The icy sea water poured into the cabin in an instant, and the battleship quickly began to sink. There were exclamations on the boat one after another, countless people fled in panic, and many people fell into the sea from the broken cabin.

On the surface of the sea, the huge power generated by the explosion of the nuclear reactor set off huge waves on the surface of the sea, constantly beating the broken air defense cruiser, like a roaring ancient giant, devouring everything on the sea surface, and accelerating the The sinking of the battleship.

Countless officers and soldiers shouted in horror in the cabin, struggling in the sea water, making the already blazing and choppy sea like a purgatory on earth.

"Sir, your energy consumption is too high, I suggest you return immediately!" Jarvis' voice sounded again.

"Yeah!" Lin Xuan nodded, blowing up an aircraft carrier and an anti-aircraft cruiser of Lao Mei tonight was a slap in the face for Lao Mei, which was enough for them to remember.

So he didn't intend to continue entanglement any longer. After looking at the other warships fleeing to the distance, he immediately turned around and flew towards the island of technology.


In the White House in the United States, Obama's dark cheeks were unprecedentedly white, but this whiteness was due to the paleness of his complexion, but it was pale without blood because of anger.

He had just heard Carter report that their USS Bush aircraft carrier was attacked by Lin Xuan and was blown up on the way back.

This news was like five thunderbolts, which almost made him faint, and his face became paler than ever before.

The USS Bush was blown up!

Their most powerful, most advanced, and most expensive aircraft carrier was blown up by Lin Xuan!

"This damn bastard!" Obama was so angry that his heart would explode. He resented himself for underestimating Lin Xuan's strength and methods again.

Lin Xuan, who in his opinion would only blow up buildings and threaten them, was really ruthless this time, and directly blew up their most powerful aircraft carrier.

This means of revenge really made him feel scared.

Moreover, they just lost Guam and the USS Washington aircraft carrier battle group, and now they lost the USS Bush aircraft carrier. This series of blows really made him a little bit unbearable.

"He, how did he do it?" Obama asked through gritted teeth.He couldn't figure out how Lin Xuan, under the protection of a powerful escort fleet and carrier-based aircraft, majestically entered the interior of the aircraft carrier and entered the nuclear power compartment of the aircraft carrier.

This is simply an insult to their American military technology!

"Mr. President, according to the pictures and information sent back by the USS Bush aircraft carrier, Lin Xuan was wearing a set of power armor with very advanced stealth technology, which successfully evaded all our radar detection systems! And the armor defense and They are very mobile, and equipped with very advanced weapons, including laser weapons that can easily cut through the safety gate of the aircraft carrier!"

"Power armor?" Obama was even more surprised that Lin Xuan had already researched power armor.

"Yes, Lin Xuan should have imitated the armor design in the movie! Look..." Carter took a tablet from the assistant beside him, and showed Obama several groups of clear photos taken on the aircraft carrier .

Seeing the photos on the computer, Omaba's face became more gloomy, his brows were almost knit together, and he shook his head again and again, muttering in his mouth: "We must get rid of him, we must get rid of him, we must not give him any more time to grow up." Now, this kid will break all the rules!"

"Mr. President, has our Plan B already started?" Carter asked after pondering for a while.

"It has been activated, and thank God, unexpectedly, I was in a good mood these days, but I didn't expect..." Obama's face darkened, and then he sighed and shook his head, "Forget it, as long as plan b succeeds this time , we will be able to completely get rid of Lin Xuan's future troubles, and our plan can start immediately!"

"Mr. President, do you think the Chinese military will also have this kind of power armor?" Carter asked with some concern.

"I'm not sure at the moment, so we're going to throw stones and ask for directions!"

"what do you mean……"

"I've sent people to go to South Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malay. The next move is very important!" Having said that, Obama's eyes showed a cold gleam.


Chapter 257-258 Popularity Overwhelming

ps. Here comes the May 515st update, don’t rush to play after reading it, remember to vote for the monthly ticket first. ???? ?·From now on - order the [-] Fan Festival to enjoy double monthly tickets, and other activities have red envelopes, you can also take a look!

The next day, the news that the American aircraft carrier USS Bush and the anti-aircraft cruiser were attacked and destroyed on the way back spread like wildfire, causing an international uproar.

You must know that the USS Bush aircraft carrier of the United States is well-known in the world, and it is a powerful existence that makes all countries in the world fear.

It represents the strongest military force in the world and the most advanced military technology. It can be said to be the sharpest spear and the most indestructible weapon of American Lijian.

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