"But... but two people died outside the village today..." Abi said hesitantly.

"I really can't do anything about you, well, I'll go with you."

A'Zhu shook her head, and said helplessly, it happened that she also drank a lot of wine, and her stomach was a little suffocated.

Wearing thin pajamas, the two women walked out of the side room, their gazes swept across the Tingyu Residence where Mu Han lived, intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing the tranquility of Tingyu Residence, the two women felt relieved, found a secluded place, took off their clothes, squatted down, and started to untie their hands.

But Mu Han happened to be standing behind the two girls, because they were blocked by the jungle and the night fell, the two girls didn't see Mu Han.

Hearing the seductive sound of "Patter" and looking at the two white-flowered Qiaotun, Mu Han's eyes straightened!

After the two women untied their hands and put on their clothes, they were about to go back to their room when they heard the sound of heavy breathing coming from behind.


Azhuabi and the two gave a low drink, and looked towards the jungle behind them.

"Miss Azhu, Miss Abi, don't panic, it's me."

Mu Han walked out of the jungle with an embarrassing expression on his face. Just now he was patronizing and spying on the two women, but forgot to cover his tracks, and was discovered by Azhuabi just now.

"¨` Mr. Mu Han..."

Seeing Mu Han walking out of the jungle, the two women were surprised, and soon their pretty faces turned red.

"Master Mu Han, have you been here all this time?" A'Zhu asked shyly.

"I drank too much during the day, so I came here to have a rest." Mu Han explained.

Seeing Mu Han's expression, the two girls, Azhu and Abi, didn't understand that Mu Han saw how they relieved themselves just now, and their pretty faces suddenly became more and more beautiful.

What a shame!

"Since everyone has finished untying their hands, let's go back to the room and rest." Mu Han said cheekily.

Seeing the shy looks of the two girls, Mu Han's expression changed, and he stretched out his hands to embrace the slender waists of the two girls, and suddenly felt that there were two soft and boneless delicate bodies in his arms.

As for the two girls, Azhu and Abi, being held in Mu Han's arms, there was a strong masculine breath between their noses, their bodies were sore and limp, their limbs were weak, and they had no way to break free.

"Pfft (of Nuo Zhao)!"

Suddenly, Abi spat out a mouthful of black blood, and her pretty face also turned a little blue in an instant.

"Abby, what's wrong?"

Mu Han quickly supported Abi, injected a burst of true energy into Abi's body, and said in a startled voice, "Miss Abi, are you poisoned? Who did it?"

"It's Mrs. Wang of Mantuo Villa!" A'Zhu said.

After some explanations, Mu Han finally found out that a few days ago, Azhuabi went to Mantuo Villa to visit Wang Yuyan on behalf of Murong Fu while Mrs. Wang was out. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wang bumped into two daughters on the way back to the villa.

In order to punish the second daughter, Mrs. Wang forcibly fed the second daughter a poison pill.

Back in Shenhezhuang, Azhu Abi found some medicine and forcibly suppressed the medicinal properties of the poison. Maybe he drank some wine today to stimulate the medicinal properties of the poison.

"What a vicious Mrs. Wang!" Hearing this, Mu Han said in a low voice. . "

Chapter 55 Detoxification, Two Girls Return to Heart (1/3)

"Very vicious Mrs. Wang!"

Mu Han's face was cold, he didn't expect Li Qingluo to be so vicious, it seems that if he finds time, he must punish her properly.

However, Li Qingluo was abandoned by Duan Zhengchun, her mind was distorted, it is not unusual to do such a thing, if it is not for Murong Fu's face, maybe it is not just for Azhu Abi to take poison.

"Go back to your room, I'll help you get rid of the poison." Mu Han supported the unconscious Abi, and said to Azhu who was beside him.

Mu Han has found out that the poison that Azhu Abi took is not strong, and it is easy to get rid of the poison for the two girls.

But when Mu Han rolled his eyes, he already had an idea in his mind.

After helping the two girls into Tingyu Residence, Mu Han turned his head and said to A'Zhu who was beside him: "Miss A'Zhu, I'm afraid I'll offend you if I want to detoxify you."

"Mr. Mu Han, please go ahead and save him. No matter what Mr. Mu Han does, we sisters will not blame Mr. Mu Han."

Looking at the blue-faced Abi, Azhu said anxiously.

"it is good!"

With A'Zhu's words, Mu Han sat Abi cross-legged on the bed, slowly removed Abi's clothes, revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulders, then put his palm on Abi's vest, and the Qian Kun Shengyang Art in his body circulated, A powerful zhenqi was injected into 640's body.

Seeing this scene, A'Zhu's pretty face turned red at the thought of needing such healing later on.

However, seeing that Mu Han didn't do anything out of the ordinary, he was wholeheartedly healing Abi's injuries, which made Azhu feel relieved.

It seems that Mr. Mu Han didn't take advantage of the chance of expelling the poison to belittle Abi.


Abi groaned softly, and gradually woke up, only feeling a stream of heat pouring into her body, making her body warm.

However, as time passed, heat flowed into Abi's body, making her body hotter, and an inexplicable impulse arose in her heart.

"It's so hot!"

Abi twisted her body, and the clothes that were already half-draped and half-hanged completely slipped off, revealing a beautiful scenery, which feasted Mu Han's eyes.

"Master Mu Han..."

Abi's pretty face became charming, and the gaze she was looking at Mu Han also became a little weird.

Mu Han secretly smiled, but said politely: "Miss Abi, please be patient, I will force the poison out of your body soon." (biaj)

"Master Mu Han, I'm really hot!"

Abi's pretty face blushed, and finally couldn't help it, she turned around and threw Mu Han onto the bed.

Mu Han was flattered by Abi's backlash, and the key was that Azhu was watching from the sidelines!

Soon, Abi and Mu Han met each other frankly, and there was a low whimpering sound.

And this scene, being seen by A'Zhu, was stunned!

How could Abby be like this?

A'Zhu was so ashamed that she quickly turned her head away, but when she heard the murmur from the bed, A'Zhu felt an inexplicable envy and expectation in her heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for getting the virginity of Miss Abi, and getting 20000 system points!"

Hearing the system prompt, Mu Han smiled.

Mu Han glanced at Abi who was sleeping soundly, and then looked at Azhu who was beside him.

It's your turn!

"Miss Ah Zhu, it's time to detoxify you!" Mu Han said with a faint smile.


Ah Zhu exclaimed, but was pulled into his arms by Mu Han.

"Master Mu Han, do you have to detoxify like that?" A'Zhu said shyly.

"Of course not!"

Mu Han said with a smile: "Miss Ah Zhu, we can omit the previous steps..."

After the words fell, Mu Han lowered his head and completely sealed A'Zhu's lips.

Although A'Zhu had been prepared for a long time, when Mu Han kissed him, it was still like getting an electric shock, and his mind went blank.

However, Mu Han has a handsome face, chic and elegant, and A Zhu himself has a good impression of him, and with the excuse of expelling poison, he no longer resists, and enjoys Mu Han's love to the fullest.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for getting the virginity of Miss Arjuna, and getting 20000 system points!"

The system prompt sounded again in Mu Han's ear.

The two daughters, Azhu and Abi, have just experienced human affairs, are they Mu Han's opponents?

After being tossed by Mu Han all night, the two girls fell asleep drowsily.

Looking at the two girls lying in his arms, Mu Han smiled slightly, and slowly fell asleep...


In the early morning of the next day, the sun shone in and fell on the three of them.

Both Azhu and Abi woke up and saw Mu Han staring at them. Thinking of what happened last night, their pretty faces flushed with shame, and they buried their little heads on Mu Han's chest.

"Miss Azhu, Miss Abi, the poison in your body has been completely eliminated." Mu Han said with a slight smile.

The two girls, A'Zhu and A'Bi, inspected the situation in their bodies, and they found that the poison in their bodies had disappeared.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu Han, for saving me." A'Zhu and A'bi said gratefully.

"Why should I thank you? Since you have become my women, I should take good care of you, and you should stop following Murong Fu in the future." Mu Han said with a smile.

Hearing this, A'Zhu and A'bi became more shy and nodded.

"After we wake up, let's go to Mantuo Villa." Mu Han said with a smile.

"What are you going to Manduo Villa for?"

Hearing this, Azhu Abi's complexion changed slightly, and the Manduo Villa left a shadow in their hearts.

"Li Qingluo asked you to take poison. You must teach her a lesson." Mu Han said.

Hearing this, both A'Zhu and A'bi's hearts felt slightly warm.

"Master Mu Han, let's forget about it. Mrs. Wang is very strong in martial arts, and there are many masters in Manduo Villa. Mrs. Wang hates men even more. If you go to Manduo Villa, I'm afraid it will be dangerous." A'Zhu said.

"Yes, son, don't take risks for us." Abi said.

"It's okay!"

Mu Han smiled lightly, and gently moved his palms over the two girls.

Feeling the warmth from Mu Han's big hand, A'Zhu and A'bi looked shy and exhorted: "My lord..."

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