In addition, the iron suit in the video is almost very similar to the image in the movie, which also excited countless fans who love Iron Man all over the world, and called it Iron Man in reality.

However, those fans of Meilijian are relatively depressed. The former Spiderman is now the Iron Man.Their country was once again slapped in reality by the fictional image they created. There is nothing more depressing in this world than this.

In this way, go up to the governments of various countries.Down to the people on the street, and on the virtual network, there are all kinds of remarks about the Avengers and Iron Man.

Moreover, the true identity of the people behind the Avengers has once again become the hottest topic, although many people have long known that Lin Xuan is behind the Avengers.However, there are still more people who don’t know, or because of the occlusion and lag of information, people who have only recently learned about the Avengers are all familiar with this once fictional superhero alliance in American movies. The deadly rivals of China and the United States have become very interested.

Therefore, countless netizens began to popularize science on the Internet for free, and even compiled popular science posts in different languages, telling the ins and outs of the first appearance of the Avengers in detail, and there is even more evidence to prove that Lin Xuan The relationship with the Avengers, and by the way, Lin Xuan's identity and the brilliance he created were popularized.

And this time, the netizens in charge of science popularization also produced the most convincing evidence.

That is the Xuanyu Group, which has just launched a truly intelligent robot not long ago, so the only person in the world who can create such a powerful technological product as a steel suit may be the founder of Xuanyu Technology—Lin Xuan.

From Spider-Man to Iron Man, smart housekeeping software, smart robots and smart homes, all miracles were created by Lin Xuan himself.

For a moment, everyone firmly believed in this, and finally understood why this organization is called the Avengers Alliance. They even wondered whether after a while, the Hulk and Thor would suddenly appear in this organization!


However, compared to the excitement on the Internet, the American government is extremely low-key, and even did not make any remarks or clear responses to the attack.

But it's not that Mei Lijian didn't want to respond, but he didn't have the face to respond to this matter, and he didn't have time to take care of it.

At this time, they can be said to be devastated, especially Hillary, who has just taken over the presidency, and her nerves are almost on the verge of collapse.

On the one hand, they have to deal with the huge losses and impacts caused by the two attacks, such as doing all the aftermath work, appeasing the anger and grief of the families of the victims, and more importantly, they have to deal with the rising anti-war voices and People protesting against the war.

And what makes the U.S. government even more depressed is that Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Canada have announced their withdrawal from this joint military operation on the grounds that the U.S. has deceived them not long ago, and all military forces have been withdrawn to the country.

What Meilijian was most worried about happened.In the future, they will have to rely on their own cooperation with Ridao and some small countries to deal with Huaxia.

In this way, the war will definitely not go as they originally planned.They can achieve their strategic goals in a short period of time.

Even the consumption of the following war will be very huge.

But now they have no choice but to attack, and then they can only bite the bullet and charge upwards, at all costs, to completely destroy Huaxia.Kill Lin Xuan completely.

Only in this way can they completely get rid of all the scourges, and then they can regroup and continue to fulfill their ambition of unifying the world.


Of course, some people are happy and some are worried. Compared with the desperation and depression of the American politicians, the Huaxia government can be said to have a big heart and is very happy.

And before that, because Lin Xuan suddenly announced that he would not assist China in defending against foreign enemies, countless people who felt oppressed and panicked because of the haze of war also had the feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds, and clapped their hands and cheered.

Although they still don't understand why Lin Xuan announced that he would give up assisting China, Lin Xuan's actions have now proved that he is still with all the people of China.With the whole country, advance and retreat together, share honor and disgrace, it's just that he has changed his identity and form.

Therefore, in the hearts of countless people, Lin Xuan is still the hero of China, the pride of the people, their support and sustenance, and the hope of China's rise.

They believed that Lin Xuan would definitely be able to disintegrate the G[-] alliance this time.Crush the conspiracy of American aggression.

"Lin Xuan is such a monster, he actually created a flying power armor!" In a conference room in a special military zone in Kyoto, there were military and political leaders present, as well as China's top scientists.After watching the video of the attack on the aircraft carrier, they all sighed in amazement.

"It seems that when the aircraft carrier was blown up last time, he probably already had this kind of armor!" Li Guoqiang said.

"Yes, and this power armor can easily penetrate into the core of the aircraft carrier fighter jet and blow up the aircraft carrier. That means that he must have very advanced stealth technology, and the laser weapon can be so small, it is simply unbelievable !” A bald scientist said with a disbelief on his face.

You must know that although laser weapons already exist in the world today, they are all huge, and there is no way to compress the volume to the size of the laser weapons on the power armor.

"Not only that, but this kid should have developed miniature controllable nuclear fusion, and it is likely to be cold nuclear fusion!" Another old professor said, his eyes were full of admiration.

Although he knew that Lin Xuan had developed controllable nuclear fusion technology, the technology of controllable nuclear fusion has long been supported by relevant theories.

However, the technology of cold nuclear fusion exists only in fantasy, let alone miniature cold nuclear fusion, which is simply a fantasy.

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