
After finishing the call with Xia Weiguo, Lin Xuan leaned comfortably on the chair, waiting for Xia Weiguo's call.


In an office of the Huaxia Ministry of National Defense, Xia Weiguo was so excited that he didn't know what to do with his mobile phone. Lin Xuan actually got the three most advanced aircraft carriers in the world. happy event.

With these three aircraft carriers, Huaxia will definitely be even more powerful, greatly improving Huaxia's long-distance combat capabilities, which also gives Huaxia the opportunity and confidence to counterattack the United States.

Just imagine, with these three aircraft carriers, China's combat effectiveness at sea is not weaker than that of any country at all. When it counterattacks the United States and conducts a landing battle, the carrier-based air force with an aircraft carrier can also support the landing force. The enemy's coastal defense targets are attacked.

In short, these three aircraft carriers definitely make it possible for China to attack the United States.

After secretly calming down, Xia Weiguo immediately picked up his desk phone and called a certain naval base, asking them to vacate the port and prepare to welcome Lin Xuan.

After the phone call, Xia Weiguo hurriedly called the No. [-] leader and told the No. [-] leader the good news.

"Hahaha, this kid Lin Xuan really has a trick. He actually got the three major aircraft carriers of Meilijian!" The No. [-] commander was also very excited when he heard the good news.

"Yes! This kid is amazing!" Xia Weiguo was also happy from ear to ear.

"Well, come over to my side later, let's discuss the counterattack against the United States!" Captain No. [-] said with a smile.


After finishing talking with the No. [-] chief, Xia Weiguo left the office immediately, and then took a car to the office building where the No. [-] chief was located, the office of the No. [-] chief.

Afterwards, other heavyweight national leaders and military commanders also came over one after another, and everyone went to the conference room together.

"There are two main things to call everyone here temporarily!" The No. [-] commander said with a smile on his face, "The first thing is a happy event. Just now, our Lin Xuan successfully brought the most advanced three We got an aircraft carrier and are currently sailing to our port!"


As soon as the No. [-] chief's words came out, there was a commotion in the conference room.



Chapter 287

"The kid brought the US aircraft carrier here?"

"Haha, this kid is too good!"

"Hey, I thought of snatching the aircraft carrier of Meilijian. This kid really didn't play his cards according to common sense! Haha, this Yankee is completely dumbfounded!" Hearing what the No. [-] chief said, all the chiefs and leaders in the meeting room They were all very pleasantly surprised, a little overjoyed for a while.

"Hey, Chairman, didn't Lin Xuan always go to bomb the American aircraft carrier in the past, why did he think of grabbing the American aircraft carrier this time? Could it be that he wants us..." After the joy, a military district chief said with some surprise , seems to have guessed Lin Xuan's intention.

"Haha, that's right!" Captain No. [-] nodded with a smile, and immediately explained: "This kid, Lin Xuan came back from stealing the aircraft carrier for us to counterattack Meilijian, so the next second thing It's about our counterattack against the United States, everyone, let's talk about your opinions and opinions!"

"Counterattack against the United States?"

Some people were a little surprised. They didn't know about this before, and they didn't think too much about it when they heard that Lin Xuan was robbing the aircraft carrier. They just thought that Lin Xuan wanted to strengthen China's naval combat power.


"Well, it's like this, this is Lin Xuan's opinion not long ago, and I also think it makes sense, and I can try it..." Xia Weiguo recounted Lin Xuan's original plan, and added some of his own opinions and opinions, try to let everyone see their chances of winning and the feasibility of their counterattack against the United States.

After listening to Xia Weiguo's words, some people's eyes brightened, some people's brows were tightly furrowed, but everyone didn't speak immediately, but after careful thinking, someone said: "From the various abilities Lin Xuan has shown at present Look, with his assistance, it is indeed not a problem for us to break through the gate of the United States!"

"Well, we were able to capture the Japanese and Korean islands so easily. It is not impossible to capture America's Pearl Harbor for a while, and now America's three most advanced aircraft carriers are also in our hands. Now, China is bound to be even more powerful! The naval combat capability and long-distance combat capability will not be weaker than Meilijian, we are worth a try in this battle!" Another long-eyed man said firmly.

"I also think we have a great chance of winning. If Lin Xuan can really control the future fighters of Meilijian, then our military robots will become the overlord of the 6th battle. Destroying Mei Lijian is definitely not wishful thinking! This battle may be the moment when our China will step on Mei Lijian and truly rise!"

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