"Baby, baby, I'm back..."

At this time, a rough and gentle voice came from the hall.

Hearing the sound, Baby Gan's face changed drastically, and she just wanted to break free from Mu Han's arms, but Mu Han's hands were so tight that she couldn't break free.

The fierce battle is in full swing, how can Mu Han allow Baby Gan to truce halfway?

As for the person who entered the hall, upon hearing Mu Han's hearing, he knew that it was the owner of Wanchou Valley, the horse king god Zhong Wanchou!

"Baby, is that you? What are you doing in the kitchen? Why do I hear a man's voice?"

Although Zhong Wanchou married Gan Baobao, he was very suspicious because of his shame.

But he was really kind to Gan Baobao. Without Gan Baobao's permission, he didn't even dare to enter the house, let alone touch her.

"What are you thinking about? A man's voice? Do you wish I could find some men?"

Gan Baobao snorted softly and said, "Hmph, our daughter is not feeling well. I'm making medicine for Linger in the kitchen. Why don't you go and see Linger, are you still here suspicious?"

Baby Gan looked down on Zhong Wanchou 913 from the bottom of his heart. He was forced to marry Zhong Wanchou at the beginning, and now he is fighting with Mu Han in the kitchen.

"Don't be angry, baby. I'm just talking casually. How could my baby do something sorry for me? I'll go and see Linger right now." Zhong Wanchou let go when he heard Baby Gan scolding him. Feeling relieved, he walked towards Zhong Ling's room.

"Father, you're back." At this moment, Zhong Ling came in from outside the house, saw Zhong Wanchou, and shouted.

"Ling'er, I heard you're not feeling well?" Zhong Wanchou asked.

"Well, Mother is making medicine for me." Zhong Ling nodded and said.

"Father and daughter, let's have a good chat. I will prepare the medicine soon." Baby Gan said in the kitchen.

Hearing this, Mu Han smiled, now it's time to play!

Mu Han was no longer polite, and used his methods one by one.


Gan Baobao gritted his silver teeth tightly and let out a low whimper, but he was worried that Zhong Wanchou and Zhong Ling outside the house would hear him. His appearance was pitiful, but heart-warming.

Hearing Zhong Wanchou and Zhong Ling chatting outside, Mu Han felt very excited. Zhong Wanchou outside would never have thought that he would put a green hat on him.

And Baby Gan also experienced an unprecedented excitement and happiness... "

Chapter 19 Baby Gan's Hidden Illness, Zhong Wanchou's Jealousy (2/4)

After a great battle, Baby Gan was dripping with sweat, and lay limp in Mu Han's arms.

"Auntie, hurry up and clean up, Zhong Gu and Ling'er are still waiting for us outside?" Mu Han whispered into Gan Baobao's ear, and the hot air he exhaled lightly sprayed all over Gan Baobao's crystal earlobe, making the baby Two red clouds flew up from her pretty face.

"This bastard!"

Gan Baobao spat lightly in his heart, but also struggled to get up and tidy up.

In case Zhong Wanchou and Zhong Ling barged in, it was no joke.

"Ding, congratulations to the master, you have cured Baby Gan's cold syndrome, and the reward system will be 100 points."

Hearing the system notification tone, Mu Han was in a daze.

Cured Baby Gan's cold syndrome?

"System, what's going on?" Mu Han asked in his heart.

"Return to Master, when Baby Gan gave birth to Zhong Ling, due to improper care, he suffered from cold syndrome, which cannot be cured, but after double cultivation with Master, the cold syndrome has been completely cured." The system replied.

And this kind of thing?

Mu Han didn't expect that he would unintentionally cure Baby Gan's cold syndrome and get a reward of [-] system points.

"Auntie, do you feel better now?" Mu Han smiled and said softly.

Gan Baobao looked at Mu Han suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

"I'm referring to my aunt's cold syndrome."

Mu Han smiled faintly and said, "I have already cured my aunt's cold syndrome."

"Cold syndrome? How do you know? And, how could you..."

Gan Baobao's pretty face showed surprise. She never thought that Mu Han knew that she had a cold and was cured?

Gan Baobao hastily checked his body, and found that the cold syndrome that troubled him had disappeared without a trace.

"Hehe, this cold syndrome is not an intractable disease. Just now, I used the method of dual cultivation to transfer my true energy to my aunt, so as to dispel the accumulated cold energy in my aunt's body." Mu Han said lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." Baby Gan said gratefully with tears in his eyes.

For more than ten years, she has been tormented by the cold disease, and now, she has been completely cured by Mu Han, how can she not be grateful?

"If you want to thank you, it doesn't count if you say it with your mouth." Mu Han smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Gan Baobao's pretty face turned redder and brighter. Doesn't she know what Mu Han means?

But hearing Mu Han's words, Gan Baobao didn't have the slightest resistance in his heart, instead he became a little joyful and looking forward to it.

All along, she never let Zhong Wanchou touch her.

But at her age, when the demand is strong, and Mu Han's appearance, like timely rain, nourished her dry land.

Seeing Baby Gan's appearance, Mu Han laughed softly and said, "Auntie, get out quickly, otherwise Valley Master Zhong and Ling'er will really become suspicious."

It was only then that Baby Gan remembered that there were Zhong Wanchou and Zhong Ling outside the house, so he quickly packed them up, took the medicinal soup, and walked into the hall.

And Mu Han stayed in the kitchen for a while longer, before going out from the backyard and coming in through the front door.

"Ling'er, quickly drink this medicinal soup while it's hot."

Gan Baobao handed the decoction to Zhong Ling, and after Zhong Ling finished drinking, her slightly pale pretty face gradually showed a touch of rosy, just like the morning glow in the sky, bright and moving.

"Brother Mu Han, where were you just now? I've been looking for you for a long time."

After drinking the medicinal soup, Zhong Ling just saw Mu Han who entered the hall, and said pretendingly angrily.

Mu Han smiled slightly, and said, "The scenery in this valley is pleasant, so I went for a stroll."

After speaking, he smiled at Baby Gan.

Thinking of the ups and downs in the kitchen, Baby Gan couldn't help but blushed, and even her fair neck was slightly flushed, which was very pleasant.

"Then why didn't you call me?" Zhong Ling pouted and said unhappily.

"Didn't I see you fell asleep?" Mu Han explained helplessly.

If I bring you along, how can I be so frivolous to Baby Gan?


At this time, Zhong Wanchou who was on the side snorted heavily. He was naturally a little upset when he was ignored by the three of them.

Name: Zhong Wanchou

Age: 45

Sex: Male

Identity: Valley Master of Myriad Tribulations Valley

Cultivation: super first-class early stage

Zhong Wanchou is quite tall, with a long horse face and very high eyes, but a big round nose is squeezed together with the mouth, so that a large piece of nothing is left between the eyes and the nose. blank.

How ugly!

If it was the most ugly person in the world, he would be ranked second, but no one would dare to rank first.

No wonder Baby Gan didn't want Zhong Wanchou to touch her!

This face makes me a little sick to my stomach.

"Father, this is Brother Mu Han. As I said just now, he saved me on Wuliang Mountain." Zhong Ling said.

"Hmph, good-looking people are usually sinister villains, extremely treacherous." Zhong Wanchou said angrily.

Seeing Mu Han's handsome face, Zhong Wanchou was a little ashamed and thought of another person in his mind.

Because of that person, in his life, he hated the handsome man the most, not to mention Mu Han's appearance, which can be described as ".~monstrous".

"Wanchou..." Gan Baobao took a look at Zhong Wanchou and blamed him.

"Baby, isn't it?"

Zhong Wanchou said unconvinced: "Although this boy is handsome, he doesn't look like a good guy."

"Father, how can you say that about Brother Mu Han?" Zhong Ling also said dissatisfied.

Zhong Wanchou was most afraid of Gan Baobao leaving him the most in his life. Seeing Gan Baobao and Zhong Ling protecting Mu Han so much, he felt even more resentful towards Mu Han in his heart.

"Hmph, this kid came to my Wanchou Valley with ulterior motives, maybe he came for you, baby." Zhong Wanchou snorted softly and said.

Hearing Zhong Wanchou's words, Gan Baobao was startled, her pretty face flushed, and she said angrily: "Zhong Wanchou, you are suspicious all day long, and you don't take pictures of yourself (you get money). I've had enough of you for so many years."

Gan Baobao was married to Zhong Wanchou, and had had enough of facing an extremely ugly horse face all day long.

"Baby, baby."

Zhong Wanchou wanted to grab Baobao Gan, but Baobao Gan dodged him.

As usual, when Zhong Wanchou begged, Gan Baobao would still soften his heart and forgive Zhong Wanchou, but after being nourished by Mu Han, he became more and more disgusted with Zhong Wanchou.

"How can there be a man like you in the world?"

Gan Baobao said coldly, his pretty face was covered with a layer of frost, and he looked down on him even more in his heart.

Zhong Wanchou was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he recovered, he saw that Baobao Gan had already left, and Zhong Ling followed.

"Boy, it's all because of you!"

Zhong Wanchou turned around and looked at Mu Han with a killing intent in his eyes.

He blamed all these mistakes on Mu Han. . "

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