This torrential rain lasted for a day, and suddenly something bad happened at night.Song Zu'er had a fever. After entering the water yesterday and today's rain, and considering the weakened antibodies of her relatives, she couldn't resist after all.Fortunately, An Chen brought antipyretics, because they didn't bring any clothes, they had to let Song Zu'er enter the tent and bake dry clothes for her.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the capybara, which was the first to discover Song Zuer's fever.Although An Chen expressed his kindness, it still seemed to be very afraid of An Chen.So it dragged Jiang Shuying to Song Zuer's side.Maybe this really means that good people are rewarded with good rewards. Song Zuer's kindness saved the capybara and herself in time.After all, if it is discovered late, it may even cause something to burn out.

It wasn't until midnight that the rainstorm gradually stopped. During this time, An Chen sat at the entrance of the cave, guarding the first and last line of defense for everyone.

"Brother An Chen, haven't you rested?"

Hearing this, An Chen opened his eyes and said, "Why don't you rest?"

In fact, An Chen had sensed that someone was coming, but he didn't expect it to be Song Zu'er.When Tai Chi enters the sense of qi, all movements within three meters of the body cannot escape his perception.

"I can't sleep. I've slept all afternoon, and I'm in a daze. Brother, why don't you sleep, why don't I help you look at it for a while."

"No, you haven't practiced martial arts, so you can't perceive potential dangers. If a poisonous insect comes in, it will be difficult for you to find it."

What An Chen said was just to lie to Song Zuer. There are sulfur and spices, and generally speaking, no insects will come in.

"Then let me accompany my brother for a while."


Being alone is really boring, so An Chen agreed to Song Zu'er's proposal.

At this moment, Song Zuer said melancholy, "Brother An Chen, can we really get out of this rainforest from here?"

An Chen laughed.Showing a puzzled smile, soothing Song Zuer's emotions, he said, "I don't know about others, but my brother will definitely take you out, not to mention that we are not far from the outside, if it is not for the heavy rain, we are already in the tree house .So you don’t have to worry at all, as long as the recording crew can come in, we will be rescued soon. Now that the rainstorm has stopped, probably they will come to pick us up tomorrow.”

Speaking of this, An Chen suddenly looked behind him, and then said, "Why are you here, why don't you sleep more? I'm safe here."

It was Na Ya and Jiang Shuying who came, but they didn't know why they came together.

Jiang Shuying said, "Na Ya couldn't sleep, so I followed. Why, aren't we welcome?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Of course you are welcome. I didn't expect that we could get together to see the night sky that we didn't see yesterday. Let's all come and sit down."

Hearing what An Chen said, everyone laughed, and Jiang Shuying said even more, "Yeah, I didn't expect to spare a lot of time and come back. I didn't expect this journey to be so thrilling."

While sitting beside An Chen, Jiang Shuying turned her head to An Chen and said, "Can you hug me? I think I need some comfort and warmth right now."

Hearing this, Song Zuer hurriedly said, "Brother, I want to hug you too."

The rest of Gu Li Na was embarrassed, there seemed to be no place for her to sit, right? Seeing this, Jiang Shuying said, "Guer, sit in An Chen's arms, it's the warmest and most comfortable place. Na Ya sits where the group is now."

Are you so self-determined that you have considered my feelings? Although nephrite is very enjoyable, but well, I will admit it.

Just when An Chen glared at Jiang Shuying, Song Zu'er was already blushing and nestled in An Chen's arms.Seeing this, what else could An Chen say? Guilty glanced behind him, and he secretly sighed.Then he took the three daughters to look at the starry sky again.

The low voices of the four, accompanied by the midnight music of the jungle, seemed to become an extremely beautiful picture.However, the beautiful scenery is often accompanied by danger.Isn't this an uninvited guest who ignored the warnings of sulfur and spices and stepped into An Chen's alert range?

No, it was still outside the sense of breath, but An Chen still noticed the slight sound of walking. .

Body 0196: Overlord of crocodiles

Glancing in that direction, An Chen said in a normal voice, "Group, you go down and wake up the others first, remember not to make too much noise."

"Shuying, put your yellow clothes on the lamp and wrap them up, and let them shine outside later, but don't go out of the cave."

At this moment, Song Zuer froze, and at the same time he opened his mouth carefully, he also stood up.

"Brother An Chen, be careful."

Although they didn't know what An Chen found, they all knew that danger was approaching.Gu Li Naya stiffened her body and said, "Then what should I do?"

Hearing this, An Chen said with a slightly teasing smile, "How about dying with me?"

Hearing this, Gulina rolled An Chen's eyes, but the tension in her heart eased a little.

At this moment, An Chen said again, "Bring me the bag. Remember, don't open it."

Upon hearing this, Gu Lina got up and went to get her bag very obediently.It wasn't until this moment that An Chen complained in his heart. He was really afraid of something. Originally, An Chen wouldn't be so passive when the poison dart frog came, but he didn't expect that the overlord he feared most would come.Moreover, it was a super-large crocodile with a body length of 463 meters. Not only that, it also brought three four-meter-long crocodiles with it.Damn, do you want such a huge lineup? At this moment, An Chen stood up, and the next second, his bewildered smile surged with murderous intent.

To be honest, it would be best if we could scare them off, but An Chen was really not confident.I have never heard of any overlord who was scared off.

At this moment, Gu Li Na ran over and handed the bag to An Chen.The next moment, An Chen casually grabbed it from inside and took out the battery.If it wasn't for the pool in front of him, he hadn't thought of this method. At that time, there might be an accident.After all, although Siliang can transfer a thousand catties, this is not just a few thousand catties, but tens of thousands of catties.What's more, animals are different from people, and he has not reached the legendary realm like Zhang Sanfeng.

Passing the battery to Gu Li Naga, An Chen said, "Look for two wires, I don't care where you get them, they will be three meters long. Remember, don't flip the switch, and connect the wires when the time comes." Then, follow my orders."

Gu Lina was speechless when she heard the words, you said you just let me fix it later, and you didn't let me open the bag, the result is now like this.But this was not the time to complain, so Gu Li Naga hurriedly followed suit.

At this moment, An Chen used one of Tang Dao's fourteen auxiliary functions for the first time.With An Chen's hand shaking, a stream of liquid instantly appeared on Tang Dao's ridge, and the next second, a stream of fire rose up.

"Boom" a soft sound of flame instantly lit up the whole cave, scaring off the invading crocodile for a few steps.But the crocodiles who saw the flames getting smaller walked forward again, but at this moment they were not so arrogant, but cautious.

It is natural for animals to be afraid of fire, but these crocodiles did not escape.And coming out of the territory, it is obviously very hungry.Or maybe they have a reason to come, like raising their bddd offspring.

After a brief stalemate, the crocodile attacked first, and the crocodile king was the first to pounce, followed by three crocodiles.At this moment, the four crocodiles actually formed a double-team state, which seemed to be full of the wisdom of teamwork.

Seeing this, An Chen also moved, otherwise the four crocodiles would not look so good together, and what he had to do was to block the crocodiles from the pond until the people behind them connected the wires.

The flaming knife flashed with a breathtaking fire, and then followed An Chen to attack after drawing an arc.The distance between the two sides was less than ten seconds, and the battle was imminent.The next second, the crocodile overlord suddenly raised his head, and snapped at An Chen with his furious mouth.At this moment, An Chen seemed to see the Wilderness Butcher who made a big move.

In an instant, An Chen's parkour played a huge role at this moment.While suddenly jumping back to avoid the bite of the crocodile overlord, the flame knife swung upwards and slashed out.Because the hasty counterattack was not very powerful, but something that surprised An Chen happened in the next second.

The flame knife pierced the crocodile overlord's skin in an instant after being slightly hindered, and the flames burned under the overlord's crocodile like tarsal maggots while blood spattered.

At this moment, the crocodile overlord seemed to let out a terrifying roar.Then it became violent.At the same time, An Chen who landed had no time to attack at all, and kept dodging the attacks of the other three.Because the attack was too close, he couldn't even fight back.And at this moment, the overlord also shot again.This time the crocodile overlord did not speak up.Instead, he swung his body, and a dragon swung its tail and drew over.

As fast as the wind, as fast as electricity.At this moment, An Chen couldn't completely avoid it.At this moment, he stood with the sword horizontally, and supported the blade with one foot.He could feel the scorching heat even through the soles of his shoes, but at this moment he couldn't care less about it.In the next moment, a strong force came.No, it's not a big force, it's like a car hitting at high speed.At this moment, An Chen was blown away like a kite with a broken string.

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