"If we don't get rid of Lin Xuan, our plan will not be implemented!" Hilary shook her head and said helplessly.

The other American politicians on the side also nodded.

"Why don't we talk to Lin Xuan about cooperation!" Gustav, the current head of the Rothschild family, suddenly said, his words made many people's eyes light up, and they all looked at him.

Gustav continued: "Perhaps he will be brought in. I think as long as we show enough sincerity and the benefits given to it are tempting enough, he might consider cooperating with us..."

"Forget it, I really can't trust you Yankees!" A voice suddenly sounded like thunder, and it exploded in the secret reception hall, causing everyone's complexions to change and their hearts to be terrified.

Looking at the prestige with unison, I saw a figure sitting on an open window sill on the second floor of the castle hall, looking at the people below with a half-smile.

"Lin Xuan!" Seeing the face that seemed to be in their bones, all the people present were shocked. Many people jumped up from their positions, and some even instinctively pulled out their pistols.

"Damn, how did this guy find this place?"

"This bastard is really pervasive and hard to guard against!" Two American five-star generals were discussing in a low voice, but they didn't know that Lin Xuan could hear their words clearly.

A cold light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes, and with a thought, the guns in the hands of those who took out the pistols were immediately snatched away, and immediately two bullets flew out, directly shooting through the eyebrows of the two five-star generals.

The expressions of the two froze, and immediately fell into a pool of blood with two bangs.

This scene immediately made everyone present even more terrified, and involuntarily let out a sound of exclamation, and the whole body was shuddering like cold water.

At this time, the bodyguards guarding the door seemed to have heard the abnormal movement in the conference hall, and immediately opened the door and rushed in.

But as soon as those people rushed into the door, they were directly pierced between the eyebrows by the bullets flying at high speed, and fell down at the door one after another.

Seeing this, the other people in the conference hall were completely stunned. They looked at Lin Xuan floating in the void and falling from above in fear, feeling as if they were facing a god, an invisible coercion, It went straight to the soul, making their legs weak, and they almost fell to their knees.

"I didn't expect you to have such great ambitions!" Lin Xuan landed on the ground, looked at the people present, and said with a half-smile, "But I really want to know what you mean by the higher civilization. ?”

"If human beings want to enter a higher level of civilization, they must first unify the planets..." Gustav, who was relatively calm, spoke, and also explained the importance and significance of planetary unification and the progress of human civilization in detail. Explained it to Lin Xuan.

Hearing Gustav's words, Lin Xuan also frowned thoughtfully. He suddenly thought of the tasks released by the system, which were almost exactly the same as these people's plans. Could it be that the system just wanted to lead all human beings to a higher level? level of civilization.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really possible.

"Mr. Lin, I know that you have had a misunderstanding with us at Meilijian, but I think with your super power and your vision, you should be able to understand what I said and the meaning of it, so I sincerely Invite you, join our plan, and even let you be the leader of our plan..." Gustav saw that Lin Xuan was thinking, and thought that his words had touched Lin Xuan, so he hurriedly chased after the victory and proposed a reconciliation Regarding the matter of Lin Xuan's cooperation, because he is very clear about the current situation, it seems that only by pulling Lin Xuan in can they have a way out. Otherwise, with Lin Xuan's personality, I am afraid they will follow in the footsteps of that Carter today.

"No need!" Lin Xuan's decisive answer instantly shattered all Gustav's expectations and made his heart sink.

"I'm not interested in any of your plans, and I don't want to be with you cunning Yankees. Even if we want to unify the world, it will be done by us in China. As for you, you should think about how to face it as a defeated country. The consequences of your stupid decision!" Lin Xuan said coldly, and at this moment there was a sound of metal impacting at the door of the hall, followed by fully armed humanoid robots walking in, and then In the shocked eyes of everyone, they came to the hall in one order, surrounded all the people present, and aimed their guns at them.

"You, you control our future soldiers!" Bush said in shock.

They are very clear about the future fighters in front of them. This is the future fighter who was just photographed in the castle as a smart guard, and it is also one of the best batches.

"That's right! All of your future fighters are now my Lin Xuan's!" Lin Xuan smiled, and said that the reason why he was able to find this place and learned of the secret meeting here was also Jarvis No. 2 obtained information through these future fighters.

"Impossible, you, how did you do it!" Bush was full of disbelief. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the computer was, Lin Xuan couldn't have invaded the optical brain of the alien spaceship and controlled them. system.

And the faces of the other people present were also extremely ugly. The ace weapon of their global unification plan, the last reliance of their global domination was gone.

And what's even more tragic is that the Iron Legion they spent huge sums of money on made a wedding dress for Lin Xuan, and instantly defected and became Lin Xuan's subordinates. They couldn't believe this kind of thing.


It's over now!

Everyone on the scene was desperate. Huaxia, which already had such a terrifying existence like Lin Xuan, added their future fighters, how could they resist.

In the future, it may be their Huaxia, or that Lin Xuan, who will unify the world in the future, as Lin Xuan said.

"You don't have the right to know!" Lin Xuan glared at Bush, said in a cold voice, then glanced at the terrified faces of everyone present, and continued: "Before you Meilijian is completely captured by China, you will stay temporarily." Here it is, but don't worry, the time will definitely not be long!"

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