So he was really worried that Lin Xuan would not be willing to hand over the control of the future fighters, and he was even more worried that Lin Xuan would not be controlled by the state one day.

But now it seems that his worries are unnecessary. Lin Xuan doesn't seem to have that kind of ambition, and he is as calm as ever. Compared with power and status, he seems to be more interested in scientific research.

After helping the country to make such a great contribution, not only was he neither arrogant nor impetuous, he also did not ask for various benefits from the country, but only asked for Area 51 as a scientific research base. This kind of behavior completely put Li Guoqiang's heart at ease.

However, Li Guoqiang didn't know that Lin Xuan was not without ambition, but his ambition seemed to be different from what Li Guoqiang understood. Today, Lin Xuan's vision has surpassed everyone on the earth, even Li Guoqiang.

What Lin Xuan cares about today is not money, honor, or even state power, but rising to the height of cosmic civilization. Compared with the vast universe, the earth is nothing, and a state power is even more insignificant.

Moreover, Lin Xuan's future is to lead mankind to a higher level of civilization, to go out of the earth and see the world of higher civilization deep in the universe.

"Hehe, Lin Xuan, the country has not misunderstood you!" Li Guoqiang said with a meaningful smile.

Lin Xuan knew the meaning of Li Guoqiang's words, smiled slightly, and said: "I will give you the control system of the future fighters later, and I will also give you all the authority!"

"Okay, then I will clean up Area 51 as soon as possible, and then hand it over to you!"

"En!" Lin Xuan nodded, and immediately stood up, "Then I'm ready!"

"Okay!" Li Guoqiang also stood up, and immediately sent Lin Xuan out of the office. ????? ·

Not long after Lin Xuan left, a burly middle-aged man in military uniform walked in with a very capable middle-aged lady. The middle-aged man was China's army general——Qiao Yuanming, And that lady is the political commissar of Huaxia Nandu Military Region——Fan Xiaohua.

"Prime Minister, did Lin Xuan agree to hand over the control of Future Warrior?" Qiao Yuanming asked with some expectation.

"Well, he readily agreed, this kid is worthy of our trust!" Li Guoqiang said with a smile.

"But Prime Minister, being able to hand over the control of future fighters doesn't seem to mean much. He can easily seize control from Mei Lijian, and one day he can also take control from us!" Fan Xiaohua was a little worried Said.

"Of course I know this. When I asked for control, I watched his reaction carefully. He didn't see any greed for power in his eyes. He is not the kind of person you think! And with his intelligence, he should also know , we get future fighters, and we will never let them move again." Li Guoqiang said in a deep voice.

"Prime Minister, do you mean to destroy these future fighters?" Qiao Yuanming interrupted quickly, with a nervous expression on his face. He couldn't bear to let such a powerful Iron Legion be turned into scrap metal for nothing!

"Of course not, we just need to remove the batteries, so that we can use these future fighters when we need them! But usually without energy, they become a pile of scrap iron, and no one can use them anymore!"

"Oh, that's good!" Qiao Yuanming nodded with a smile on his face.

And Fan Xiaohua on the side also nodded and said nothing more. After all, Lin Xuan is an absolute hero and a hero of China. It is indeed a bit wrong for her to blindly suspect the other party.


After leaving Washington DC, Lin Xuan put on his steel suit and flew directly to Huaxia.

If he wants to hand over the control of future fighters to the government, he must install the central system that controls future fighters in China's official supercomputer, and then establish a connection with the intelligent systems in all future fighters through satellites. The management and control of the system can be handed over to the government.

As for how Huaxia will deal with these future fighters in the future, that is not what he wants to care about now.

"Ding——" During the flight, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lin Xuan's mind, and his heart moved, "Revitalize the nation and reward heroes with 40 points! At present, the master is still 10 points away from being promoted to the next level!"

"It turned out to be a reward!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and rewarded another 40 points. It seems that they can be exchanged for Professor X's super power soon. ?·?

Thinking of Professor X, Lin Xuan's heart suddenly moved again, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his brows were immediately beaming with joy.

"Professor X's ability... yes, I can use Professor X's ability to complete the task of human unification!" Lin Xuan cheered in his heart.

You must know that Professor X has a super telepathic ability, and he can use it to read other people's thoughts and memories without physical contact.

At the same time, he can control other people's thinking and manipulate other people's actions, even delete and modify their memories.

Moreover, Professor X, assisted by the "brain wave strengthening machine", can connect all people in the world, no matter ordinary people or mutants.And his powerful psychic ability can also kill everyone in the world with this device.

Of course, the brain wave strengthening machine in the movie was built by his friend Magneto with the help of him.

But in reality, Lin Xuan himself has the super power of Magneto, and has all kinds of wisdom and technological knowledge of Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and others.

So it was a breeze to build that brain wave strengthening machine.

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