanzhao warriors were killed, and De Muhan earned nearly [-] to [-] system points.

After descending from the Ghost Yin Altar, Mu Han and the girls passed through a dense forest. With his cultivation in the third level of the Loose Immortal Realm, he vaguely heard the sound of frogs croaking not far away.


In the twilight of the stars and the moon, in the Toad Cave on Hama Mountain, there was a woman sitting cross-legged.

She was wearing a light yellow robe with long hair draped over her shoulders. If you just look at her back, she is definitely a beauty.

However, half of her cheeks covered by loose long hair were almost disfigured.

She looked angrily at the smoky toad hole, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"From now on, I, Liu Meiniang, will swear to the death to kill all the men who have no heart in the world."

It turned out that she was Liu Meiniang, the cave master of the Toad Cave on Hama Mountain, and a master of the demon tribe who was rampant in Yangzhou City for a while.

The ghost mother of the Golden Toad, Liu Meiniang!

Liu Meiniang was not from the demon tribe before, she became a half demon because she disfigured herself because of practicing the golden toad cheats.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and felt a masculine breath passing by Hama Mountain.

Ever since she lived in seclusion in the Toad Cave of Hama Mountain, Liu Meiniang made an oath to kill any man who entered Hama Mountain.

Therefore, she is very sensitive to the smell of men.


Like a ghost, Liu Meiniang flew out of the Toad Cave on Hamo Mountain. She stood on the top of Hato Mountain, condescending, and wanted to find the man who passed by Hato Mountain.

At this time, Mu Han, Zhao Ling'er and other women had already entered Hama Mountain, and he also felt a monster aura pervading Hama Mountain. ·····················································

Name: Liu Mei Niang

Race: Demon

Cultivation level: Loose Immortal Level [-]

Identity: Cave Master of Toad Cave on Hama Mountain, Mother of Golden Toad Ghost.

Mu Han's gaze was like a torch, and he quickly found the golden toad ghost mother Liu Meiniang, and stood on the top of Hama Mountain, staring at himself and the group with stern and deep eyes.

"Brother Mu, I'm so tired. Why don't we ask that sister if we're almost in Yangzhou City."

"That sister is amazing. The mountain wind is so strong, but she stands so high, and she is not afraid of falling from the top of the mountain."

Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and Han Mengci all noticed a woman with loose long hair standing on the top of Hama Mountain. .......... .. ...

Because she was too far away, her appearance was blurred, so she couldn't see her face clearly, but the girls concluded that she was beautiful.

However, Caiyi, who is a monster race, can naturally feel the monster aura in this woman, she hurriedly stopped the girls and said: "Her breath is very strange, it is not a human race, maybe it is a monster."

Caiyi's words made Zhao Ling'er, Lin Yueru and other women dare not move, and all looked up at the woman in surprise.

She turned out to be a demon?

This was indeed beyond the expectations of the women.

And Liu Meiniang, the ghost mother of the Golden Toad, will also pay attention to Mu Han with her indifferent eyes,

Mu Han is as handsome as a fairy, and his three-dimensional facial features with sharp edges and corners made Liu Meiniang feel angry.

She didn't expect Mu Han to be so handsome, and he led Lin Yueru, Zhao Linger and several other girls.

And these young girls are all extremely handsome and beautiful, which makes Liu Meiniang very jealous.

Generally speaking, the more jealous a woman is, the scarier she is.

I saw Liu Meiniang, the golden toad ghost mother, staring at Mu Han, she would never let go of a handsome man.


Seeing Liu Meiniang descending from the sky, she was full of evil aura, but Mu Han smiled coldly, not paying attention to her.

He also knew why Liu Meiniang felt angry when she saw him, any woman who was deceived by a man and went to extremes would do such a thing.

However, Liu Meiniang seems to have done this a little abnormally.


Liu Meiniang, who fell in front of Mu Han and the others, although her long hair was loose, could not cover her disfigured cheeks.what."

Chapter 40 The Liberation of the Infatuated Demon Girl (Please Subscribe!)

Liu Meiniang looked at Mu Han indifferently.

She regards men all over the world as heartless, and naturally includes Mu Han among them.

Especially Mu Han was surrounded by Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru, Han Mengci and Caiyi's daughters, which made her feel that Mu Han was a playboy.

Her hair was blown by the mountain wind, revealing half of her disfigured face, which made all the girls look at her in surprise.

Who would have thought that this seemingly beautiful woman would be so ugly?Besides, she is still a monster, so Zhao Linger and other women dare not approach her.

And Mu Han felt the hostility emanating from Liu Meiniang, so he used the Five Spirits Array to cover the girls, so as not to let Liu Meiniang go mad and hurt the girls.

He also looked at Liu Meiniang with a sneer, knowing that this woman was probably looking for trouble for him.

However, Mu Han wasn't afraid of Liu Meiniang. With his cultivation at the third level of the Sanxian, would he be "six six three" afraid of Liu Meiniang at the second level of the Sanxian?

"Hmph, you heartless man, you actually hooked up with so many innocent girls, my old lady is going to take your life today."

Liu Meiniang glared at Mu Han angrily, she felt that Zhao Ling'er and other women followed Mu Han because they were deceived by his rhetoric.

When she finished saying these words, she exuded a terrifying evil spirit all over her body, causing the entire Hama Mountain to be shrouded in layers of thunder and lightning.

And on the top of Hama Mountain, a cloud of fiery red mist, like overwhelming mountains and seas, formed a hideous and terrifying face.

"Brother Mu is not a heartless person, you are not allowed to speak of him."

Zhao Ling'er didn't know where the courage came from, she raised her head and looked at Liu Meiniang, although her voice was immature, it was quite tense, making Liu Meiniang look at her in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Mu is definitely not a heartless person."

"Why do you say Mr. Mu?"

Han Mengci, Lin Yueru and Caiyi also supported Zhao Ling'er and defended Mu Han, all of them angrily scolded Liu Meiniang, which surprised the latter.

Could it be that this white-clothed man knows the art of bewitching?Bewitched all these girls?

"Hmph, what do you know? My old lady eats more salt than you eat rice. You have all been deceived by this white-clothed boy's rhetoric."

Facing the accusations from Zhao Linger and other women, Liu Meiniang seemed very uneasy. She directly refuted what the women said, thinking that they were still young, and maybe they were deceived by Mu Han.

But Mu Han smiled coldly, he strode in front of the girls, causing Liu Meiniang to back several steps involuntarily.

It's not that Liu Meiniang retreated on purpose, but because she was forced by Mu Han's aura, she had to retreat.

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