"Uncle, the disciple is not working hard."

Thinking that his uncle still cared about him so much when he met him for the first time in so many years, Jiu Jianxian was very moved.

"Hey, it's a pity that Nangong Huang is not here. Have you found him in the past few years?"

In order not to make Sword Immortal Jiu suspicious, Mu Han mentioned Nangong Huang again, playing the emotional card.

"No, it's like he's disappeared. There's no news of him. I've been looking for him for so many years."

Thinking of the scenes of playing with Nan Gonghuang, Wen Hui, and Wang Pengxu when he was young, it was as vivid as yesterday, and Jiu Jianxian felt emotionally sad again.

"Well, they don't want you like this either."

"Yes, the disciple knows. I don't know where the uncle is going?"

After Jiu Jianxian mourned, he also woke up more than half of the wine. Seeing that Mu Han seemed to be interested in leaving, he asked tentatively. ··················································

"Go to the sea and go to Fairy Island later."

"Fairy Island? Uncle, disciple, let's go with you. Just now, the woman who was with Uncle seems to be a demon."

Although Jiu Jianxian didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of his uncle, he still told Mu Han that Caiyi was a demon.

"She is a demon, do you think you are human?"

"Uh, am I not human?"

"In the eyes of demons, you are indeed not a human being, but a different kind. You are a demon. Do you understand? Don't look at things with your own eyes."

"Ah, the disciple understands. Hearing what the uncle said, the disciple has benefited a lot, and the disciple has benefited a lot."

Jiu Jianxian seems to be much more cheerful, and also understands something, this life is a human, and the next life will be a demon. ......... ... ...

In the eyes of humans, demons are demons, and in the eyes of demons, humans are also demons.

Don't see things with your own eyes.

These words were like thunder, shaking Jiu Jianxian as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Uncle, then this woman is!"

Seeing that Caiyi bought a lot of dry food, wine and vegetables and came from a distance, Jiu Jianxian couldn't help turning to look at Mu Han.

"Your teacher and aunt."

"Uh, got it."

Seeing Mu Han's serious expression, Jiu Jianxian nodded hastily, walked quickly to Caiyi's side, and said with a smile: "Master aunt, master nephew will bring you some food."

Without any explanation, he took the food and wine from Caiyi's hands and quickly sent them to the boat not far away.

It's not that Jiu Jianxian is afraid of Mu Han, but that after Mu Han tampered with Jiu Jianxian's memory, Jiu Jianxian was overjoyed to find his uncle, so he was extraordinarily attentive.


Suddenly, a stranger called her teacher's aunt. Before Caiyi could recover, she turned to look at Mu Han, but saw him smile slightly and shook his fingers. Caiyi understood, so she stopped asking, but her heart Know something.

"Are you done?"

Seeing Jiu Jianxian put the wine and vegetables on the boat and beckon to him, Mu Han let him come over.

"I'm done with my work, uncle."

"What are you doing here when you're done with your work? Do you go and do your thing?"

"My nephew is fine. I am going to Xianling Island. The journey is far away. My nephew will protect my uncle."

Jiu Jianxian knew what his uncle was thinking, he rolled his eyes and ran to the boat without looking back.Of."

Chapter 10 Fairy Island, Master of Lingyue Palace (please subscribe!)

The fairy island hangs alone overseas, and there are five spirit barriers dozens of nautical miles outside the island.

Although Mu Han and the others passed by ferry from Yuhang Town, they couldn't enter Xianling Island.

Immediately, Mu Han asked Caiyi to turn into a butterfly, and she and Jiu Jianxian took the sword to the outside of the fairy island.

The power of the wind, thunder, earth, water, fire and five spirits formed the protective barrier of the fairy island. The power of the five spirits was integrated with the aura of heaven and earth, making the barrier of the five spirits on the fairy island repeat and never run dry.

Mu Han came to Xianling Island this time not to seek revenge and cause trouble, but for Zhao Linger.

Since the Moon Worshiper sent the Moon Worshipers to Yuhang Town, he would know that Zhao Ling'er was on Xianling Island.

This seemingly peaceful fairy island may have already fallen into the control of the moon worship leader. If he wanted to catch Zhao Ling'er, it would be tantamount to grabbing something.

And Mu Han wanted to find Zhao Ling'er before worshiping the moon leader, and take her out of Xianling Island.

"Five thirty seven"

"Shushan disciples come to pay respects to Palace Master Lingyue!"

Jiu Jianxian knew that Mu Han was the elder of Shu Mountain, and his seniority was far higher than that of the Lord of Lingyue Palace. Immediately, he used Shu Mountain's internal strength to clearly transmit every word he wrote to Xianling Island.

On the fairy island, there was no movement at first, and then there was a clear and pleasant voice.

"Palace Master Lingyue is currently retreating, and I invite Senior Shushan to meet again at another time."

When the voice fell, the fairy island returned to silence. The wine sword fairy was used to the wild clouds and the wild cranes, so he didn't pay much attention to etiquette. If it wasn't for Mu Han, he would break the barrier of five spirits.

And his every move did not escape Mu Han's eyes, Mu Han immediately grabbed Jiu Jianxian who was about to run away, and this time he must not forcefully enter the fairy island.

"This time Shu Shan came to Xianling Island for nothing else but for Zhao Linger."

Mu Han's voice was clear and bright, every word, every word was like thunder, shaking everyone on Fairy Island.

In almost every corner of Xianling Island, Mu Han's clear voice could be heard.

"Who is calling me?"

In a lotus pond on Xianling Island, a white cheek like creamy fat and two jade arms like lotus root appeared in the originally calm water.

Her long hair sprinkled in the pool water, like a blooming flower, and as she slowly revealed her legs covered by the bathrobe, the hair was like a waterfall, gently scattered behind her.

It was as if she had stepped out of a painting, with a slightly youthful and prosperous face, one would be amazed at the first sight.

She entered the cave and looked for her clothes.

In a gossip cave on Xianling Island, suddenly the cave door opened wide, with a face as cold as ice, and her eyebrows tightly locked. She was wearing a snow-white dress, with a gleam of brilliance on the soles of her feet, supporting her soft body , slowly fell into the Lingyue Palace on Xianling Island.

"Meet the Palace Master."

The disciples of Lingyue Palace on Xianling Island are all female disciples, and there have never been any male disciples.

As soon as the Palace Master Lingyue sat down, he said to these female disciples: "Open the five-spirit barrier, please invite guests from Mount Shu."

She is the kind of woman who does not give way to a man, and her cultivation is also unpredictable.

She also heard that the visitor from Mount Shu was for Zhao Linger, so she was curious to ask what happened.

Since the Jiang family was killed by the Moon Worshipers the year before last, this Zhao Ling'er has been raised by the Lingyue Palace Master.

And Palace Master Lingyue is a good friend of Empress Wu Lin Qing'er, if a friend is in trouble, she should help her out.

While she sent someone to open the five spirit barrier, she also sent someone to invite Zhao Ling'er.


The five-spirit enchantment on Xianling Island is a defense system formed just now by the master of Lingyue Palace after decades of hard work, and it is also the barrier of Xianling Island.

Under the instruction of the master of Lingyue Palace, several disciples of Lingyue Palace on Xianling Island hurriedly opened the five-spirit barrier, allowing Mu Han and Jiu Jianxian to enter Xianling Island.

Because Caiyi turned into a butterfly and fell asleep in Mu Han's arms, the disciples of Lingyue Palace did not find her.

Entering the fairy island from the five spirits barrier, it turns out that this fairy island is really a blessed place in fairyland, with towering peaks all around, and peach forests stretching across the entire fairy island.

Even the Lingyue Palace and other pavilions are hidden in the peach forest.

It was the time when the peach blossoms were in full bloom. The countless peach blossoms and the endless beauty made Mu Han feel like a fairyland on earth.

And Jiu Jianxian was shocked by the small bridges, flowing water, and houses on Xianling Island.

Compared with the aura-rich Mount Shu, Xianling Island is like a charming beauty.

Not long after, Mu Han and Jiu Jianxian were brought to Lingyue Palace by disciples of Lingyue Palace.

I saw that the Lingyue Palace was hidden in the cloud of immortal energy, under the light of that day, it was as real as it was an illusion.

Name: Palace Master Lingyue

Race: Terran

Cultivation level: Loose Immortal Level [-]

Identity: Master of Fairy Island.

This Palace Mistress of Lingyue is also a generation of sword immortals. She has a handsome appearance and a youthful appearance.

She wore a snow-like long dress, and she restrained her sharp gaze, but there was a look of doubt in her eyes.

She really didn't know why these two Shushan Sword Immortals came to Xianling Island, although she heard that one of them said it was for Zhao Ling'er, this made Palace Master Lingyue look suspiciously.

Among them, the man in white who was as handsome as a fairy and attracted her attention as soon as he walked into Lingyue Palace made the owner of Lingyue Palace couldn't help but take a second look.

His sharp and three-dimensional facial features give people a sharp and comfortable feeling.

He was like a banished immortal descending to earth, every move exuded an air of immortality, which made Palace Master Lingyue feel good.

But most women are like this, when they see a more handsome man, they will have a good impression.

If she encountered something ugly, such as the slovenly and unkempt man next to the handsome man, Palace Master Lingyue couldn't help frowning.

I used to hear people say that most of Shushan disciples are gentle and refined, they slay demons and slay demons, but this sloppy Taoist priest smelled of alcohol, which instantly made Palace Master Lingyue look disgusted.

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