While the two of them were talking, An Chen also took care of the lamb chops, as long as they turned the grill at low temperature from time to time, it would be fine.

The three of them chatted and talked, and the time passed quickly.After a while, the lamb chops were grilled, and the three of them ate delicious food in a small stove.As for Yamashita, it has nothing to do with them for the time being.

But just as the three of them were going to sleep, Wang Yuan called.

"Brother, we have another guest here. If you are not far away, I would also like to experience camping life."

"Here, it takes about half an hour to drive here. Wouldn't it be unsafe at this point? Otherwise, why don't you just spend the night and come back tomorrow?"

"That's all right, I'll trouble you bro."

After getting rid of the brat Wang Yuan, An Chen and the three finally went to rest.Not long after An Chen lay down, Jing Tian walked in.After a long time, An Chen walked into Li Xiaolu and Jing Tian's tent.

In the early morning of the second day, the sound of the mobile phone alarm woke everyone up, and after Jing Tian and Li Xiaolu got out of the tent, they shouted to An Chen, "Xiaochen, let's go back, Xiaolu has to do something."

Hearing this, An Chen replied, "Okay, wait a moment, I'll be right out."

As for why the two of them slept together, it was of course that An Chen carried Jing Tian back after she finished having fun.But when An Chen carried Jing Tian back, Jing Tian opened his eyes.Taking a look at Li Xiaolu's undressed appearance, and smelling the smell of hormones in the air, Jing Tian glanced at An Chen's back.But that's all, what else can she do

Not long after, An Chen came out, and then brought the two of them back to Building A.Although An Chen's liquid doesn't really have the rejuvenating function, it still has the ability to improve immunity, so both of them are in a good state of mind.

After thinking about it, An Chen exchanged for a 5-year anti-growth pill.Because it's only for five years, this thing is not expensive, and with An Chen's ability, all his women can afford it.But since Jing Tian wanted it, An Chen still wanted her to become younger on the show, so as not to cause too much trouble.

After Li Xiaolu went in, An Chen quietly called Jing Tian aside, and said solemnly, "Eat this, but don't tell anyone who asks you, understand?"

Jing Tian was taken aback, and ate obediently, but she woke up when she ate.

"This is a fairy medicine." After Jing Tian had been talking for a long time, he felt that fairy medicine could only be described.But then Jing Tian seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "Liar, don't you say that the secret of not getting old is with you?"

Hearing this, An Chen showed an evil smile, and said in Jing Tian's ear, "If I didn't say that, you would think of other ways to get it, but I want to water my little Tian'er more than that."

Jing Tian gave An Chen a blank look when he heard the words, he had already eaten him, so what else could he say? Besides, looking at him like this, anyway, he would definitely not get it if he didn't pay.The good thing is, anyway, I also have feelings for him, so I can make money without losing money.

"Is there a deer too?"

"No, she's not my woman. We all need to relax together. You may not know how precious this medicine is. Simply put, I have only collected a few of this medicine so far."

ask for flowers

"Is there a lack of materials?"

"No, although the materials are difficult to find, they can be found after all. What I lack is a particularly rare medicine primer, so rare that it cannot be obtained by chance."

Hearing this, although Jing Tian felt sorry, she also understood.After all, if this miraculous pill is too simple, then it is too unreal.It's a pity that I can't ask for one for my grandfather. The worst thing is that I actually ate it. I knew I would leave it to my grandfather.

"Come down to eat."

Following Huang Yali's greeting, the two came to the dining hall.When everyone finished eating, seeing Li Xiaolu leave, Chang Yuan heard Chang Yuan say, "I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Jing Tian also said, "That's just right, I also have something to say."

Hearing what Jing Tian said, Chang Yuan's expression changed, and he said, "Is what you said and what I said the same thing?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Stop making charades about anything."

"Today is Xiaolu's birthday, I have a plan."

Hearing this, Jing Tian said with interest, "Oh, tell me what your plan is."

Li Xiaolu's birthday? Hearing this, An Chen thought for a while and said, "In this case, I'll give Xiaolu a birthday present too."

"Oh what do you want to send"

Hearing this, An Chen thought for a while, and asked, "Is there a herbal garden nearby? I need to pick some fresh herbs."

Hearing this, Zhao Yingjun hurriedly said, "I just heard that people from Building B are going to fly a kite, why don't you ask if there is one and join them?"

"That's okay, I'll go and ask, you don't have to wait for me to eat, you should be back at noon."

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety."


Text 0509: The Embarrassment of Mystery Li Xiaolu

Herbal garden, this is the name of the herbal garden.The types here are quite complete, but most of them are herbal medicines. An Chen also needs some traditional Chinese medicines based on rhizomes.

After An Chen found all the herbs, he made a special trip to the Chinese medicine store to find all the ingredients.

"Can I borrow the place where you grind the medicine?"

"Of course. Follow me, please."

After grinding the herbs into mud, An Chen added some lotion to make the herbs as dense as cosmetics and full of natural and fresh taste.

After packing it in an exquisite glass bottle, An Chen smiled with satisfaction.It was past two o'clock in the afternoon when all this was done.Seeing this, An Chen found "Four Seven Three" a restaurant, ate something casually and returned to the hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel, Huang Yali had already started preparing dinner.Seeing this, An Chen said, "If I had known you would start cooking, I would have come back to eat. I thought I would have to wait two or three hours."

Huang Yali heard this, and said, "So you ate it?"

"Yeah, just put it on casually. After all, I haven't eaten at noon, so I'm still a little hungry."

"It's okay, then you can eat something that suits your taste at night."

"Okay, I'll go and see the others, I'll leave the kitchen to you."

"Okay, go get busy."

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