Walking in this empty city, on this quiet street where footsteps seem to be heard, everyone felt unreal in a trance, and their mood became very complicated.

They were all originally from the city of Kyoto. As early as ten days ago, they were complaining that there were too many people in this city, either on the crowded bus or subway.

Complaining about too many cars on the congested streets, complaining about the bad air in the "fairyland on earth" where the smog covered the sky and pm2.5 exploded, and complaining about the city in the noisy night Too noisy.

They have even fantasized countless times that one day there will be no more people on the bus, no more cars on the street, and the surroundings will be quiet.

But now, everything has become a reality, but they find that this kind of emptiness and quietness makes them very uncomfortable and makes them feel very insecure.


On the island of science and technology, Lin Xuan once again plunged into the brainwave enhancement machine after returning, and began to create illusions with telepathy, reenacting everything that happened in the a1 survival base in various bases in China, and leading the people there Fight the alienated people, clean up the alienated people.

And in the process, Lin Xuan also successfully compiled those participants into a guardian alliance, preparing for the establishment of the alliance of ability users in the future.

Two days later, under the auspices of Lin Xuan, the surviving political brains from all over the world successfully held the first video conference, and reached a preliminary consensus on the human federal constitution and system through discussions.

But after all, the federation wants to unite different original countries together to build a brand new country that accommodates hundreds of rivers, especially in the current special environment.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go before it can be truly established. Many constitutions and regulations need to be formulated, and many things need to be discussed. Therefore, after discussions among the political leaders of various countries, they decided to temporarily establish the Human Federation Parliament. Temporarily served as the supreme leader of the parliament.

And the preparatory work for the establishment of the Human Federation to establish a parliament will also be completed by the parliament.

So in the next few days, the members of the council began to get busy, and Lin Xuan couldn't be idle. On the one hand, he had to prepare for the establishment of the alliance of capable users, and on the other hand, he also started to think about the problem of completely solving the hidden danger of the virus.

You must know that most of the survivors today are ordinary people who were not infected by the virus at the time. Although they survived temporarily, they are still standing on the tip of a knife, and they may be infected and die at any time.

And this includes Lin Xuan's parents, as well as his relatives and friends such as Chen Yu and Hou Yuan.

Therefore, if the hidden danger of the virus is not completely solved, these surviving people may only stay in the survival base forever, and Lin Xuan will never be completely at ease.

What's more, Lin Xuan is still not sure whether the virus will evolve and become more terrifying.

"What should we do?" Lin Xuan was at a loss. He had pondered over and over before, but the road of cultivating antiviral serum was obviously not feasible.

"Is there really no way? No, there must be a way, I must find a way..." Lin Xuan kept thinking in his mind, and even recalled the memories of Stern and others. This time, including the method and process of cultivating the virus, as well as the various experimental processes they tried to cultivate the antiviral serum, hoping to find a breakthrough and a useful clue.

But he thought about it many times, but he seemed to be stuck in a strange circle, and he kept wandering in place.

But Lin Xuan didn't give up. He frowned more and more, and finally closed his eyes. His brain was like a super computer, calculating and guessing, and tried many methods in his mind while his thoughts were flying.

In this way, he thought about it for three days and three nights, and finally on the third morning, a flash of light flashed in his mind, allowing him to find a very important connection between the virus and the anti-virus method. The key point - that is himself.

"I, that's right, it's me, I'm the key to the problem!" Lin Xuan was a little ecstatic, and suddenly felt as if the sun was shining through the clouds, and his thoughts were clear.

In fact, when it comes to the emergence of the natural selection virus, Lin Xuan is the most important factor.

Because the key substance used by Stern and the others to cultivate the virus was the mutant mutant extracted from Lin Xuan's cells.

The mutation factor is the key substance to promote the evolution of cells. It is like a hormone that can stimulate the evolution of living organisms. The amount of this factor in ordinary organisms is very small, but Lin Xuan has a lot of it and its activity is extremely high. .

And this factor is also the medium that guides the evolution of cells.

And when it comes to the key point of resisting the virus, it is also Lin Xuan, because Lin Xuan is almost completely immune to the virus this time. This immunity does not mean that Lin Xuan has antibodies in his body, nor does it mean that Lin Xuan's genes are perfect and have undergone benign evolution.

It is because of Lin Xuan's powerful self-healing ability that he is completely immune to the virus and is not afraid of any damage from the virus. It can even be said that the natural selection virus, which is powerful enough to easily kill hundreds of millions of people, is different from ordinary flu in front of Lin Xuan. Viruses are no different.

So the key to solving the hidden dangers of this virus lies in this self-healing ability.

Lin Xuan also thought about developing a device or medicine before to help ordinary people gain strong self-healing power. For this reason, he also deciphered all human genes, and deciphered the genetic code fragment of his self-healing ability.

But he encountered a difficulty, that is, how to make other people's genes undergo controllable changes, obtain gene fragments representing strong self-healing ability, and then obtain strong self-healing ability.

But just now, Lin Xuan suddenly solved all these difficulties.

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