However, Mu Han in front of him has a very advanced cultivation base, and he is not an opponent at all. If he makes a move again, he may just bring himself to humiliate himself.

"call out!"

But just when Murong Fu was hesitating, a strong wind came towards Ah Zi.

"Ah, brother-in-law..."

Feeling the strong wind, Ah Zi's face turned pale with fright, but at this moment a figure stood in front of Ah Zi's body, and blasted the strong wind away with a palm.

"Ding Chunqiu!" Mu Han said coldly.

"Hmph, what are you doing, this old man is teaching this disciple a lesson? Ah Zi, quickly hand over the Shenmu King Cauldron!" Ding Chunqiu said with a grim expression.

"Isn't the Shenmu Wangding with me?" Ah Zi hid behind Mu Han in fright.

"Where is the Shenmu Wangding?" Ding Chunqiu shouted.

"I'm 20 here." Mu Han said with a faint smile.

Ding Chunqiu glanced at Mu Han and said, "Mu Han, hand over the Shenmu Wangding."

"What if I say no?" Mu Han said.

"Could it be that you want to make an enemy of my Xingxiu faction?" Ding Chunqiu said coldly.

"Hehe, Ding Chunqiu, do you want to be like him?" Mu Han pointed to Murong Fu beside him, and said.

"Hmph, boy, you are too arrogant. Mr. Murong, how about you and I join forces to kill this son?"

Ding Chunqiu knew that if it was his own words, it might not be Mu Han's conversation, but if he joined hands with Murong Fu, he would definitely be able to kill this son.

"it is good!"

Murong Fu nodded and said.

Although Ding Chunqiu was notorious, Mu Han had humiliated Murong Fu too much, facing Mu Han, the two chose to work together.

"Let's start together."

Seeing Murong Fu agree, Ding Chunqiu moved and shot towards Mu Han.

And Murong Fu also shot towards Mu Han.

Facing the joint attack of the two, Mu Han showed no fear on his face, and transmitted a secret voice to Jiumozhi: "You stay aside and don't make a move. Those women who take care of me, whoever wants to make a move on them, will be killed without mercy."

After giving Jiumozhi the order, Mu Han went directly to meet them.

Mu Han clapped out his palms, and two golden dragons of true energy swept out, moving towards Murong Fu and Ding Chunqiu to suppress them.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Everyone was in an uproar when they saw this scene, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are the secret of the Beggar Clan, how did Mu Han learn it?Did Qiao Feng teach it to Mu Han?

Ding Chunqiu and Murong Fu's expressions changed slightly when they felt the power of these two true energy golden dragons, but at this moment it was too late to dodge, they pushed with both palms, wanting to resist.

But how could they be Mu Han's opponents?


Murong Fu and Ding Chunqiu spat out a mouthful of blood, their bodies flew backwards.


Mu Han unleashed the Six Meridians Excalibur, one after another of sharp sword energy, shot towards the two of them.

Ding Chunqiu's expression changed, he grabbed two palms suddenly, attracted two disciples of Xingxiu Sect, and stood in front of him.

The two Xingxiu disciples were pierced by the sword energy, blood spattered, and died instantly.

And Murong Fu dodged, but was still pierced by a fierce sword energy, and his hair was disheveled, and he was in a panic.

With a movement of Mu Han's body, he came to Murong Fu and slapped him.


Murong Fu flew upside down, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Mu Han laughed, and just as he was about to make a move, Wang Yuyan said, "Brother Mu Han, don't..."

Mu Han didn't want to let Murong Fu go so easily, seeing his expression, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then suddenly unleashed the Six Meridians Excalibur.

"call out!"

A sharp sword energy shot out, before Murong Fu could react, it slid across Murong Fu's crotch.


Murong Fu clutched his crotch, his handsome face became distorted due to the severe pain, and blood flowed out.


Murong Fu never thought that Mu Han would eunuch himself.

Mu Han said lightly: "Murong Fu, for Yu Yan's sake, I will spare your life today, get out of here quickly."

Murong Fu gave Mu Han a resentful look, then limped away.

But when Mu Han turned his head to look at Ding Chunqiu, he found that Ding Chunqiu had already fled, and he couldn't even take care of his disciples.


Seeing this scene, everyone around took a breath of air.

Unexpectedly, Murong Fu and Ding Chunqiu teamed up and escaped with one injury. The strength of this white-clothed youth is too terrifying.

Absolutely crushing!

Seeing that both Ding Chunqiu and Murong Fu had fled, Mu Han also came across to Su Xinghe and sat down.

"Mr. Su, let me try." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Su has been waiting for a long time." Su Xinghe nodded.

Murong has a handsome appearance, strong martial arts, and an outstanding temperament, which is exactly in line with the appearance requirements for the Xiaoyao Sect to choose disciples.

"If the old man is not mistaken, the steps that Mr. Mu Han used just now have the shadow of Lingbo Weibu of my 857 Xiaoyao School." Su Xinghe said.

"By chance and coincidence, I obtained Lingbo Weibu, which indeed has some connection with the Xiaoyao Sect." Mu Han nodded and said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu Han, please." Su Xinghe nodded and said.

Mu Han raised his head and looked at the Zhenlong Chess Game. Suddenly, he sensed a cold murderous intent from the Zhenlong Chess Game.

"Zhenlong Chess Game really deserves its reputation."

Mu Han nodded, even he didn't dare to look too much.

But since he knows how to break the game, and some time ago, he has drawn the four magical skills of Chinese piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, his chess skills are unparalleled in the world, and it is easy to break the Zhenlong chess game.

With a wave of Mu Han's palm, his inner strength surged, and a white chess piece shot out and landed on the chessboard on the mountain wall.

Seeing this scene, there was an uproar around.

No one thought that Mu Han's first move would be like this?

"Master Mu Han, aren't you joking with the old man?" Su Xinghe's expression also became a little ugly, staring at Mu Han, he said.

On the chessboard, the white pieces in the lower left corner, although surrounded by black pieces, are at a disadvantage, but there is still a glimmer of life.

And Mu Han's move directly ruined the vitality of this piece of white pieces, and this piece of white pieces instantly became a dead piece of chess. . "

Chapter 94 Ingenious Breaking, Zhenlong Chess Game! (1/3)


Seeing Mu Han's first move, everyone around was in an uproar, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Even if the Zhenlong chess game cannot be solved, there is no need to tease Su Xinghe like this, right?

No wonder Su Xinghe was so annoyed?

The Zhenlong Chess Game is Wu Yazi's painstaking effort, so it's natural that Mu Han's face will not look good when Mu Han messes around like this.

"Sister Yuyan, what is the meaning of this chess move by the young master?" A'Zhu asked.

Wang Yuyan shook her head and said, "I don't understand either."

The four girls all knew a little bit about chess, but when they saw Mu Han's move, they also expressed that they didn't understand, and they didn't know what Mu Han wanted to do.

On the other side, there were many Go masters, but when they saw Mu Han's move, they were instantly stunned.

What does it mean?

Could it be that Mu Han knew that he couldn't break Zhenlong's chess game, so he played casually?

"Mr. Su, is there any other rule in this Zhenlong chess game? Are you not allowed to play this move?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Isn't it? It's just..." Su Xinghe hesitated to speak.

"Since it's allowed, it's Mr. Su's turn now." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"it is good!"

Seeing Mu Han's confident appearance, Su Xinghe was quite curious, wondering what kind of medicine Mu Han was selling?

With a wave of Su Xinghe's palm, a black chess piece also landed on the chessboard.

Mu Han's expression was calm, and after Su Xinghe made the move, he took another step without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang!"

The black chess pieces and the white chess pieces intertwined with each other and landed on the stone wall, making a dull sound.

However, Mu Han descended faster and faster, while Su Xinghe descended slower and slower, making people think that it was Su Xinghe who broke the situation.

Everyone's eyes were nervously looking at the chessboard and the development of the chess game. They also wanted to see if Mu Han could break this Zhenlong chess game?

Su Xinghe's complexion also gradually became a little ugly, because he was playing, and he suddenly discovered that the white chess piece, which was originally at an absolute disadvantage, showed signs of returning to life.

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