And the lightning mink in Zhong Ling's arms saw Mu Han, and with a whoosh, it jumped onto Mu Han's shoulder.

Apparently, the little guy was very grateful to Mu Han for helping him catch poisonous snakes, and he also took the initiative to get close to Mu Han.

"Brother Mu Han, you're back!" Seeing Mu Han, Zhong Ling quickly sat up and said pleasantly.

However, her hands were still messing with the flowers and plants, and her stomach was rumbling.

"Ling'er, are you hungry? I'll grill fish for you, okay?" Mu Han smiled slightly.

"Okay, Ling'er likes to eat brother Mu Han's grilled fish."

Mentioning grilled fish made Zhong Ling's stomach growl again.She thought of the grilled chicken last time, and she couldn't help swallowing her saliva when she ate it.This time, I don't know what the taste of Brother Mu's grilled fish is?

She didn't know anything about catching or grilling fish, so she watched Mu Han flick an invisible finger force across the lake surface, and saw that the lake surface seemed to be cut apart, and two big fish floated up directly.

Mu Han stretched out his hand, and the true energy in his palm directly sucked the two big fish over.

Mu Han is quite skilled in cooking, he washed and peeled the two fish, grilled them on fire, and waited until the fish meat wafted up the aroma, which made Zhong Ling swallow for a while, and the lightning marten also looked at it enviously.


It didn't take long for the fish meat to be charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with a tangy aroma.

Mu Han handed Zhong Ling a grilled fish. After Zhong Ling took it, he stretched out his mouth and bit it.

The fish meat was quite hot, causing her to stick out her tongue.

Seeing this, Mu Han couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "Be careful, it's hot."

Zhong Lingqiao blushed, this time it was really embarrassing.

Zhong Ling was really hungry. After the fish had cooled down a bit, he ate up the grilled fish. Because he was too full, he burped involuntarily.

After eating the grilled fish, the two sat side by side by the lake 810, listening to the sound of the waterfall, Zhong Ling took a peek at Mu Han, couldn't help but think of the scene when they first met, her pretty face blushed slightly.

It was getting late, and a bright moon rose.

The moonlight was shining brightly on the surface of the lake, and it also fell on the two of them.

The surface of the lake was sparkling, reflecting Zhong Ling's beautiful shadow, insects were chirping in the grass, and the gentle breeze was blowing Zhong Ling's beautiful hair.

"Ling'er, look quickly, Meteor."

Mu Han pointed to the sky, turned his head and said to Zhong Ling beside him.

But Zhong Ling heard Mu Han's words, but didn't look at the sky, but looked at Mu Han.

Accidentally, the lips of the two were directly touching each other.

The silence speaks.

How could Mu Han let go of this good opportunity, stretched out his hands, hugged Zhong Ling in his arms, and started messing around with his big hands.

Zhong Ling couldn't help but blushed and softened when Mu Han made such a fuss and smelled the strong manly aura on his body.

Just when Mu Han was about to take the next step, there was a slight sound of footsteps from the valley not far away.

Immediately, ten thousand muddy horses roared past Mu Han's heart.

Who spoiled Lao Tzu's good deeds?

Didn't you tell Zuo Zimu not to let anyone in?

Can't find death? . "

Chapter 9 The King of Ten Thousand Poisons, Manggu Zhuha (Second update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)

"Tap Tap!"

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Mu Han's facial features were keen, and he could hear a man and a woman from afar

Zhong Ling was lying in Mu Han's arms, looking at Mu Han quietly, recalling the kiss just now, her pretty face flushed slightly.

The two gradually approached.

The moonlight was shining brightly on the immeasurable jade discs, making the two people who came here couldn't help but exclaim.

"This... is this the Infinite Jade Bi?" A woman said in surprise.

"Yes, Junior Sister Ge." A man said with a smile.

Name: Qian Guanghao

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Status: Disciple of the Eastern Sect of the Infinite Sword Sect

Cultivation: Third-rate Early Stage

Name: Ge Guangpei

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Status: Disciple of Xizong of Wuliangjian Sect

Cultivation: Third-rate Early Stage

Seeing the information given by the system, Mu Han secretly smiled.

It turned out to be this couple of dogs and men!

Today Qian Guanghao was slightly injured when Mu Han swept the Wuliang Sword Sect, while Ge Guangpei hid far away and was not injured.

In the original book, when the Wuliang Sword Sect was in crisis, Qian and Ge fled away and eloped to become husband and wife.

However, the two of them came to Wuliang Yubi, obviously not just to have an affair.

"Brother Qian, do you think there is really a treasure behind this immeasurable jade? If we sneak in, will we be discovered? What's more, that young man in white is so amazing that even my master was killed. If we If you bump into him, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat."

Ge Guangpei said in a low voice, quite worried, thinking of Mu Han's ruthless killing today, he felt scared.

"Hmph, why are you afraid of him? After so long, he must not be in Wuliang Jade Bi. After we find the treasure of Wuliang Jade Bi, we will leave Wuliang Mountain and find a place where there is no one. We will happily be a mandarin duck couple. , wouldn't it be better?"

That Qian Guanghao paused, turned to look at Ge Guangpei, only felt that her appearance, under the moonlight, attracted and stimulated him more and more, so when he spoke, he was also arrogant, and his voice couldn't help but raise up an octave.

"Hush, keep your voice down, I always feel uneasy in my heart, besides, I'm so ugly, if you get tired of it, then I...then I...々"..." Ge Guangpei said hesitantly.

"Hey, how can my Junior Sister Ge be ugly? She looks like a fairy in the sky, and all the women in the world are far inferior. She is countless times more beautiful than the girl in the blue shirt next to the boy in white." Qian Guanghao said sweetly. road.

"Well... don't... don't do this."

"Junior Sister, what are you afraid of? Even if that boy in white is here, Senior Brother, I will kill him with a sword. Besides, if it wasn't for him, how could I stay and fly with Junior Sister?"

Seeing Ge Guangpei's moving appearance, Qian Guanghao's heart burst into flames, and he couldn't help but want to make out with her.

"Oh? You want to kill me, don't you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gan Guanghao heard an extremely indifferent voice, and suddenly, cold sweat broke out on his back.

And Ge Guangpei shuddered even more, feeling terrified in his heart.

"Who? Playing tricks here?"

Gan Guanghao and Ge Guangpei followed the prestige and saw two figures walking towards them slowly.

Under the moonlight, the young man in white was tall and strong, but his expression was extremely cold and arrogant. Beside him stood a girl in green clothes, holding a snow-white mink in her arms.

All of a sudden, Ge Guangpei and Gan Guanghao felt dizzy. Aren't the two people in front of them the same as today's young man in white and girl in blue?

"Dang, dang."

The long swords in Qian and Ge's hands fell to the ground involuntarily.

Qian Guanghao did not expect that he actually met Mu Han here, and he should have heard everything he said just now.

Thinking of this, Gan Guanghao felt bitter. He wanted to speak, but his teeth trembled, and his whole body trembled like chaff.

"I heard you wanted to kill me, didn't you?" Mu Han smiled and sarcastically.

Mu Han stood proudly, the cold arrogance revealed between his brows and the faint killing intent pervading his whole body made Qian Guanghao feel a strong sense of oppression, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his legs went limp, and with a plop, he Kneel down.

At this time, Ge Guangpei stood in place, dumbfounded, with a dumbfounded look on his face.Especially when she thought of her master Xin Shuangqing being killed by one finger, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her face was full of horror.

"Why did you kneel down to me? Just now, weren't you very arrogant? Aren't you very powerful? Aren't you very arrogant?"

Mu Leng shouted loudly, just by the aura exuding from his body, Degan Guanghao spurted several mouthfuls of blood.

The coercion exuded by warriors in the innate realm is not something a third-rate warrior can bear, not to mention Mu Han's scolding voice, like a thunderbolt, makes it difficult for Degan Guanghao to resist.

"Pick up your long sword, show your courage, come, let me see, what are your arrogance?"

Mu Han was rather annoyed, he dared to say that Zhong Ling was not as good-looking as Ge Guangpei, did he mean that he had poor eyesight?

Gan Guanghao knew that he would die this time, so he also raised his head suddenly, and pushed the unprepared Ge Guangpei towards Mu Han, while turning around and running away.

"."Want to run? "

Mu Han waved his palm casually and slapped Ge Guangpei directly.


Ge Guangpei let out a scream, and flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, hitting Gan Guanghao who was running away heavily.

Ge Guangpei's heart was shattered by Mu Han's palm, and he couldn't die anymore. Gan Guanghao was also hit by Ge Guangpei's body. The two of them head to head, their brains splashed, and they died in the grass by the lake.

"Let's go."

After killing the two of them, Mu Han felt much better.

A good atmosphere, being disturbed by these two people, how can it be said that Mu Han is not angry?

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