After putting Guan Xiaotong on the bench, An Chen pinched Guan Xiaotong's legs and said, "To be honest, I really didn't expect it to be you, Xiaotong. But this is better, it won't be too unfamiliar and embarrassing. How should I say it?" , we are all familiar with it, right? By the way, there is still a meeting gift that should be there, and I will get it for you later.”

"Is there such a link in the meeting ceremony, but I'm not prepared to do it?" Guan Xiaotong's pretentious appearance is simply serious, and he is worthy of being an actor.No matter whether others believe it or not, An Chen does anyway.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you have it or not. If you feel sorry, then cook me a meal."

Unexpectedly, when Guan Xiaotong heard An Chen's words, he hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands, and refused, "No, no, I can kill people if I cook, I'd better give you a gift."

Speaking of which, Guan Xiaotong took out a small box from the bag at hand.The box is not big, but very delicate.

Seeing this, An Chen said in surprise, "Isn't there no gift?"

"Haha, you got tricked by me, I'm an actor. I want to give you a surprise, if you're surprised, if you're happy, please open it and see if you like it."

An Chen looked helplessly at the child-like Guan Xiaotong, and then opened the small box.Inside the box was a watch, obviously she noticed that An Chen didn't wear a watch.But in fact, An Chen didn't like wearing a watch very much.But since it was sent by Guan Xiaotong, it is different.

"Thank you, I like it very much. I'll get you the gift I prepared."

At this time, Guan Xiaotong's legs were much better after An Chen's massage, so he quietly put them down.At this moment, An Chen walked over with his gift.

Seeing a rectangular box, Guan Xiaotong was a little bit looking forward to it at first.But when she saw the stationery bag inside, she was a little restless. 45

"what is this"

"A stationery bag."

"I know, what I mean is that you gave me this. Do you think I'm poor at study?" Guan Xiaotong felt that he was not good at all. Although he didn't like to study, I was not bad at study.

"open to take a look"

Hearing what An Chen said, Guan Xiaotong looked forward to it again.But when she opened it couldn't help being disappointed again.A pencil, an eraser, and a note.

Wait, the note Guan Xiaotong opened the note and looked at it seriously.

s pushes two books: King of Ten Thousand Realms Xiang Yu Entertainment's Tough Guy King.

Text 0389: Guan Xiaotong is in high spirits!

"Although I don't know who you are, it is fate that we met here. Because the gift I want to give you cannot be prepared in advance, so I can only give it to you in this way. Next, I will use this root Pen, this eraser, to draw a sketch for you."

This time, Guan Xiaotong finally smiled.It is impossible to say that it is a pen, an eraser, etc., how can anyone take such a thing as a gift.But looking around, Guan Xiaotong asked curiously, "Then what about your drawing paper and drawing board, shouldn't you just talk about it?"

"I left it at the door before I came in, just wait a moment, I'll get it."

When An Chen came back with the drawing paper and drawing board, Guan Xiaotong had already settled for a pose, and said, "This pose won't be too long, right? I can't stand for 3 hours."


An Chen's laughter instantly made Guan Xiaotong angry from embarrassment.Guan Xiaotong said in shame and anger, "Si Anchen, what do you mean you despise my ugly appearance?"

"No, I'm just laughing at you for unnecessary actions. If someone else said it, maybe you really have to put on a pose, but you don't need it, we are so familiar."

Only then did Guan Xiaotong realize that she had misunderstood, and An Chen's words made her feel even more sweet.But she snorted coquettishly and sat aside.

But when An Chen laid out the drawing paper and was ready to draw, Guan Xiaotong couldn't help but moved a chair and moved closer.He said, "Can I have a look?"

"Of course." Following An Chen's words, the tip of the pen began to make a "swish" sound on the white paper.For a while, a unique rhythm was formed in this quiet cafe.

Because An Chen's painting is a full-body painting this time, the time is longer than the time for playing games.But An Chen's painting is basically difficult to make mistakes. In terms of his physical coordination, the eraser is just a spare tire.

In less than half an hour, a woman in ancient costume appeared on the drawing paper.The woman seems to be endowed with charm, playful, arrogant and full of confidence.And the woman in the painting is [-]% similar to Guan Xiaotong, as if she is the modern image of the girl in ancient costume in the painting.

Seeing this, Guan Xiaotong was extremely satisfied.He opened the mouth and said, "This painting must be given to me. This is the most special gift I have ever received. Moreover, this painting is indeed made by a famous artist."

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and then said, "It's not over yet, wait a minute."

Are you going to add accessories? It's a bit monotonous, but it's already very good.Just when Guan Xiaotong was thinking this way, carbon lines once again appeared vividly on the paper.

This time, An Chen didn't draw pictures, but calligraphy.Use lead carbon to achieve the carbon ink standard of calligraphy.

This painting lasted for a quarter of an hour. With the last bit of carbon in place, An Chen put down the remaining half of the pencil, and said, "Okay, the drawing is finished, I hope you like it."

"I love it, I really love it. I'll get it framed when I get back."

Those words added by An Chen made the whole painting not so empty, but they clarified the meaning of the painting in just one sentence Guan Xiaotong is in high spirits

May I ask, isn't this in line with Guan Xiaotong's personality at this age? In addition, this was drawn by An Chen, and the artist is also very good.Guan Xiaotong doesn't like being weird anymore

"Where should I put it now? Don't forget this drawing paper tube. It's mine now."

As he said that, Guan Xiaotong opened the paper tube on his own.Seeing this, An Chen opened his mouth, but shook his head amusedly.In fact, it was prepared for her, otherwise it would be a waste of money if it was broken.So even if Guan Xiaotong didn't tell him, An Chen would tell him.

At this moment, Guan Xiaotong, who had installed his own painting, seemed to have recovered.She seemed to think of something, knelt down in front of An Chen's chair, leaned forward, and said a little aggressively, "I'm hungry at this point, you drew a portrait of my sister, how about my sister treating you to lunch? Of course, but I didn't make it. Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Thai, let me know which cuisine you like."

At this time, the appearance of the two of them was extremely ambiguous, and there was a feeling that the queen was flirting with the man.But at this ambiguous moment, An Chen let out a "squeak". 470

Guan Xiaotong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and lay in An Chen's arms.After calming down for a long time, she heard her say, "Why are you so funny, did you do it on purpose?"

Guan Xiaotong also seemed to remember that this was a recording program, so he couldn't be so intimate.So after she got up, she said, "Since you don't choose, then listen to my sister, let's go to eat hot pot. Let me tell you, I know an old Beijing hot pot with hot-boiled mutton is very good."

"Well, then we can go and try it. But, can we not get old sister, sister, I am actually 6 years older than you."

"Slightly slightly slightly" Guan Xiaotong made a grimace, and didn't change his name at all.If you want me to be small, go dreaming

Hot pot originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but it has always been spread in a small range.It was not until the Qing Dynasty that it became more and more popular.Later, according to the taste, it is divided into mutton hot pot in Beijing, three delicacies hot pot in Hangzhou, game hot pot in Hubei, white meat hot pot in Northeast China, beef hot pot in Hong Kong, mandarin duck hot pot in Chongqing, mother-in-law hot pot, assorted hot pot in Shanghai, etc. .

Text 0390: Next stop, Sichuan

After entering this store, Guan Xiaotong said, "Beijing is a rapidly developing city, and all stores that can't keep up with the pace will be eliminated. This is a relatively old brand. Although it is a bit expensive, the ingredients and There is no taste at all.”

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