So next, it is necessary for me to check all the surviving humans. Once there are any unruly plotters, I should kill them in the cradle as soon as possible, so as to avoid troubles in the future.

Moreover, although the Human Federation has been established, there are still survivors from many countries and regions that have not been included, especially some regions and people with extreme ideology and deep-rooted religious beliefs, who even hate some European and American countries.

If you want them to join the Federation willingly through normal means, it may be difficult to live in harmony with people from other countries.

So for the overall situation, for the benefit of more people, Lin Xuan can only sacrifice this part of the people, but Lin Xuan is not going to kill them, but is going to make a unified adjustment of their thoughts and memories.

Only in this way can those people be absorbed into the Human Federation as quickly as possible, truly realize the unification of human beings around the world, and allow human beings to grow rapidly in a more peaceful and stable environment.



Chapter 326 Dangerous

In the vast universe, a huge space battleship is shuttling between the vast galaxy

Inside the spaceship, a tall humanoid creature with blue skin was sitting in a cabin similar to a command center, expressionless, with lowered eyelids, as if thinking about something, and three purple-skinned creatures were sitting in front of him. , the man with pointed ears seemed to be arguing about something.

"I think that the level of civilization on such a planet on the edge of the wasteland should not be much higher, and there won't be too many strong people?" A purple-skinned man said loudly.

"Don't underestimate this kind of wild planet. Sometimes, there are very tyrannical natives on this little-known wild planet. I think we should not underestimate the enemy. It is best to send scouts to sneak in first to check the situation. Then make a decision.

And I suggest reporting this matter to the headquarters first, and requesting the headquarters to send a reinforcement fleet, so that when we arrive at that planet and establish wormhole coordinates near it, our backup fleet should also arrive at the place where we are now Wormhole.

At that time, if we find that planet is difficult, we can get reinforcements immediately, so as not to waste time and cause unknown incidents, and even if there is no strong person on that planet, I think a treasure that contains the quantum of the universe is worth it. Let the headquarters send a reinforcement fleet over here! "Another self-skinned man said.

In fact, their warship is an adventurer warship belonging to a special organization, and their current task is to search for treasures containing cosmic quantum in the entire universe.

Once the treasure is found, they must report it and act according to the instructions above. This time, they have acted without authorization. He was very worried that their leader, Star-Lord Larno in front of him, had his own motives.

If that was the case, they would be equivalent to betraying the organization. He didn't want to betray the organization, because he had heard that the miserable end of betraying the organizer, and the feeling of eternal torture of the soul was not good.

"There's no need for that at all. According to our cosmic quantum detection system, the quantum density of the universe around that planet is very low. It's just the most ordinary planet with life. There can't be any capable people! We don't need to make a fuss at all! "

"Yeah, when did you become so timid, Aitiya!" Another purple-skinned man said.

"However, if it is just a planet with ordinary life, how could it have cosmic energy? I think we should not take it lightly. I have heard that the expedition fleet of Wall Company entered a planet that has never been discovered. The surface of the planet looks like The quantum of the universe is thin, and it is just an ordinary living planet, but in fact, the quantum of the universe of that planet is only restrained inside the planet by a special force field on the planet, and the natives on it have special secret methods, which can absorb those quantum of the universe to cultivate, each They are all strong, and that fleet invaded rashly, and almost wiped out the entire army in the end!"

"Okay, stop arguing about these useless things!" The star-lord suddenly stood up, said a little impatiently, glanced at the man who had just asked for reinforcements with displeasure, and continued. : "Currently we are only 5 light-years away from that planet, but we are still not sure whether the cosmic quantum comes from that planet, and each time the cosmic quantum appears very short, and the last few times are very Weak, we are not even sure whether that energy really belongs to the cosmic quantum.

If we mobilize the reinforcement fleet and finally find that the treasure does not really contain the quantum of the universe, then our fault will be serious, so we should wait until we get close to the planet to thoroughly determine the location of the quantum of the universe and make sure that what we captured is indeed It is the real quantum of the universe, please discuss again! "

"Well, Lord Xingjue is right!" The other two purple-skinned men echoed.

"Okay, let the driver know immediately, we are all moving forward, we must get close to the living planet within four months!"



As time passed day by day, the remaining small and weak countries around the world that had not joined the Human Federation also sent representatives to apply to join the Human Federation, and there were even some extremist, religious, and religious countries.

Faced with these special groups of people, the council naturally hesitated, but Lin Xuan quickly conveyed instructions to the council, allowing the council to accommodate any country, group, or even individual who voluntarily joined, and not to discriminate against anyone.

The Human Federation also immediately announced to the world that everyone is welcome to join the Human Federation, and will apply for a Human Federation citizen ID card as soon as possible to enjoy the protection of the Human Federation and various benefits.

As soon as the news was released, the temporary civil registration offices established by the Human Federation in various places immediately became busy, but fortunately, the office efficiency of the intelligent robot is extremely high, and the information is highly developed.

So the registration and processing process is very fast.

And anyone who obtains the citizenship of the Human Federation can get a house of more than [-] square meters and a car for free, and can receive a certain amount of subsidies every month for the first three years, permanent free education, medical care and other social benefits.

In the presidential suite of a luxury hotel in New York City, two men and three women pushed the door and walked in.

"Haha, this room is really nice! This hotel will be our residence from now on!"

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