"Hehe, Brother Chichi, have you forgotten? I'm an anchor, why don't you talk in dialect if you don't talk?"

At this moment, Chen Chichi was unable to refute.I just heard Chen Chichi say, "Okay, you can choose next." Although it seemed that the end had not started yet, Chen Chichi did not intend to give up.

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "Then let's continue to play digital solitaire. I like this kind of powerful game the most."

Is it really a digital solitaire? Similarly, at this moment, Chen He suddenly thought of something.But unfortunately, he has no chance.

Finally, when the game started, An Chen still called out the number.





Ten yos in a row made Chen Chichi a little confused, his speed was getting slower and slower, as if he was thinking about which one he yelled.

Finally after ten yo, An Chen said "140"

Chen Chichi's eyes lit up, did it finally pass? The next moment, he called out "141".As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the delay caused by ten consecutive yos came back.The next moment, he murmured inwardly that it was not good.But just as this thought appeared, a colorful powder puff had already flown in first.

"Puff puff"

Chen Chichi sprayed the cornflour out of his mouth, and then said, "This is really, a solid blow."

When everyone was laughing, Deng Chao spoke again.

"I don't believe it. Now I can still be uglier than you. Chen Chichi, you are the ugliest person."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi looked at everyone, who nodded sympathetically.Finally Lu Han said, "Brother Chi Chi, this time it's true, I'm afraid no one can be uglier than you."

"Impossible, I don't believe it."

The next moment, when Chen He saw the phone screen, he was speechless.This is really ugly and has no friends.He thought that Deng Chao's Beijing opera face was scary enough, but it was not as scary as his.The left and right cheeks are red and the other blue, with a line of peach red in the middle, and the chin is yellow with blue.If you really want to find a metaphor, I am afraid that only the ghost-suppressing door god can compare.If you add two more fangs.

The next moment, Chen Chichi said, "Don't be too happy for those behind you, look at my current appearance, and you can imagine your appearance. Even if Deng Chao won't help Xiaochen get fans anymore, But don't forget, there is me."

"Brother Chichi, I was wrong." After Chen Chichi finished speaking, the baby was the first to beg for mercy, and he had to be a beautiful woman no matter what.

Hearing this, Zheng Kai said stiffly, "Don't ask him, I will definitely lead you to the final victory."

Following Zheng Kai's words, An Chen looked at Zheng Kai, raised the corners of his mouth, showed a malicious smile, and said, "Brother Kai, you guys will be on the next team."

Did Zheng Kai hear that? Zhao Zhao cut it, and then said, "It's as if if I didn't say that, the next team won't be us." After Zheng Kai finished speaking, he looked at Di Lieba.

Reba blushed, then lowered slightly to cover up his embarrassment.But An Chen said, "Brother Kai, you are really straightforward. That's right, even if you don't tell me, the next team will be you."

After An Chen's words fell, Di Lieba blushed even more, but raised his head bravely.At this moment, the director said, "The third group is preparing for the second round."

When Ying Cai'er entered the stage, Chen Chichi hurriedly said, "Cai'er, don't play these skills with An Chen. Play luck, rock-paper-scissors, this is your only chance to win."

s met a little girl who complained and was delayed. .

Text 0322: I lost one person to take a picture for you

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, Ying Caier also reacted.In the next second, she looked at An Chen's arrogance and said, "Do you dare to rock paper scissors?" She almost learned the essence of Brother Xiaochun by seven points.

Seeing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Sister-in-law Chun is the biggest, she has the final say."

Hearing An Chen's yell, Ying Cai'er said in disgust, "Hey, what's Mrs. Chun, Mrs. Chun's, it's so ugly. Don't tell me I'm having a pussy? You can call me sister-in-law or sister-in-law Chun."

"Good Mrs. Chun."

"Sister-in-law Chun" this time, Ying Caier's eyes widened a little, looking a little fierce and ruthless.

"Good Mrs. Chun." However, even though facing Ying Cai'er's ferocity, An Chen didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.Still smiling, he called out Mrs. Chun.

At this moment, Ying Caier seemed a little annoyed and said angrily, "Come on, let's start, see if I don't deal with you."

At this moment, director 460 said, "The third group prepares for the second round, 3, 2, 1, start."

Following the director's command, Ying Caier yelled "Scissors, rock, paper."

After Ying Caier finished speaking, she threw out a pair of scissors.At this moment, a colorful powder puff instantly covered Ying Caier's face.At this moment, Ying Cai'er didn't even know what happened, she didn't even see clearly what An Chen said.But the others could see clearly that there was nothing wrong with An Chen's throw, because what he threw was a fist.

But, will this be too fast? At this moment, Ying Caier shook her head, spat out the cornmeal in her mouth, and said, "Who can tell me what happened? Did I lose? This is too fast!" I didn't even have time to see the result."

"Yes, Caier, you lost." It was Chen Chichi's helpless voice that answered Ying Caier, and everyone laughed.

At this moment of bddj, An Chen smiled and said, "Sister Cai'er, do you want to continue?"

Ying Cai'er rolled up her sleeves and shouted, "Come on, I don't believe you are so lucky."

At this moment, Ying Cai'er ruthlessly dyed the cotton pad colorfully, and even made a thick layer of powder.

Seeing this, An Chen couldn't help but said with a guilty conscience, "Sister Cai'er, don't you think you'll slap me if you want to win or not?"

Ying Cai'er felt a little guilty when she heard the words, and wondered if she had seen through it, but she still opened her eyes and said nonsense, "No, no, am I that kind of person?"

"Okay, let's get started. Scissors, rock, paper."

Although Ying Caier said no, no, but his behavior was very real.A thick layer of corn flour was sprinkled over, but before that, An Chen's left hand instantly blocked Ying Cai'er's left hand, and she also leaned forward.In the next second, he reached forward with his left hand and landed a solid blow on Ying Caier's face.

"Pfft ha ha ha, another female version of Chen Chi Chi was born, Xiao Chen is really merciless."

While Zulan was speaking, Chen Chichi walked up, patted Ying Caier's shoulder sympathetically, and said, "Don't be too sad, I will accompany you."

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