That Godzilla waved his fist, and knocked out all the cars that hit him, and even grabbed a few cars casually, squeezed them with his big hand, and immediately crushed the cars into scrap iron.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan didn't want to fight, kicked his feet, jumped up from the ground with a bang, and jumped directly into the distance.

At the same time, Godzilla leaped out and chased after Lin Xuan.

"Sure enough, I'm chasing him!" Seeing Godzilla chasing after him, Lin Xuan was overjoyed. As long as Godzilla followed him, he could lure him to the outskirts of no-man's land, and then find a way to deal with him.

Although Lin Xuan's body is not as tall as that Godzilla, and even his strength is much weaker than it, but Lin Xuan who can control the wind, the distance of this jump is much farther than that of Godzilla, and his speed is not faster. few.

But what Lin Xuan didn't expect was that Godzilla's body suddenly shrank again, and immediately after landing, he jumped again, but his speed suddenly increased, and he even surpassed Lin Xuan directly, and caught up in the blink of an eye. Hit Lin Xuan's body.


The two huge bodies collided, and there was a loud noise immediately. Lin Xuan felt as if he had been hit by a huge meteorite, and his body flew out uncontrollably, directly crashing into a building diagonally below.

But fortunately, Lin Xuan can control the wind to slow him down, and he can also use Mister Fantastic's transformation ability, so he immediately turned himself into a parachute to increase wind resistance.

So he stopped a second before his body hit the building, then jumped again, and continued to run away.

"Finally out of the urban area!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed, as long as he got to a place with a lot of land and few people, he would be able to flex his muscles.

But at this moment, that Godzilla rushed over again, and its volume was much smaller than before, almost the same size as Lin Xuan's body, but its speed was twice as fast as before. Any chance for Lin Xuan to react, knocked Lin Xuan out again.

At the moment of the impact, Lin Xuan even felt that his extremely strong body was about to fall apart, and his head was spinning a little.

The power of this Godzilla is too terrifying.


Lin Xuan, who was out of control, smashed his head into a forest in the outskirts, and immediately wiped out a large area of ​​the forest.

But that Godzilla didn't give Lin Xuan a chance to breathe, and his body hit Lin Xuan in the woods again like a meteorite.

At the same time, Lin Xuan in the woods also let out a roar, the emotions he had been suppressing just now can finally burst out to his heart's content.

In the next second, a green afterimage flew out of the woods, and then collided head-on with the rushing Godzilla.


The two huge bodies collided again, fists collided with fists, bodies collided with bodies, the terrifying impact force made the space tremble slightly.

But the power of that Godzilla is too terrifying. Even though the strength of Lin Xuan, who no longer suppresses himself, has increased dramatically, he is still much weaker than that Godzilla. Therefore, at the moment of impact, Lin Xuan's huge body Was knocked out again.

In the end, it slammed into the ground, even smashing the ground into a huge deep pit.

After a pause, Godzilla's body fell to the ground again, and the huge mouth on the head seemed to reveal a ferocious and crazy smile.

"Damn it, the power of this Godzilla is too perverted!" Lin Xuan crawled out of the pit, looking at Godzilla with some trepidation, not to mention its terrifying power now.

This thing is immune to almost all forms of attack, and it is basically an undead thing.

Even if I try my best, I can't kill it at all, but it will be consumed by him. Even if I use the freezing missile, at most it will reduce its attack power. I want to completely control it, or even kill it. Almost impossible.

"System, can the red spar still be used?" Lin Xuan asked the system for help in his heart. Last time he relied on the energy released by the red spar to defeat Godzilla.

"Sorry master, no!" The system replied, which made Lin Xuan's heart sink.

"What should I do? I can't even use the red spar, so how can I fight this Godzilla?" Lin Xuan had a headache, but at this moment the Godzilla had moved again, as fast as thunder, It turned into a black shadow and approached in an instant.

Driven by that terrifying force, the huge fist hit Lin Xuan instantly at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and the compressed air made the sound of exploding.

"Boom——" Lin Xuan crossed his hands to resist Godzilla's punch, but his body was thrown upside down again, and finally hit a large tree before stopping.

"You are too weak!" Godzilla uttered mocking words, and its body rushed towards Lin Xuan again at an extremely fast speed.

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