"Master Mu..."

"Madam Hu, are you awake? Do you still feel your face is hot? Does your head hurt?"

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, for your concern. I'm much better."

Madam Hu's complexion gradually became a little rosy, she looked at Mu Han's fiery eyes, and couldn't help covering her small face with the quilt.

"By the way, Mrs. Hu, do you still remember, let me tell you to help you find your daughter."

"Huh? Mr. Mu, have you found it yet?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, Madam Hu's eyes lit up involuntarily, and her complexion gradually improved.

In fact, when Mu Han said it, Mrs. Hu didn't take it seriously. After all, her daughter had been away from her for more than ten years, and her appearance had already changed drastically.

(Zhao Nuo good)

Unexpectedly, when Mu Han said this sentence again, Madam Dehu struggled to sit up.

"That's right, Mrs. Hu, your daughter is Nongyu." Hearing the sound of Nongyu going upstairs, Mu Han said unhurriedly.

At this time, Nongyu, who was standing at the door, was so startled that he almost dropped the medicine bowl in his hand to the ground when he heard these words.

"Master Mu, how do you know?"

Mrs. Hu was short of breath, she looked at Nongyu who was a little overwhelmed with her beautiful eyes, she just felt that she was very similar to herself more than ten years ago, and she couldn't help showing a look of excitement.

"Brother Mu, what are you talking about? Is she my mother? My mother is Mrs. Hu?"

Nongyu, who showed suspicion, hurried to the room, and they all looked at the handsome Mu Han, waiting for him to speak.

"Because you all have Fire Rain Agate."

Mu Han smiled slightly, now is a good time for Mrs. Hu to get her mother and daughter to recognize each other.Play."

Chapter 47 Mu Han's craftsmanship, Mrs. Hu's gratitude (1/4)

Fire Rain Agate!

The Huoyu Stone from the Huoyu Mountain Villa in Baiyue, after tempering, can be made into an extremely precious agate, this is the Huoyu Agate!

At that time, You Sima Li Kai invited skilled craftsmen from Baiyue to make two fire rain agates.

One was given to Mrs. Hu, and the other was given to Nongyu after birth.

And as Huo Yugong was conspired to kill by Liu Yi, and Huo Yu Villa was burned to ruins by Duanfa Saburo, the Huo Yu Stone Mine also disappeared overnight.

Therefore, in today's world, there are only two Fire Rain Agates!

Although Mrs. Hu and Nongyu did not bring Fire Rain Agate, but Mu Han knew that the other party also had Fire Rain Agate.

"You are really my mother..."


Seeing Mrs. Hu and Nongyu rolling their eyes and tears streaming from their eyes, the two girls couldn't help hugging each other tightly.

Mu Han smiled slightly, they just met each other, so they must have a lot to say, so they left the room knowingly and closed the door behind them.

Night had already fallen outside the inn, and Yan Lingji, who was wearing a flame dress, stared at the empty market town with ice blue eyes, she felt slight footsteps, turned her head, and saw that it was Mu Han.

"The people in this market town suddenly disappeared without any sign of 027. It doesn't look like the method of the red-browed dragon snake Tianze."

In the dark night, the unburned smoke still rises vertically into the void like pillars, making Yan Lingji turn around involuntarily, her sexy and charming figure is matched with her That lotus root-like skin made Yan Lingji extremely beautiful.

"The methods seem to be very similar. Are they targeting you? They are very powerful, you have to be careful."

Maybe it was that kiss.Deyan Lingji couldn't help worrying about Mu Han. She knew the strength of the red-browed dragon snake, and also knew the strength of the exorcist, the king of hundreds of poisons.

It's just that Yan Lingji didn't know that Wushuang ghost was disabled by Mu Han and could no longer see Baiyue Tianze.

"Are you worried about me? Hahaha, Ling'er, even if the red-browed dragon snake Tianze returns to Baiyue, do you think I will be afraid? To be honest, it is better for you to follow me than to follow the red-browed dragon snake. Can I give What you don't have, you can give what Tianze gives you."

"What can you give me... um..."

Seeing Yan Lingji's mischievous expression suddenly, Mu Han boldly hugged her in his arms, and kissed Yan Lingji's fragrant (bdeg) lips.

Mu Han's actions gave Yan Lingji no chance to dodge at all. Being kissed by him like this immediately made Yan Lingji shy.

"Do you know what I can give you, Linger?"

Mu Han kissed Yan Lingji for a while, then let go, and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Yan Lingji is indeed a beautiful and sexy woman.

Her appearance made De Nongyu, Hongyu and other women slightly inferior. Her appearance was impeccable, and it seemed that any words that praised her appearance were a kind of blasphemy against her.

"Oh? So that's it. Hmph, Mu Han, when will you teach me?"

A hint of shyness flashed across the ice-blue eyes, and Yan Lingji raised her head to look at Mu Han. Could this Mu Han really be her man for the rest of her life?

Thinking of this, Yan Lingji's heart started pounding like a deer, making Mu Han laugh and say, "After returning to Xinzheng City, I will teach you hand in hand."

He purposely spoke heavily, making Yan Lingji think wildly, and her face became even more shy.


The untimely sound of stomach growling made Yan Lingji's cheeks turn red, and she was embarrassed in front of Mu Han.

In fact, she hadn't eaten properly for several days. This time, feeling that she was being watched with a smile by Mu Han, Yan Lingji couldn't help but stare and hum: "I'm hungry, Mu Han."


Speaking of being hungry, Yan Lingji's little belly yelled happily again, making Mu Han smile slightly.

"Okay, I'll make you some delicious, top-notch barbecue!"

Although there is no shortage of ingredients in this inn, Mu Han still cooks barbecue this time.

Who told him that what he is best at is barbecue!

"Barbecue? I haven't eaten it yet, so go ahead and do it."

Seeing that Mu Han was going to barbecue for herself, Yan Lingji couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She heard Nongyu mention that Mu Han's barbecue was delicious more than once.

"it is good!"

If he could catch a woman's taste buds and make Deyan Lingji feel more fond of him, why wouldn't Mu Han not do it?

Mu Han smiled slightly and asked Deyan Lingji to go to Mrs. Hu and Nongyu's room. He did this to let Deyan Lingji protect the two daughters.

Mu Han found ingredients in the back kitchen of the inn.

Three hares!

It is the season of fat hares.

With quick hands and feet, Mu Han has already washed and peeled the three hares clean.

There is no shortage of firewood in this inn. Just as Mu Han set up the brackets and roasted them for a little aroma, he saw Yanlingji, Nongyu, and Mrs. Hu's three daughters open the door and come to his side.

"It smells so good! Brother Mu, do you want to roast game again?"

"Master Mu's wild game is quite delicious."

Maybe it was because mother and daughter met each other, which made De Nongyu very happy. When she was talking, her cheeks were also covered with a radiant smile.

Mrs. Hu, who was standing side by side with Nongyu, showed a grateful expression.

It's just that whether it's Mrs. Hu or Nongyu, when they smell the aroma of barbecue, they can't help but make their eyes shine brightly.

"Master Mu's craftsmanship seems to be good, I must try it."

Seeing the expressions of Nongyu and Madam Hu, Yan Lingji also showed a look of anticipation.

It was the first time for her to eat Mu Han's barbecue, so she was naturally looking forward to it.

Moreover, from Madam Hu and Nongyu's eyes, Yan Lingji could also read their expressions of praise, which made her look forward to it even more.

Mu Han continued to cook the barbecue, and he could feel that the women's affection for him increased a lot in an instant.

Especially my cheap mother-in-law Mrs. Hu, her affection for her is almost off the charts.

Of course, Madam Hu's favorability towards Mu Han is not because Mu Han roasted meat for her, but because she is grateful that Mu Han not only saved her, but also found her own daughter.

"All right!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, and put the three roasted rabbits, which exuded a strong aroma, on a large plate.

In an instant, a fragrance that was difficult to express in words made Yan Lingji, Nongyu, and Madam Hu all salivate.


All the girls were so hungry that they cried out, and they said together: "This roasted rabbit is delicious!"

"Is it delicious? If you like it, then eat more." Mu Han smiled slightly and said softly. "

Chapter 48 Mrs. Hu returned to her heart, and the door of the house was blocked by Nongyu (2/4)

"Wow, it smells so good."

"Master Mu, your craftsmanship has improved."

"It's really delicious. I want to eat a baked rabbit."

Holding the hot and fragrant barbecue, the moment the girls bit down, they felt a strong fragrance, filling their taste buds.

This kind of delicious barbecue, although it is just barbecue, makes the girls feel as if they are tasting the most delicious food in the world~.

The appearance of this barbecue filled the girls' pursuit of delicious food. They only felt that they had eaten many things, but they were not as good as Mu Han's barbecue.

In an instant, the smell of barbecue captured the taste buds of all the girls.

Moreover, the favorability of the girls towards Mu Han has also increased a lot.

"If it's delicious, eat more."

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