In the end, Yue Laosan was already coaxing, deceiving and threatening. . "

Chapter 25 The Heinous and Evil Yun Zhonghe, Yue Laosan Apprentice Teacher (1/3)

Hearing this, Mu Han couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that this Yue Laosan would have his idea on him, wanting him to worship him as his teacher.

"You can take me as a disciple if you want, but I'm afraid that you, Yue Laosan, don't have the ability." Mu Han said with a faint smile.

"What? I don't know how many people want to worship me as the teacher of the South Sea Crocodile God. How dare you say that labor is not qualified? Believe it or not, labor will twist your neck off?" Hearing this, Yue Laosan was furious.

"How about this, let's have a competition, if you can beat me, I will worship you as my teacher, if you lose, you will respect me, how about it, Yue Laosan?" Mu Han suddenly became playful, Said.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, let me respect you?"

Yue Laosan was so angry that his head was smoking, this boy in white was too arrogant.

"Oh, don't you dare?" Mu Han sneered.

"Fuck your mother, your grandma's, just compare, who is afraid of whom? Anyone who doesn't compare is a bastard."

Yue Laosan waved the crocodile scissors in his hand, making golden and iron sounds.

"Boy, I'm afraid that labor and capital will cut off your head if you are not careful." Yue Laosan said viciously.

"Haha, Lao San Yue, don't overturn the boat in the gutter!" 523

At this moment, a cold laughter came, Mu Han looked over, and saw a tall and thin figure standing on the top of the tree, swaying up and down with the branches.

Seeing that person's appearance, Mu Han's mouth turned cold.

Another one to die!

Name: Yun Zhonghe

Sex: Male

Age: 39

Status: One of the Four Great Evil Men, extremely vicious.

Cultivation: super first-class late stage

Yun Zhonghe is tall and thin, with a sharp beak and thin lips, bloodless, rather ugly, and his clothes are quite ragged, with a lustful look, and the steel claws and iron staff in his hand are glowing with a gloomy luster .

While talking to Yue Laosan, Yun Zhonghe sized up Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, his mouth squeaked from time to time, as if tasting delicious food.

Seeing this scene, Mu Han's gaze became cold.

My own woman dares to make up her mind, she really wants to die!

Yun Zhonghe naturally also noticed Mu Han's gaze, and felt the icy murderous intent in that cold gaze, Yun Zhonghe felt chills all over his body as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

With just one look, you can make yourself feel a bit cool, this young man in white seems to be not easy (biba)!

But facing Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, Yun Zhonghe would not give up easily.

He had faced countless opponents who were stronger than him, but he was able to survive, not because of how high his cultivation was, but because of his extremely lightness kung fu.

Yun Zhonghe has always been lustful, seeing Zhong Ling's beautiful face, plump and ruddy, Mu Wanqing's beauty and fair complexion, made him feel hot.

The two women are both beauties that are rare to see, Mu Wanqing's body has a strange fragrance, and Zhong Ling's body is also full of delicate fragrance, which makes Yun Zhonghe's heart itchy even more.

However, he knew that the white-clothed young man in front of him was extraordinary, so he also wanted to use Yue Laosan's hand to solve or delay Mu Han, and then rely on his superb lightness skills to capture the second daughter and find a place to have fun Ah.

"Yue Laosan, are you going to fight or not? If you don't dare to fight, forget it. I'll teach this kid a lesson."

Yun Zhonghe sarcastically said that he and Yue Laosan are the same four villains, so he naturally knows Yue Laosan's character, the less others ask him to do something, what he will do.

"Your grandma, Yun Laosi, you are endless, why don't labor and management fight? Hmph, don't take these two beauties away while others are in danger."

Yue Lao San was so provoked by Yun Zhonghe, and he was really fooled. Although he was stupid, he also knew that when he was fighting with Mu Han, then Yun Lao Si would definitely attack the two girls. reputation?

He has always attached great importance to reputation.

"Yue Laosan, if you kill someone else, I will take his wife. Wouldn't it be wonderful for us two villains to join forces? Haha, haha."

Although he knew that Mu Han's martial arts were extraordinary, Yun Zhonghe felt that if he teamed up with Yue Laosan, he might not be able to kill Mu Han.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhonghe was complacent, his ugly appearance distorted his face when he laughed, and became more and more terrifying.

"Hmph, to deal with this kid, do we still need our cooperation?"

Yue Laosan said disdainfully, holding the crocodile scissors, he attacked Mu Han, as if he wanted to cut off Mu Han's head with the scissors.


Mu Han took a step forward, hummed softly, a powerful aura swept out from his body, and he saw, behind him, ten dragons, ten elephants, and twenty golden phantoms condensed.

Ten dragons and ten elephants, with majestic momentum, caused a sudden gust of wind around them, flying sand and rocks, and even the Yunzhong Crane standing on the top of the tree almost fell from the tree.

Mu Han's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu has long been practiced to the state of Dzogchen, able to condense thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, but to deal with Yue Laosan and Yun Zhonghe, ten dragons and ten elephants are enough to completely crush them.

"Bang bang bang!"

The violent breath fluctuated, like a storm, sweeping away, involving the attacking Yue Laosan.

While the dragon was singing and the elephant was roaring, even though the Crocodile God of the South China Sea was known as the ferocious spirit of the Four Great Evil Men, he felt his aura and turned pale with fright.

"What a horrible smell."

Yun Zhonghe's pupils shrank suddenly, and suddenly he felt cold sweat running down his spine.

He didn't expect that this white-clothed young man could explode with such power, even the boss was inferior to him.


Yue Laosan's figure flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and the crocodile scissors in his hand were shattered.

"Brother Mu Han is awesome!"

"Brother Mu Han is amazing!"

Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing were stunned, their eyes showed admiration, and their pretty faces were full of joy.

They didn't expect that even the four villains would be so vulnerable in front of Brother Mu Han.

Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing's expressions of joy were also seen by Yun Zhonghe, he also knew that even if he joined forces with Yue Laosan, he might not be Mu Han's opponent, it is better to arrest the second daughter first.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhonghe lightly tapped his feet, rushed towards the two women as anxiously as lightning.

"Yunzhonghe, stop!" Mu Han said softly without moving.

Although the sound was soft, when it fell into Yun Zhonghe's ears, it was like a bell and a big drum. The energy and blood in Yun Zhonghe's body was shaken, his face was pale, and a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly.

"not good!"

Yun Zhonghe thought to himself, the tip of his toes suddenly pointed in the air, instead of advancing, he retreated and landed on the treetop again.

"Yue Laosan, you lost!" Mu Han said indifferently, looking down at Yue Laosan, his indifferent gaze made Yue Laosan feel a chill.

"If you lose, you lose!"

Although Yue Laosan was vicious by nature, he was a straightforward person. He got up from the ground, knelt down in front of Mu Han, kowtowed three times, and said, "Disciple Yue Laosan, pay homage to Master and the two wives .”

When Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing heard the words of the Crocodile God of the South Sea, two red clouds flew up on their pretty faces, and even their fair necks were slightly flushed. . "

Chapter 26 Killing the Crane in the Cloud, Two Evils Come Together (2/3)

"Yue Laosan, Master has ordered, kill him!" Mu Han pointed at Yun Zhonghe beside him, and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Yue Laosan stood up, although he was a little reluctant, but he valued his reputation very much, since he worshiped Mu Han as his teacher, he would do what he said.

"Yue Laosan, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Yue Laosan looking at him, Yun Zhonghe's expression changed, and he scolded: "Yue Laosan, you forgot what the boss told us~ huh?"

"I haven't forgotten, but the master told me to kill you, and I will kill you. I will naturally do what the boss told me."

Yue Laosan stomped on the sole of his foot and sprinted towards the crane in the cloud, and he slapped out angrily with his palm.

"Bang bang bang!"

In front of Mu Han, although Yue Laosan was like an ant, but in front of Yun Zhonghe, his cultivation at an extremely early stage could be called terrifying.

With one palm, the sound of sonic boom resounded again and again.

"Yue Lao San, you are crazy! Be careful, I will tell the boss." Yun Zhonghe cursed while dodging.

Before, he had thought of joining forces with Yue Laosan to deal with Mu Han together, but he didn't expect that Yue Laosan would turn his guns and deal with him.

"You should listen to the boss's words, but you should also listen to the master's words."

Yue Laosan showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and the offensive in his hand was still attacking Yun Zhonghe with undiminished power.

Yun Zhonghe's lightness kungfu was superb, but his martial arts were not enough in front of Yue Laosan. After only a few moves, he fell into a disadvantage.

"Master won't play with you anymore."

Yun Zhonghe knew that he was no match for Yue Laosan, so as soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, he wanted to run away.

But Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were really beautiful, which made Yun Zhonghe's heart itch, and before leaving, he still wanted to snatch one away.

His figure suddenly moved, as fast as lightning, and rushed towards Zhong Ling.

Yun Zhonghe also saw that Zhong Ling was easier to deal with.

"court death!"

Seeing Yun Zhonghe, Mu Han dared to attack Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing, so he gave a light drink and slapped him.

The mighty palm force instantly blocked the two women and swept towards Yun Zhonghe.

Yun Zhonghe sensed the sharp palm wind coming towards him, he stepped back, and then rushed towards the distance.

He already knew that this white-clothed young man's cultivation was truly terrifying, and he might return empty-handed today.

Yun Zhonghe's lightness kung fu was superb, and coupled with his desire to escape for his life, his speed was even more incomparably fast.

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