Soon, Jin An, the escort with a nervous expression, rushed out of the bedroom. Although his eyes were sleepy, his eyes were full of anxiety: "Is something wrong with Yoshida?"

The escort, Jin An, knew that something urgent must have happened when Yoshida woke him up at this time. He even thought that Huaxia had really attacked them just now.

"Prime Minister, there is a sudden power outage in Tokyo, and all electronic equipment..." Na Yoshida truthfully reported the information he now knows to his escort Jin'an.

"What?" After listening to Yoshida's narration, the escort Jin'an's face changed drastically, "Why did this happen?"

"After the relevant staff inspected, they initially suspected that it was caused by a meteorological disaster like a solar storm?" Yoshida replied.

"Solar storm?" The escort, Jin An, was a little confused. How could there be a solar storm in the middle of the night, and what kind of solar storm could be so strong that it damaged all the electronic equipment.

At this time, the escort, Jin Anxin, was completely awake. The news was so exciting that it even made his head buzz and his heart was distressed and heartbroken.

This is Tokyo. If it’s just a power outage, it’s fine. If all electronic related products are damaged, the impact will be great. In today’s era that is highly dependent on electricity and various high-tech electronic products, in this era of information storage In an era when information transmission almost all relies on electronic products, the losses and consequences caused by this inexplicable natural disaster are really immeasurable. ·

But fortunately, Jin'an, the escort at this time, didn't know that it wasn't just Tokyo that had encountered a disaster, but even the entire Japanese island had suffered a disaster.

Otherwise, the three companions, Jin An, would probably vomit blood in distress.

"Bang bang bang—" At the same time that the third escort Jin An was buzzing in his mind, he was startled by a sudden loud noise outside.

Then I heard the shouts of the bodyguards outside: "Who is it?"

At the same time, several loud bangs and screams came one after another, followed by a burst of intense gunshots and exclamations.

"What happened outside?" Yoshida subconsciously asked about the situation with the communicator on his body, but the communicator was damaged. "Damn it!"

bang bang bang...

"There are assassins!" The exclamation and screams of the bodyguards came from outside again.

"Not good!" Yoshida's face became even more ugly, but before he had time to react, the side window slammed open and was smashed by something.

At the same time, a figure glowing with metallic luster rushed in, his eyes glowed with light blue light.There is a triangular halo on the chest, and halos are sprayed from the limbs, and there are continuous roars.

Seeing this scene, Yoshida and his escort, Jin An, were stunned. From the candlelight in the corridor and the light from the figure, they could clearly see that it was a humanoid power armor that rushed in.


Lin Xuan turned off the flight propeller, and the steel suit landed firmly on the ground.There was a crisp metal impact, and then he walked towards the stunned escort Jin An and Yoshida.

"Stop!" Yoshida, who recovered from his astonishment, immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Lin Xuan who was walking and shouted.

But Lin Xuan's footsteps did not slow down at all. Na Yoshida immediately pulled the trigger and fired several shots in succession. The bullets hit the iron suit and made a clanging sound, but they couldn't stop Lin Xuan's footsteps at all.

in a blink.Lin Xuan had already walked in front of them, raised his fist and dented Yoshida's face.The body also flew far away, hit the wall, and died on the spot.

"You, what do you want to do?" The pale-faced escort Jin An stepped back a few steps, looked at Lin Xuan in the steel suit with fear, and said in a trembling voice.

Although it was also the first time he had seen this kind of humanoid armor with his own eyes.But Jin An, the escort, knew very well that the person in the steel suit should be Lin Xuan.

The escort, Jin An, never expected that after Lin Xuan assassinated Obama, he came to assassinate himself again, but the escort, Jin An, suddenly figured it out.Why would the electricity in Tokyo suddenly fail, and why all electronic equipment would suddenly break down.

"Could it be all done by him, but how did he do it?" The escort Jin An was shocked, but his life was threatened so much that he had no time to think too much, and his reason was quickly overwhelmed by fear.

"Nothing, I just want to invite you to the rooftop to enjoy a firework show that Huaxia sent you!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"What, what do you mean?" The escort Jin An felt that his head was not enough, and the only thing left in his heart was fear.

"Don't move..." Several bodyguards rushed over with pistols in their hands and shouted loudly.

Without looking back, Lin Xuan raised his hand and shot out several arc pulses one after another, directly killing those bodyguards.

"Mr. Escort Jin An, come with me!" Lin Xuan grabbed the escort Jin An, and without waiting for him to reply, he directly tied him up with a rope, immediately activated the flying propeller, and quickly flew out of the window out.

At the same time, the Prime Minister's wife and maid who had been hiding in the bedroom before poked their heads out through the crack of the door in horror. Seeing the tragic scene outside, they were all trembling with fright, but they didn't know that death had enveloped them. come.

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