"Ah——" The sudden explosion made Lin Xue's face pale with fright, and she looked at the exploding off-road vehicle behind her in horror, not knowing what happened.

Lin Xue went out this time because she had to take a plane, so she didn't bring the steel suit Lin Xuan gave her, but she was followed by two bodyguards.

But he, Lin Xue, didn't know that there were actually several agents in the dark, and those agents were on the bombed off-road vehicle.

On this vast prairie, it is difficult for agents to hide their whereabouts. In addition, they have been here for two days, and the off-road vehicle is always following them, so it is easy to expose the target. People like Lin Xue who are just here for fun , I may not have paid much attention to the off-road vehicle, I just thought it was just a tourist who also came here, but it is clear to those who are interested.

At this time, the expressions of the two bodyguards who were not far away also changed drastically, and they rushed forward immediately.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Chen, it's dangerous, get out of here!" one of the bodyguards exclaimed.

But at this moment, with a gunshot, the bodyguard who was talking fell to the ground, and the other bodyguard immediately pulled out a pistol, aimed at the fast-rushing off-road vehicle, and pulled the trigger one after another.

"Xiaoxue, let's go!" Chen Qiao said in horror, and immediately waved the whip, and the horse immediately galloped and ran to the distance, while the bodyguard was still in place, blocking the rushing off-road vehicle, and was shot one after another. bomb, and finally fell to the ground and died.


Chapter 265 A Call From America

ps. Here is today’s update, and by the way, I want to vote for the 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and they will get coins for voting. I beg everyone to support and appreciate it!

"Could it be Mei Lijian and the others?" Lin Xue said to herself with a face full of horror. She knew very well that everything that happened just now was definitely aimed at herself. It is not difficult to guess that Mei Lijian probably wanted to take her. Blackmail Lin Xuan.

And this is also the reason why Lin Xuan restricted her from traveling to Europe. Even in China, she was in danger. Wouldn't going to Europe directly fall into the hands of others.

"I must not be caught by them!" Lin Xue was anxious, not because she was cowardly and afraid, but because she was afraid that Mei Lijian would use herself to blackmail Lin Xuan and harm Lin Xuan.

But at the same time that Lin Xue was frowning and anxious, Chen Qiao who was sitting behind him had a hesitant look on his face, the expression on his face changed again and again, his eyes were sometimes firm, sometimes cold, sometimes soft Flickering, as if experiencing inner struggle.

After a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision, raised his right hand, and slammed a palm on the back of Lin Xue's neck. The defenseless Lin Xue trembled, and immediately passed out .

Chen Qiao hugged Lin Xue's delicate body, her face was full of guilt and conflict, and immediately pulled the rein, the galloping horse immediately slowed down, and then slowly stopped.

"Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it. The enemy Lin Xuan offended is too powerful! But don't worry, I will definitely not let anything happen to you!" Chen Qiao looked at Lin Xue in her arms extremely apologetically, and said in a low voice.

At this time, the off-road vehicle that had been chasing earlier also drove over.Then stop.

Chen Qiao glanced at the off-road vehicle, and then turned out all the electronic equipment on Lin Xue.He threw it on the ground, and then carried Lin Xue into the off-road vehicle.

"Let's go!" Chen Qiao said to the two rough-faced men in front of him.

"Okay!" The man driving the car responded.Immediately made a turn, and then galloped towards the west at high speed.


"Old sister!" Lin Xuan, who was far away in the Binhai Biological Laboratory, changed his face and clenched his fists.

Just now, Jarvis issued an alarm that Lin Xue was in danger, and then issued an alarm that Lin Xue was kidnapped by Chen Qiao. 』』,

In order to protect the safety of her sister, Lin Xuan had already connected Jarvis to her mobile phone. As long as she did not turn off the phone, Jarvis could monitor Lin through the phone's microphone, infrared sensor, camera and other accessories. snow condition.

So when Xue Lin just had an accident.Jarvis immediately sent an alarm to Lin Xuan, and Jarvis also heard the voice coming back from the scene through the microphone of the mobile phone, as well as Chen Qiao's words, and speculated that Lin Xue was kidnapped by Chen Qiao.

"Bastard, that damned Chen Qiao, he turned out to be Mei Lijian's dog!" Lin Xuan's eyes shot coldly, murderous intent flickered, he guessed without even thinking that this matter must be ordered by the Mei Lijian government .It's just that he really couldn't believe that Chen Qiao was an upright, affectionate and innocent Chen Qiao.He turned out to be Mei Lijian's running dog, and even deceived his own sister and even himself.

Too late to think about it.Lin Xuan immediately rushed out of the laboratory, and then reached the roof of the office building.

Shortly after.The steel battle suit that was originally stored on the island of science and technology flew over automatically, and then quickly disintegrated.Finally, it attached to Lin Xuan again.

"Jarvis, can you use Chen Qiao's mobile phone to locate him?" Lin Xuan asked immediately after putting on the steel suit.

"Sorry sir, Chen Qiao has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, and he didn't bring any communication equipment with him at all," Jarvis replied.

"Damn it!" Lin Xuan cursed in his heart, but his whole body was already like a rocket, rushing to the sky, flying towards the place where his sister was traveling.

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