He just saw through Zuo Zimu's mind and wanted to teach Zuo Zimu a lesson for this ignorant boy, but he didn't expect that this lesson would turn out to be a huge scapegoat.

"Oh? Don't you believe it?"

Seeing that Zuo Zimu and others were desperately comforting themselves, Mu Han couldn't help but burst out laughing, and he flicked out a finger force, like an invisible sword, instantly cutting the gray shirt around Duan Yu's waist.

A white jade tablet was exposed between the torn brocade shirt.

The white jade was crystal clear, one could tell it was extraordinary at a glance, and on the jade tablet was engraved with a big character.


The person who can own this kind of jade plaque is extraordinary even if he is not the eldest son of the Duan family in Dali.

It seems that this time, he really killed the wrong person.

Seeing the jade tablet, Gong Guangjie collapsed to the ground again, his head beating loudly.

He really wanted to slap himself!

I'm such a pig, why did I do this just to please Zuo Zimu?

Zuo Zimu's face also changed slightly, he did not expect that this young man in brocade clothes was really the heir of the Duan family of Dali.

"How is it? Did you see it clearly?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"." Who are you? "

Xin Shuangqing who was on the side shouted coldly: "Just a jade tablet, just engraved with a paragraph, can't be said that he is the eldest son of the Duan family in Dali, right? And your Excellency is hiding under the eaves sneakily. Is the Infinite Sword sent here?"

If Dali Duan knew that Dali's son died in the Wuliang Sword Sect, not to mention Zuo Zimu, even Xin Shuangqing and everyone around her would suffer.

Therefore, seeing Zuo Zimu hesitating aside, Xin Shuangqing also stood up, exuding a murderous intent.

This is like a family fight, even if you fight to the death, but if an outsider comes, they will fight against the outsider together with the enemy.

"I'm just passing by here, a passer-by watching a play, after the play is over, we should go too." Mu Han said with a smile.

"Things have not been clarified yet, I am afraid your Excellency will not be able to leave this place."

Xin Shuangqing said coldly, and looked at Zuo Zimu and the others at the same time, and they all understood, they could only (Zhao De's) kill people to silence the matter and cover it up, otherwise the matter would spread, and everyone present would probably be punished by Dali. Duan's pursuit.

All the disciples of the Immeasurable Sword Sect also nodded in unison, took a step, and surrounded Mu Han and Zhong Ling who were on the eaves.

And the people who came to help out were also people from the Jianghu, who had few lives on their bodies, seeing this, they all held their own weapons and stared at Mu Han and Zhong Ling covetously.

"Do you want to kill someone? I'm afraid you have found the wrong person."

Seeing this, Mu Han smiled lightly, and looked at everyone, especially Xin Shuangqing, with cold eyes.

The cold and powerful breath swept out from Mu Han's body, making the temperature of the entire hall become freezing.

Xin Shuangqing, Zuo Zimu and everyone present were as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their bodies were cold, and their faces showed fear.

What a terrible breath! . "

Chapter 5 Everyone is scared to pee, kill Xin Shuangqing (First update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)

The entire Jianhu Palace was silent!

Zuo Zimu, Xin Shuangqing, the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and the spectators were all cold, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar. They all felt a suffocating breath from Mu Han.


"What a horrible breath."

"This breath is simply... simply too terrifying."

Everyone in the hall felt the terrifying aura emanating from Mu Han's body, their faces became contorted, and their legs trembled involuntarily.

Only now did they realize that the white-clothed youth in front of them was a hidden master, completely different from the brocade-clothed youth before him.

All of a sudden, Jianhu Palace was completely silent, and no one dared to take a big breath.

"Ling'er, are there any melon seeds?" Mu Han asked with a soft smile.

"Yes, I have!"

Zhong Ling took out a handful of melon seeds from her bosom and handed it to Mu Han.

Mu Han hugged Zhong Ling with one arm, picked up a melon seed with the other, knocked it leisurely, and said with a smile, "This rose-flavored melon seed is really delicious."

Xin Shuangqing, Zuo Zimu and the others all turned extremely ugly. Obviously, the young man in white didn't take them seriously.

"Master Xin, do you still want to kill me?" Mu Han said contemptuously, but he didn't look at Xin Shuangqing.

The most poisonous woman!

She was the first to bring up killing and silence, so Mu Han immediately pointed the finger at her.

Hearing Mu Han's words, cold sweat broke out on Xin Shuangqing's forehead, but she didn't dare to wipe it off, and the long sword in her hand was almost uncontrollable because of trembling hands and feet.

However, Xin Shuangqing was worthy of being the master of the Western Sect, so he forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, and scolded: "Everyone, don't be afraid, this kid is just playing tricks. He is only twenty years old, so how high can his martial arts be? Let's fight together, Kill this kid."

"To make a fool of yourself?"

The people present were not fools, they could emit such a terrifying aura, no matter how poor their cultivation was, they were not something they could provoke.

Besides, the white-clothed young man in front of him obviously only has enmity with the Wuliang Sword Sect, and has nothing to do with them, they are just here to shout and cheer.

At first, everyone thought that this white-clothed young man didn't have much ability, and in order to get closer to the Wuliang Sword Sect, they just killed him together.

Who knew that he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and his cultivation was unfathomable, which made everyone curse Xin Shuangqing in their hearts.

A woman, even if she becomes the master of a sect, still has long hair but short knowledge.

"Hey, hey, I have a stomachache and I'm going to have diarrhea. The left master and the master Xin, I'm leaving first."

"Not good, my mother-in-law is going to have a baby today, the head of the left, the head of Xin, excuse me."

"My grandma went to Hexi today, and the Zuomen and Xinmen will come to visit some other day."


All of a sudden, these melon-eating people found various reasons and fled.

For these people who make soy sauce, Mu Han is not even interested in doing it.

Suddenly, the entire hall became empty.

Only Xin Shuangqing, Zuo Zimu and the disciples of the Eastern and Western schools remained.

"Bah, a group of cowardly fellows."

Xin Shuangqing directly poohed at the door, and then asked: "Brother Zuo, what should we do now?"

Zuo Zimu was also furious in his heart. If it wasn't for Xin Shuangqing's proposal to kill someone to silence him, why would he, who is always cautious, be so impulsive and make mistakes again and again.

Now ask me what to do?

How can I know what to do?

"What an old fox."

Seeing Zuo Zimu's hesitation, Xin Shuangqing cursed secretly, and shouted: "The disciples of Xizong obey the order, let's attack together and kill these two sons."


The disciples of the Xizong of the Wuliangjian Sect heard the order from the master, and they also exerted their energy. They rushed up and jumped onto the eaves. Immediately, the sword light flashed, and they stabbed at Mu Han's vitals.

"Brother Mu Han, be careful!"

Seeing Xizong's disciples approaching aggressively, Zhong Ling's expression also changed instantly.

"Don't worry, (bief) has me!"

Mu Han smiled at Zhong Ling, then raised his head to look at Xin Shuangqing, and said, "Master Xin, why didn't you go up by yourself, instead you asked your disciples to come and die?"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Han waved a palm casually, and the powerful palm force swept away like mountains and seas.

"Bang bang bang!"

Those disciples of the West Sect of the Wuliang Sword Sect suddenly felt a strong wave of air coming, and before they could react, their entire bodies were blown away and landed on the ground like dumplings in a pot.


The disciples of Xizong were not high in cultivation level, but when they were struck by Mu Han's palm, blood spurted wildly from their mouths, those with slightly lower cultivation level died immediately.



Seeing this scene, the expressions of Zuo Zimu and Xin Shuangqing changed drastically.

With a random slap, the disciples of Xizong were all dead and wounded, none of them could stand up. If they tried to use all their strength, the disciples of Xizong would all die.

Mu Han's display of strength caused Xin Shuangqing's face to turn pale in an instant, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

This young man in white is really too powerful!

So strong that he doesn't even have the courage to make a move!

"Brother Zuo, why don't you make a move? Are you going to see the Wuliang Sword Sect perish?" Xin Shuangqing said, looking at Zuo Zimu.

Stupid woman, don't pull me if you want to die!

Even if all the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect went up together, it might not be enough for them to grit their teeth!

Zuo Zimu cursed loudly in his heart.

"If you don't go up to me!"

Xin Shuangqing gritted his teeth, and thrust his sword towards Mu Han.

Mu Han didn't raise his head, didn't even look at her, he just stretched out his fingers casually, flicked lightly, and a gust of wind shot out, directly piercing Xin Shuangqing's eyebrows, causing a flower to burst out on his forehead. blood flower.

Gorgeous and cold!


Xin Shuangqing's body fell directly in front of Zuo Zimu from mid-air, making Zuo Zimu tremble with fright, and he knelt down in front of Mu Han and Zhong Ling.

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