"Ah Zi, now he's in your hands." Mu Han clapped his hands and said.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Ah Zi lightly pecked Mu Han's face, and also looked at Zhai Xingzi with malicious intentions.

This star picker, in the Xingxiu sect, did not bully him less.

Feeling Ah Zi's gaze, Zhai Xingzi couldn't help but shudder.

Zhai Xingzi was very clear about Ah Zi's methods, if it fell into her hands, life would be worse than death.

"Junior sister, please forgive me, little junior sister, please forgive me." Zhai Xingzi said with a pitiful face.

Ah Zi smiled and said, "Eldest senior brother, you have never talked to me so politely before."

Mu Han turned his head and said to Abi, Azhu and Wang Yuyan: "Let's go aside, I'm afraid it will be too cruel and bloody" ‖

Abi, Azhu and Wang Yuyan nodded.

"Ah Zi, we are waiting for you, don't delay too long." Mu Han said.

Ah Zi nodded and said, "Okay!"

When Mu Han led the three daughters to the other side of the forest, there was the scream of Zhai Xingzi.

Poor Zhaxingzi!

The screams lasted for a stick of incense, and then slowly disappeared.

Ah Zi clapped her hands and walked out from the forest.

"Brother-in-law, let's go." Ah Zi was in a good mood.

Along the way, Mu Han took his four daughters to play in the mountains and rivers, and it was really fun.

However, Mu Han also got the news that Qiao Feng returned to Daliao and became the king of the South Court, officially changing his name to Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng became the king of the South Academy, which made the martial arts people in the Central Plains even more panic.Forging a deep hatred with Xiao Feng in Juxian Village, Xiao Feng will definitely lead his troops south to attack the Song Dynasty, and the martial arts in the Central Plains will also suffer.

The other news was about Mu Han himself.Mu Han went on a killing spree in Juxianzhuang, and what is even more exciting is that the Yi Jin Jing of Shaolin Temple is on Mu Han's body.

Mu Han took his four daughters on the road, and along the way, there were many martial arts practitioners heading to Leigu Mountain.

However, those who dared to take the idea of ​​Yi Jin Jing were killed by Mu Han without mercy.

For a while, no one dared to provoke Mu Han.

When he came near Leigu Mountain, Mu Han also met an acquaintance.

Master Xuannan of Shaolin Temple!

Enemy road is narrow!

"Mu Han!"

Master Xuannan happened to see Mu Han at this time, his face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

And the Shaolin monk behind Xuannan showed fear.

But Mu Han didn't see Xu Zhu, he guessed that he should go to Dali to look for Ye Erniang.

"Master Xuannan, what a coincidence!" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Mu Han, you killed so many people from the Central Plains Wulin in Juxianzhuang, and you still dare to show up here, don't you really take our Central Plains Wulin seriously?" Master Xuannan scolded.

"Hehe, Master Xuannan, as an eminent monk in Shaolin, how can you turn black and white? Obviously they attacked me first, so why don't I fight back and let them kill me?" Mu Han said.

"You..." Xuannan was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

In terms of eloquence, in today's world, who can argue better than Mu Han?

"Mu Han, if you don't return the Yi Jin Jing to Shaolin, Shaolin will not just let it go." Xuannan said.

But he didn't dare to fight Mu Han, even the abbot Xuanci was defeated by Mu Han's palm, let alone him.

Xuannan also waited until the end of Zhenlong's chess game before trying to find a way to deal with Mu Han and regain the Yi Jin Jing.

"Waiting for you anytime!" Mu Han said with a smile.

"let's go."

Xuannan didn't stay any longer, and left quickly with the Shaolin monks, fearing that Mu Han would attack him.

Mu Han was also not interested in attacking Xuannan. Now that he has broken through to the second level of innateness, he only needs one palm to defeat Xuannan.

With the four daughters, Mu Han came to the foot of Leigu Mountain.

At the foot of Leigu Mountain, there have long been deaf-mute disciples waiting.

Mu Han and others came in front of these deaf-mute disciples, but these deaf-mute disciples looked at Mu Han and others, but remained silent.

"¨ Brother Mu Han, why don't they talk?" Ah Zi asked strangely.

"They are different from the servants who sent the post before. They are disciples of Mr. Congbian Su Xinghe. Deaf-mute people can't speak naturally." Mu Han explained.

Mu Han took out the invitation from his bosom, handed it to Abi, and said, "Abi, give the invitation to them."

"Yes, son!"

Abi took the invitation and handed it to a deaf-mute disciple.

The deaf-mute disciple took the invitation, opened it for a look, then handed it back to Abi, saluted Mu Han and the others, made a gesture of invitation, and then led the way.

"Let's go."

Mu Han led the four daughters, and followed the deaf-mute disciple into the mountain slowly.

Not long after Mu Han and the others left, many other martial artists came, and those deaf-mute disciples (Li Hao) led them into the mountain one by one.

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the blessings of immortals are eternal, and the longevity is equal to the sky!"

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the blessings of immortals are eternal, and the longevity is equal to the sky!"

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the blessings of immortals are eternal, and the longevity is equal to the sky!"


At this time, a burst of shouts came, causing the complexions of the Central Plains martial arts practitioners at the foot of Leigu Mountain to change dramatically.

Xingxiu boss, Ding Chunqiu!

No one thought that Ding Chunqiu also came to Leigu Mountain?

One must know that Ding Chunqiu's notoriety spread far and wide, he is not inferior to the four villains in the slightest, even surpassed it.

This time, because of Ding Chunqiu's participation in the Linglong chess game in Leigu Mountain, there may be many changes.

Soon, dozens of Xingxiu Sect disciples appeared in front of everyone carrying a sedan chair.

Everyone hastened to get out of the way, but those deaf-mute disciples didn't dare to stop them, they all looked terrified and let Ding Chunqiu and his party enter the mountain. . "

Chapter 90 Leigu Mountain, All Heroes Gather (3/3)

Mu Han brought the four daughters Wang Yuyan, Azhu, Azi and Abi to Leigu Mountain under the guidance of the deaf-mute disciples.

"Is this the Zhenlong chess game?"

Looking at the criss-crossing chessboard on the mountain wall, Wang Yuyan and the other four women showed shock on their faces.

Even Mu Han was amazed.

This Zhenlong chess game is fully ten meters long and wide, and even a chess piece is more than one foot long.

It may not be an easy task to make such a game of chess.

"Master Mu Han!"

Just as Mu Han was looking at the Zhenlong chess game, a voice came from beside him.

Mu Han looked over, and it was the divine doctor Xue Muhua that he had seen in Juxian Village.

And behind Xue Muhua, a thin, wrinkled old man with white beard and hair was sitting cross-legged quietly with his eyes slightly closed.

Name: Su Xinghe

Sex: Male

Age: 72

Status: Mr. Congbian, disciple of Wuyazi

Cultivation: Innate first level early stage

The appearance of this Su Xinghe is similar to that described in the original book, he is dressed in a white robe, and he has a bit of fairy air.

And beside Su Xinghe, apart from Xue Muhua, there were seven people standing respectfully.

It was Kang Guangling who was insane for Qin, Fan Bailing, a chess demon, Gou Du, a bookworm, Wu Lingjun, a painter, Feng Asan, an ingenious craftsman, Shi Qinglu, an idiot, and Li Puppet, a theater fan.

Su Xinghe's eight most proud disciples, the Eight Friends of Hangu, are all present.

Although Mu Han started killing people in Juxian Village, he didn't have a direct relationship with Xue Muhua, so he nodded at Xue Muhua and stood aside to wait.

He didn't intend to make a move, if he broke Zhenlong's chess game first, I'm afraid there won't be so many good things to see in the future.

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the blessings of immortals are eternal, and the longevity is equal to the sky!"

"Old Immortal Xingxiu, with boundless magic power, unrivaled martial arts, number one in the world!"

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the blessings of immortals are eternal, and the longevity is equal to the sky!"


At this time, there was a sound of beating gongs and drums.

Xingxiu, Ding Chunqiu has also arrived!

The expressions of all the people present changed dramatically, and Ah Zi beside Mu Han also showed fear on his face.

He stole Ding Chunqiu's Shenmu Wangding, if Ding Chunqiu finds out that he is also in Leigu Mountain, he may be doomed.

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