Zhong Ling stretched out his arms to hug Mu Han, and there was already a look of longing on his pretty face.

Mu Han smiled lightly, and no longer hesitated, under Mu Wanqing's gaze, he angrily took Zhong Ling's blood.

"Ding, congratulations master, you have obtained Zhong Ling's virginity, and you will be rewarded with 20000 system points."


Obtaining the virginity of two women, a total of [-] system points rewards.

After the fierce battle with Zhong Ling, Mu Han, still unsatisfied, dragged Mu Wanqing into the battlefield again.

This little girl has rested for so long, she should have had enough rest......


After a fierce battle, the three of them were a little tired, and after getting dressed, the two women's stomachs heard gurgling sounds.

After such a toss, the two girls are hungry.

"I'm going to get you something to eat."

Mu Han smiled faintly, walked around a bit, and caught three plump pheasants.

After washing and peeling by the stream, Mu Han set up a fire and started roasting.

"smell good!"

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling hugged the sleeping Zuo Shan and came to Mu Han's side. Smelling the aroma of roast chicken, the two girls felt even hungrier.

The second daughter is exquisitely beautiful, and after the initial human affairs, she has added a bit of coquettish color.

Mu Han smiled slightly, and handed the roasted pheasant to Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling.

"It's so fragrant, Brother Mu Han, you will be our royal chef from now on."

"I'm so hungry, I need to eat more."

After a great battle, the two daughters Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were already hungry and their chests were sticking to their backs. At this moment, they picked up the roast chicken and swallowed it.

"Wow wow."

At this time, the sleeping Zuo Shanshan suddenly woke up and cried loudly.

"Brother Mu Han, why is he crying?"

Zuo Shanshan kicked his hands and feet wildly and cried loudly, the two daughters Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling didn't know why they were crying.

For a moment, not knowing how to deal with it, they looked at Mu Han at the same time.

"When a child cries, he is either hungry or sick. I guess he is hungry." Mu Han said with a slight smile. . "

Chapter 32 Tenryuji Temple, Great Wheel Ming King Kumozhi (2/3)

"When a child cries, he is either hungry or sick. I guess he is hungry." Mu Han said with a slight smile.

After finishing speaking, Mu Han tore a small piece of chicken and placed it in front of Zuo Shanshan.

Zuo Shanshan stared at his big and cute eyes, and immediately stopped crying.

"so cute!"

Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing looked at Zuo Shanshan's white and chubby little face, pink and cute little hands, and for a moment, their mother's love overflowed.

"Ling'er, Wan'er, do you like children?"

Seeing how cute Zuo Shanshan was eating the chicken, Mu Han put his arms around the waists of the two girls and asked with a smile.

"I like it, you see children are so cute."

"Yeah, it's so cute."

The two women nodded, but they didn't know what Mu Han meant by this.

"As long as you like it, Wan'er, Linger, we will have a lot of children at the "[-]"." A wicked smile appeared on Mu Han's face.

A pair of big hands started messing around on the two girls, feeling the warmth from Mu Han's big hands, the two girls blushed.

"Who wants to have a bunch of children with you? Are you ashamed to say these things in front of children?"

Mu Wanqing reached out and knocked off Mu Han's restless big hand, and turned to look at the handsome lover, her ears blushed with embarrassment.

"Yes, Brother Mu Han is shameless." Zhong Ling lightly scratched Mu Han's cheek.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the reaction of the two women, Mu Han laughed loudly.


Mu Han turned around and looked at the mountain forest not far away, where there were rustling sounds.

"Zuo Zimu?"

In the forest, a person ran out, who else could it be if it wasn't Zuo Zimu?

"Zuo Zimu pays homage to the young master."

Zuo Zimu knelt down to salute Mu Han, but there was an anxious look on his face.

"Zuo Zimu, you are here to find your son."

Mu Han smiled faintly, pointed at Zuo Shanshan beside him and said, "Where is your son!"

Ye Erniang snatched Zuo Zimu's son, Zuo Shanshan, and Zuo Zimu chased him all the way, but he couldn't catch up.

He also knew that the child fell into Ye Erniang's hands, and it was already a disaster, but he still had a little luck in his heart.

Now following the direction of Mu Han's finger and seeing Zuo Shanshan eating chicken, Zuo Zimu couldn't help crying.


Zuo Shanshan was also very happy to see Zuo Zimu.

Zuo Zimu hugged Zuo Shanshan, knelt down towards Mu Han, and said, "Thank you, my lord, Zuo Zimu will swear to be loyal to you, no matter whether he goes up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, he will die."

Seeing that his beloved son was lost and found again, Zuo Zimu was really grateful.Originally, he thought that his beloved son would definitely suffer from Erniang Ye.Now, thanks to Mu Han's rescue, his son is safe, how could he not be grateful to Mu Han?

Mu Han waved his hand.

Zuo Zimu's cultivation base is too low, even if he is loyal, he can't do much, but it is still possible to inquire about information.

"Is there anything going on in Dali?" Mu Leng asked indifferently.

"Gong Guangjie is dead, but there is no movement in Dali. I heard that a strong enemy is coming." Zuo Zimu replied.

He originally knew that Dali would be furious after learning about Duan Yu and the four great ministers, but he didn't expect that he would stand still.

After some inquiries, I learned that the current situation in Dali is also very tense. It is said that a strong enemy will come to Dali.

Mu Han nodded. According to the original records, the Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi should be arriving in Dali at this time, and the four villains he met before should also be coming to Dali.

"I see, you go back, remember to protect your son well, you won't be so lucky next time." Mu Han smiled faintly.

If he hadn't met Mu Han, Zuo Shanshan would definitely have died.

"Thank you son!"

Zuo Zimu thanked De De for kneeling and thanking Muhan, then left with Zuo Shanshan in his arms.

"Ling'er, Wan'er, it's time for us to go." Mu Han clapped his hands, stood up, and said.

"Where are you going?" Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling asked in unison.

"Dali Tianlong Temple!" Mu Han laughed.

In the original book, Dali's Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun's cultivation was not as good as that of Duan Yanqing's. Even if he went to Dali, he would still be able to escape unscathed.

But the old monk Kurong in Tianlong Temple should have a good cultivation base, so he can go for a while.

Mu Han took Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling with him, and quickly disappeared into the forest...


Tenryuji Temple, Muni Hall.

Tianlong Temple is the sacred place of the Duan family in Dali, and it is also the place where the Dali emperor lived in seclusion.It was originally a place of pure cultivation, but now there are many figures.

"Elder Ku Rong, Yu'er is the future prince of our Dali Kingdom, but now he has died tragically. Although the direct murderer who killed Yu'er has been punished, but that person named Mu Han is too hateful, and he may have to invite him at that time." Elder Ku Rong stepped in to help."

The few old monks above the lobby had dignified and solemn expressions, and the old monks sitting on the futon in the middle were as thin as haggard, as if blown away by a gust of wind.

Kneeling on the ground was a middle-aged man in brocade clothes, graceful and luxurious, with the appearance of an emperor.

Dali Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming!

"People can't be resurrected after death. Let's put it aside for now. Now the Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi is coming to my Tianlong Temple. Let's wait until we deal with Jiumozhi." Elder Kurong said softly. dignified color.

"Yes, Zhengming knows."

Duan Zhengming responded and stood aside respectfully.

He is the Emperor Baoding of Dali, but in front of Kurong, he belongs to the younger generation and holds the ceremony of the younger generation.

Although he also wanted to avenge Duan Yu very much, but now that the enemy is approaching, there are priorities, and the matter of revenge can only be put aside.

"Hahaha, on 4.9 Dali Tianlong Temple, are all the people with shy heads? The old monk Jiumozhi came to worship the mountain, but you locked the door. Is this the Dali way of worshiping guests?"

At this time, there was a burst of hearty laughter outside Tianlong Temple, and then, an extremely arrogant voice came, causing Ku Rong to open his eyes suddenly.


The expressions of Ku Rong and the others changed slightly.

"Hehe, King Dalun Ming is here, how can we not welcome you?"

Elder Ku Rong raised his robes, but saw a gust of wind, howled away, and hit the two gates of Muni Hall with a thumping sound, and the gates were blown open by the strong wind.

The gate opened, and a middle-aged monk in his forties stood in the center of the gate, looking at the monks in the Muni hall with a cold and proud face, with a look of disdain between his brows.

Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi! . "

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