
Looking at Yan Yi's cheek, which was swollen like a pig's head from Mu Han's beating, Xue Nu couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling softly.

This Mu Han seemed to be teasing Yan Yi.

"You! Who are you?"

Feeling Xue Nu's ridicule, Yan Yi felt her cheeks swell, wishing she could peel Mu Han alive.

This Mu Han dared to slap him in the face in the land of Yan Kingdom, which made Yan Yi very grudged, and he had to tear Mu Han to pieces.

"Oh? I think you should hate me very much. For a handsome guy like me, I hit you to save face. Do you know how I will torture you? "

Seeing Yan Yi gnashing his teeth, wanting to eat himself raw, but showing a helpless expression of fear, Mu Leng smiled coldly.

He raised his foot and kicked Xiao Yanyi, such a domineering and fierce kick, that Yan Yi slammed to the ground again amidst the screams.


Yan Yi opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, showing fear and maddened hatred, he was completely crippled by Mu Han!

From now on, I'm afraid I won't be able to have sex with men and women again!

The jaws of more than a dozen Yan soldiers fell to the ground in shock. This Mu Han not only slapped the general in the face, but also kicked the general's junior general in pieces.

Immediately, they all felt a chill in their crotch.

"Too harsh?"

Looking at the out-of-character Yan Yi who was tortured by Mu Han, the domineeringness of the past has long since disappeared, and a trace of unbearableness flashed across Xue Nu's eyes.

This Mu Han is so terrifying?He could definitely kill Yan Yi with one move, but he chose to use this cruel method to torture him. Suddenly, a strange color appeared in Xuenv's icy blue eyes.

This Yan Yi probably committed too many crimes, so he met such an evil star as Mu Han, right?

Mu Han raised his brows lightly, and looked coldly at the crippled Yan Yi, with a cold killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"You! Why are you torturing me so much?"

Yan Yi said weakly, he still didn't understand where he was, did he offend this evil star?

"Because Xue'er is my woman."

Mu Han proudly looked at Yan Yi, he slowly scanned the surroundings of the Concubine Snow Pavilion, his eyes finally stopped on the bewildered Xue Nu.

"What? Are you the man of the Snow Maiden?"

Yan Yi showed an unbelievable expression. He really wanted Xue Nu to stay with him for the night, but he didn't realize that Xue Nu's man was in Feixue Pavilion, and he was so domineering and terrifying. Didn't he just hit the gun? ?

Didn't he ask for it to be slapped in the face by Mu Han?

Mu Han's words were resounding and deafening, Xue Nu stood aside in a daze, a hint of shyness flashed in her icy blue eyes.

Although she was warmed by Mu Han's words, Xue Nu snorted and said, "Who is your woman?"

"Haha, Miss Snow Maiden, haven't you heard of love at first sight?"

Mu Han brazenly teased, making Xue Nu shy and unspeakably cute.


At this time, there was another disharmonious cold hum from the piano room, and at the same time, a cold murderous aura emerged, making Mu Han coldly smile.Gao Jianli, can't wait?

"Just because of Xue Nu, you want to fight against this old man?"

"Hehe, hit you? Hurt you? This is all light. If it's not for Yan Dan's sake, do you think you still have a chance to speak?"

Mu Han looked at Yan Yi with disdain, his indifferent expression made Yan Yi back away in fright.


"You! Do you know the prince?"

Yan Dan is the Crown Prince of the Yan Kingdom, seeing Mu Han calling his name directly, Yan Yi was even more startled.

After Yanchun Jun was killed, he covered the sky with only one hand in Yan Country, and never put Yan Dan in his eyes.

Now, seeing that Mu Han knew Yan Dan acquaintancely, Yan Yi was so scared that his spine shivered.

If he really wanted to kill himself, it would be in an instant, and he would have no power to fight back. 0 for flowers 0

However, as the general of the Yan State, how could he be so cowardly when he reached the pinnacle of power?Immediately, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Kill, kill me!"

Yan Yi couldn't bear it anymore, this Mu Han not only slapped him in the face, but also crippled him, how could he not be angry?

Today, he has changed from a high-ranking general to a useless person, and everyone will fall into madness.

More than a dozen soldiers of the Yan Kingdom looked at Mu Han who was bursting out with terrifying murderous intent, and they didn't dare to move.

They all saw that Mu Han brutally abused General Yan Yi, so they naturally knew that rushing forward would be nothing but cannon fodder.

"Hehe, a trash ant like you still wants to kill me? Do you know what a weak person fears the most when facing a strong person?" 0

Mu Leng smiled coldly. He raised his hand and slapped Yan Yi in the face again. Then, he strode forward and stepped on Yan Yi's body.

"When a weak person faces a strong person, what he fears the most is not death. Death is not terrible. The most terrifying thing is that life is worse than death. I will make you unable to live or die."

Mu Han sneered jokingly, and lifted his foot to break Yan Yi's chest and ribs. Yan Yi's shrill screams filled Feixue Pavilion.


More than a dozen Yan soldiers, Qi Qi was so frightened that they couldn't keep their wits about them. They hurriedly threw their weapons on the ground and knelt down in front of Mu Han, showing trembling expressions.

Mu Han, like a god, stared down at them, making them feel the fear of the weak.

"Yan Yi, I am Mu Han, the Mu Han who killed Lord Yanchun. I want you to remember this name forever when you are dying. Even if you die, I will be your shadow. Because you offended me This is the fate of offending my woman."

Mu Han said coldly, he raised his hand and waved the domineering lore of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, causing Yan Yi's tendons and veins to be broken, his bones shattered, and he fell limply on the ground, already venting his anger amidst the screams , less breath.

"Carry it away."

Mu Han waved his hands coldly, signaling the dozen or so Yan soldiers to carry away Yan Yi who was dying.

These dozen or so soldiers of the Yan Kingdom were all trembling and out of their minds. Mu Han would be a shadow they would never get out of.

"What will happen to the woman who offends me?"

At this time, a strange look flashed across Xue Nu's icy blue eyes. . "

Chapter 99 Gao Jianli, Duel (5/5)

Seeing that Yan Yi, who was better than dead, was carried out of Feixue Pavilion by these Yan soldiers, he turned to see Mu Han, who was showing a strange look on Xue Nu, and smiled slightly. His body moved and floated in front of Xue Nu.

Mu Han's tall and slender figure, evil and wild look, and distinctive temperament all made Xue Nu feel hot on her cheeks. She slowly raised her head, and a shyness flashed across her icy blue eyes.

"Mu Han, do you really believe in love at first sight?"

Xue Nu asked foolishly, Mu Han's fiery gaze made her feel warm in her heart.

Mu Han is like the light breaking through the haze.

"Xue'er, although you and I met for the first time, I, Mu Han, will naturally not lie to you. Now, when I come to Yan Country, I will first see you because I admire you, and secondly, I will see Yan Dan. Would you like to go with me?"

Mu Han stretched out his hand and gently scraped Xue Nu's "[-]" snow-white nose, which made Xue Nu look shy and lowered her head involuntarily.

That bunch of silver hair was as white as snow, exuding a girlish fragrance, Mu Han couldn't help himself, and stretched out his arms to hug the shy Xue Nu.

"Hmph, Miss Snow Maiden, this man is a liar."

In an instant, winter was approaching, and a figure full of chills came to Mu Han and Xue Nu like ghosts.

He has a handsome appearance, a melancholy and elegant temperament, a bunch of brown loose long hair, and a strand of bangs parted to cover his face.

His eyebrows are slender and powerful, and his dark green eyes reveal a sense of melancholy and anxiety.

That simple and elegant long gown set off his icy temperament, and the water-cold sword in his hand exuded dazzling frost.

What the fuck?

Mu Han really wanted to slap him, Gao Jianli, do you have some brain problems?Didn't you see that labor and management and Xuenv are going to have in-depth exchanges?

Mu Han felt ten thousand muddy horses galloping past his head, and really wanted to kick Gao Jianli away from this light bulb.

"No? Gao Jianli, you say I'm a liar?"

Mu Han turned around and looked at this idiot coldly, why did he go so early?Dare to rob women from labor and management, are you tired of working?

At this time, Xue Nu also looked at Gao Jianli suspiciously. Although she knew that Gao Jianli was a violinist, because Gao Jianli was very shy, there was no intersection between the two.

Seeing Gao Jianli's sudden appearance, Xue Nu was somewhat displeased.

"Hmph, Miss Xue Nu, this Mu Han came to Yan Country, the first time he came to Feixue Pavilion, his purpose is not pure."

Gao Jianli looked like he knew about Mu Han's wishful thinking, which made Mu Han really want to slap him.

"Oh? My purpose is not pure? Gao Jianli, what is your purpose?" Mu Han laughed and said.

"You! Miss Xue Nu, look at him, he actually slanders me so much, am I, Gao Jianli, that kind of person? Hmph, Mu Han!"

"what do you want?"

Seeing Gao Jianli making trouble for no reason and not letting her leave, Xue Nu asked coldly.

Her voice was cold and without any warmth, naturally it was because she was not familiar with Gao Jianli.

Besides, Xuenv has always been indifferent, especially to unfamiliar people.If she hadn't seen Gao Jianli pestering him endlessly, she wouldn't bother to talk to him.

"Uh! Miss Xue Nu, I don't have any malicious intentions. I just think that it's too hasty for the girl to leave with him after meeting him for the first time? This Mu Han has ulterior motives."

Gao Jianli continued to show that he hated Mu Han to death, which made Mu Han really want to beat Gao Jianli violently if he hadn't looked at Xue Nu.

Are you trying to predict your sister?Fuck, are you so tired of working?

Mu Leng snorted, and pulled Xue Nu into his arms, putting one arm around her fragrant shoulder.

Xue Nu didn't dodge Mu Han's hug, she showed a very shy look.


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