
Seeing this scene, Jiumozhi shrank his pupils fiercely.

Jiumozhi knew exactly how powerful his flame saber was, but he never thought that Mu Han would blow his flame saber away with a random slap. This kind of strength is terrifying.

"Jumozhi, your flame knife is still a little weak at 18?"

Mu Han smiled lightly, and jokingly said: "If you are at this level, then today you will serve me as master?"

"Don't think about it!"

Jiumozhi didn't want to die, but he also didn't want to serve Mu Han as his master.

You know, he is the Tubo national teacher, the Dalun Mingwang of Daxue Mountain Dalun Temple, he has a very high status and is respected by others.

If he is defeated by Mu Han and he is regarded as the master, if it is spread, it will not be ridiculed.

So this battle, he must win!


Thinking of this, Jiumozhi took a deep breath, and the true energy in his body swept out unreservedly, a spark suddenly burst out between his palms, and gradually, the spark was aroused by force, taking the shape of a gorgeous flame .

The extremely fierce flame condensed into a knife, holding it extremely hot.

Flame knife!

Jiumozhi put away his contempt for Mu Han completely, and used his unique flame knife with all his strength.

Even the surrounding air was distorted by the high temperature of the flame knife.

"go with!"

Jiumozhi let out a loud cry, and the flaming saber energy, which was ten times fiercer than before, slashed towards Mu Han angrily with an indescribably high temperature and power.

Looking at the raging flame and saber energy, Mu Han's handsome face revealed a look of regret and disdain, he shook his head, and said, "Jumozhi, is this your real strength? I am so disappointed. This The flame knife is too weak."

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, take the knife from the old man first!" Jiumozhi was so angry that his head was smoking, he had never been looked down upon so much.

My own flame knife has been cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, and no one in the world can ignore my own flame knife.


Mu Han stretched out the five fingers of his right hand and the little finger of his left hand, and unleashed the Six Meridians Excalibur.

"Jumozhi, look carefully, this is the Six Meridians Excalibur you want." Mu Han smiled faintly.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sharp sword energy pierced through the air directly and landed on the flaming saber aura, emitting bursts of muffled sonic booms, directly crushing the flaming saber aura.


Jiumozhi's expression changed dramatically.

Just now at Tianlong Temple, he also saw that Mu Han was able to display the complete Six Meridian Sword, but what he didn't expect was that the Six Meridian Sword that Mu Han had just cultivated could be compared with the flame sword he had practiced to the perfection. compared to?

But what he saw in front of him shocked him unceasingly.

Unexpectedly, the flame knife that he was famous for was easily defeated by Mu Han time and time again.

One must know that Jiumozhi's Flaming Saber is well-known in the Jianghu, and it is frightening to hear.

But in front of Mu Han, he has no power at all.

"Jumozhi, if you have any other moves, just use them, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance when I make a move." Mu Han said with a faint smile.


Rao Jiumozhi is very good-natured, under Mu Han's ridicule, he was also very angry, his feet slammed on the ground, and then he approached Mu Han, the little non-phase kung fu was running rapidly, and at the same time he displayed the Nian Hua Finger, Wuxiangjiezhi and Duoluoyezhi!

A series of sharp fingers tore through the air and shot towards Mu Han's vital points.

"Miscellaneous but not refined!"

Mu Han shook his head. Although Jiumozhi had practiced a lot of martial arts, they were too mottled and messy. Except for the flame knife and the small non-phase skill, none of the martial arts had reached the level of mastery.


When Jiumozhi got close to him, Mu Han swung out his palm directly, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant resounding, the powerful palm force made Jiumozhi's complexion change drastically.

"Bang bang bang!"

Jiumozhi's fingers burst apart in front of the mighty palm force, and Jiumozhi's figure also retreated.

"Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms?" Jiumozhi asked in surprise.

He didn't expect that the young man in white in front of him could actually subdue the dragon with eighteen palms!

"Okay, Jiumozhi, it seems that you can't show any new tricks, so you also take my palm!"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Han patted out with a palm, and behind Mu Han, golden phantoms of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants suddenly condensed and emerged.

As the dragon roared and the elephant roared, an incomparably terrifying power spread, causing Jiumozhi to feel a sense of extreme fear.


Mu Han knew that if he wanted to make Jiumozhi surrender, he had to show absolute strength so that he wouldn't have the slightest rebellious heart.

Like Tianshan Child Elder relying on the life and death talisman to control her subordinates, it is still not a long-term solution.

"Hahahaha, Jiumozhi, if you block my palm, you will win!"

Mu Han laughed loudly, before the laughter fell, he slapped out a palm.

The thirteen dragons and the thirteen elephants roared out at once, bringing bursts of sonic booms, tearing the air apart, and enveloping Jiumozhi.

Feeling the tremendous power contained in the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, Jiumozhi couldn't feel any resistance at all.

Too strong!

This was the only thought in Jiumozhi's mind!

From the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, Jiumozhi has already detected a strong breath of death.

This palm is simply not what he can follow.

"The little monk lost!"

Jiumozhi said helplessly.

Although he was unwilling to admit defeat, and even less willing to serve Mu Han as his master, between life and death, Jiumozhi chose life.

When Jiumozhi's words fell, the thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants had already landed in front of Jiumozhi, and they disappeared in the next instant.

Such an exquisite power of control made Jiumozhi feel even more afraid of Mu Han! . "

Chapter 39 Four slaps, tame Jiumozhi (3/3)

Thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants disappeared, but Jiumozhi became even more afraid of Mu Han.

What an exquisite power of control!

Mu Han's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu has been cultivated to the level of Dzogchen, and he has long been able to do whatever he wants, send and receive freely.

"Jumozhi, since you have already surrendered, do you choose to die, or choose to serve me as master?" Mu Han said lightly.

It was Mu Han's deliberate decision to keep Jiumozhi in his account.

In the Condor World, with Huang Rong's help, Mu Han doesn't need to worry too much whether it is controlling the court or the world.

But in this Heavenly Dragon World, Huang Rong has no way to bring it over for the time being, so he also needs some right-hand assistants.

Jiumozhi, with outstanding talent in martial arts, is also a Tubo national teacher, and has a supreme status in Tubo. Even the Tubo king obeys him. If he is subdued, it will be of great benefit to Mu Han. Harmful.

But Jiumozhi is arrogant and has a high self-esteem, so it is not easy to subdue him.

That's why Mu Han defeated Jiumozhi with a strong and domineering method, leaving an indelible shadow and mark in his heart.

"I serve you as the master, no!"

Jiumozhi hesitated for a moment, but he still spoke, but at this moment, he seemed a bit lacking in confidence.


The sudden slap made Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling startled.

As for Mu Han's slap, Jiumozhi also looked confused, but more humiliated.


Jiumozhi's right cheek was hot, and his skin was also hot. As the King of Great Wheel Ming and Tubo's national teacher, when did he suffer such humiliation?

But before Jiumozhi finished speaking, Mu Han slapped him again.

With two slaps, Jiumozhi was completely stunned.

"Jumozhi, I think you still haven't figured out the situation. I'm not discussing with you now, but giving you a chance to live. If you don't cherish it...~..."

Mu Han's face instantly became extremely cold, and his voice was cold, making Jiumozhi's whole body cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.



Another slap!

"Have you fanned enough?"

Jiumozhi was about to go berserk, this young man in white was simply crazy, before he finished his sentence, he slapped himself again?


Without further ado, Mu Han slapped Jiumozhi on the face again.

"I just want to know whether you agree or not? I don't want to hear other nonsense!" Mu Han said lightly.

Four consecutive slaps made both sides of Jiumozhi's face swollen high, and it was already gradually becoming like a pig's head, which made Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing couldn't help laughing.

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