Not long ago, he just learned that the United States has once again sent three major aircraft carrier battle groups into the Pacific Ocean, preparing to launch a full-scale attack on China.

So he is going to grab the aircraft carriers of the three major aircraft carrier battle groups directly.

"Enough!" Xia Weiguo nodded excitedly, and even couldn't believe it, if Lin Xuan hadn't said such a thing about snatching the aircraft carrier from Mei Lijian, he would definitely laugh at the other party as crazy.

"Well, within four days at the most, I will send three aircraft carriers to Huaxia's port!" Lin Xuan said confidently.

"Well, okay, but Lin Xuan, I personally agree with your opinion, but I can't just nod on this matter alone, I need to discuss it with the chairman, but don't worry, I will try my best to convince them, and If you really get three aircraft carriers, I think I will be more likely to convince them!" Xia Weiguo said seriously.

But after saying this, I actually felt a little guilty in my heart. Originally, these were things they should worry about and think about. Now Lin Xuan thought about it for them and decided to solve many difficulties for them, but they still need to think about it. It is really inappropriate to negotiate with Lin Xuan, and even negotiate conditions with Lin Xuan.

So Xia Weiguo secretly decided that he must try his best to persuade the chiefs to agree with Lin Xuan's decision. After all, Lin Xuan's suggestion is indeed very reasonable.

If Huaxia only focuses on defense, Huaxia will be very passive, and the main battlefield will inevitably take place in Huaxia. At that time, Huaxia will suffer even greater losses.

But if Huaxia really had the opportunity to turn against customers and block Mei Lijian's army at the door, the ending would be different.

"No problem, then wait for my good news!" Lin Xuan stood up and said with a smile.

Although he was not sure whether Xia Weiguo could persuade the chairman and the others, this aircraft carrier must be obtained.

Because as Xia Weiguo said, this aircraft carrier is an important weapon to enhance China's long-distance combat capabilities. Although China is also producing it, there are currently only two ships, which are far from enough, and the overall capabilities of the aircraft carrier are definitely not as good as American aircraft carrier.

Moreover, Lin Xuan believes that even if the government hesitates temporarily, it will definitely agree to his proposal in the future.

"Okay, by the way, do you need our assistance?" Xia Weiguo asked after nodding his head.

"No, I can handle it by myself!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Xia Weiguo nodded, feeling a little anticipation in his heart. Although he didn't know what method Lin Xuan would use to snatch the aircraft carrier, he knew very well that Lin Xuan would do what he said.


Chapter 283 I beat myself up

"This kid's idea is really bold enough!" After listening to Xia Weiguo's words, the No. [-] chief's mouth slightly evoked a meaningful smile.

"Well, but I think this idea is very good, and if Lin Xuan can really do what he promised, we can definitely turn against the customer and block Mei Lijian at the door to fight, and even fight to show off!" Xia Weiguo was a little excited He said that when he was repeating Lin Xuan's suggestion to Chief No. [-] just now, he carefully recalled Lin Xuan's words.

I felt more and more in my heart that this time I turned from defense to offense, and the attack on Mei Lijian was very sure of victory.

"Yeah!" Chief No. [-] nodded noncommittally, "Let's wait for Lin Xuan to get the aircraft carrier first! But we are also making all preparations to attack Meilijian!"

Hearing the second half of Chief No. [-]'s words, Xia Weiguo's face suddenly showed joy.

He could hear that Chief No. [-] basically agreed with Lin Xuan's suggestion, but he didn't expect things to go smoother than he expected.

"Yes, Chairman!" Xia Weiguo saluted happily.

Chief No. [-] smiled, and then changed the topic: "By the way, is Lin Xuan gone?"

"Not yet! He said that he will get us an aircraft carrier tomorrow!"

"Well, then you will call him later, let's have dinner together, and talk about the destruction of the US military base on Han Island tonight!"


After leaving from Chief No. [-], Xia Weiguo immediately went to hold an emergency meeting to formulate a military action plan for the night with all the officers.

However, with the experience of attacking Sun Island last time, this time it is quite familiar, and this time it is only to destroy the US military base, which is much easier than the previous attack on Japan Island.

So the meeting ended quickly, orders were conveyed one after another, and all parties immediately began to act.And Lin Xuan also left Kyoto early after having dinner with Chief No. [-], and went to Han Island alone.

In the middle of the night and after the early hours of the morning, Lin Xuan, who was wearing a steel battle suit, started to move, and the powerful solar storm was under his control.Beginning to sweep over the US military bases on Korean Island.

Han Island, Casey Barracks, here is an army base of American Lijian stationed in Han Island.

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