Not to mention that it is a shame to suffer setbacks and blows one after another as it is now.

It was supposed to be their high-profile attack on China, but so far.They hardly caused any substantial blow to Huaxia, but suffered heavy losses one after another.

so go on.After a while, isn't it going to be dominated by Huaxia's anti-customer and hit at the door of the house.

"It's that damned Lin Xuan, how can we fight this battle!" Carter's face turned pale with anger, Lin Xuan was simply a rule-breaking existence, not only did he create that kind of power armor that far surpassed their technological level, Without a trace, they can easily enter the core area of ​​their aircraft carrier battle group and control the weather.And now it is able to create such terrible cosmic weather as solar storms.

This makes them who are extremely dependent on high technology seem to have met their nemesis.

The fall of the Japanese island is a living example, and now the Korean island may not be spared. Once the military bases on the Japanese island and the Korean island are all destroyed, their next actions will be even more difficult.

Thinking of this, Carter's faith was slightly shaken. He really didn't know how to deal with Huaxia with Lin Xuan.

But now they have opened their bows and there is no turning back.Even if there is an iron plate in front, this kick must pass through.

"No, we can't sit still!" Carter gritted his teeth. Although he knew that they were too far away to go to Han Island for support, they had to do something right now. They couldn't just sit and watch Huaxia take him to the last springboard. also destroyed.

"We can only use intercontinental missiles!" Carter frowned.At present, the most effective and timely strike against China is probably the only way to use intercontinental missiles.

As long as the missiles strike important military, political and economic targets in China, they can temporarily suppress China's attack on their military bases and limit Lin Xuan's actions.

In his opinion, once their missiles target those densely populated cities, Lin Xuan will be a hero.It will definitely be intercepted and blocked.

Although with Lin Xuan's ability, he could really easily intercept their missiles, but with multiple missiles attacking different strategic targets in China at the same time, no matter how strong Lin Xuan was, he would not be able to do it all at once.

And in this way, Lin Xuan can also be confined to China, leaving him no time to attack the aircraft carrier battle group they sent in the past.

As for whether their missiles can break through China's defenses and complete the strike mission, there is somewhat of a gambling element in it.

Although their previous missile attack attempts failed, that doesn't mean how powerful Huaxia's missile defense system is. After all, they didn't use or use the latest hypersonic ballistic missiles. They just used some old-fashioned missiles to test. .

And in Carter's view, Huaxia does not have a missile defense system built around the world like them, which can intercept missile attacks from any corner. He doesn't believe they can't find a breakthrough.

So Carter is still very confident in their missile strike capabilities.

Thinking of this, Carter immediately picked up the phone on the desk: "Help me transfer to Space Command!"


In Hanoi, the capital of South Vietnam, in a special residence in a special military zone.

This is the residence of the supreme leader of the Nanyue Kingdom—Yuan Puffy. It was already late at night. Although the surroundings of the residence were brightly lit and there were soldiers standing guard and patrolling, the place was still completely silent.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the soldiers on guard couldn't help feeling a little sleepy, but they didn't dare to sleep because it wasn't time for them to stand on guard, so they could only move around and try to keep themselves awake.

But at this moment, a sudden huge explosion completely refreshed them, completely shattered the tranquility of the night, and shook the whole of Hanoi.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" The soldiers exclaimed again and again, looking in shock at the place where the explosion sound came from, but seeing the flames soaring into the sky, their expressions changed drastically.

But at this time, another huge explosion sounded from a closer place, and the faces of the soldiers on guard suddenly changed in fright, and they secretly thought something was wrong.

In the residence, Yuan Edema and his wife, who were sleeping soundly, were also awakened by the huge explosion, but Yuan Edema didn't know what happened at all, and his face was confused, but when the second loud bang sounded, At that time, he was completely awake.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door, and an anxious shout came from outside the door: "The chairman is not good, a missile has attacked our place!"

"What? Missile!" Yuan Puffy's face was full of horror, and his whole body was poured out like cold water, and her wife's expression changed even more. She looked at Yuan Puffy with a look of bewilderment, but she didn't dare to say anything.

"Could it be Hua?! But why did Huaxia hit us?"

Yuan Fuzhong couldn't figure it out. Although they had offended and provoked Huaxia before, now Huaxia and Meilijian are at war. If they don't attack Meilijian's military base on Korean Island, what are they doing in Hanoi?

"Chairman! Get out of here, our place is likely to be their target!" The bodyguard outside the door continued to shout.

"Hmm!" Yuan Edgy didn't have time to think about it, and quickly got out of bed with his wife, casually put on a nightgown and ran out, and then left the house under the escort of bodyguards.

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