But he quickly thought of a problem. The change in his palm was due to the picture he had imagined in his mind, which meant that the picture had long been deeply ingrained in his mind.

But judging from some plots in the movie, the Mystique can become the same as other people's appearance, even the other person's fingerprints, irises, skin texture, voice and other subtle things , can be exactly the same.

how did you do that?

Lin Xuan was a little confused, but since he exchanged for Mystique's superpower, he should be able to copy the appearance of others.

"Maybe it's because I haven't fully researched this superpower. It seems that I have to wait until tomorrow morning to find someone to try and see if I can copy the other person's appearance through this superpower." Lin Xuan thought in his heart.

After testing Mystique's super power, Lin Xuan thought, and his palm quickly began to recover automatically.

Then, he checked his bone claws again. According to the system, after he reached level 3, Wolverine's bone claws could evolve to be as hard and sharp as a diamond.

However, the hardness of this bone claw cannot be seen from the appearance alone, so we can only find a chance to try again!

But looking at his own bone claw, Lin Xuan had a whim, wanting to try whether this bone claw can be transformed into an alloy bone claw like the one in the movie according to his own wishes. Unexpectedly, the bone claw really did as he imagined, Instantly becomes metallic and textured.

However, Lin Xuan is very clear that this is just an appearance, but it is not really an Edman alloy like Wolverine in the movie.

Putting away the bone claws again, Lin Xuan sat down by the bed, his brows gradually wrinkled again, and he felt a little worried!

Although I successfully exchanged Mystique's ability, I don't know where the base is. Even if I can copy the appearance of the man in white, it is impossible to copy his memory!

"Alas - we can only wait a little longer to see if we can find a breakthrough!" Lin Xuan shook his head helplessly, obviously to complete this task, it cannot be done in a day or two.

Fortunately, before he left, he had already arranged everything. He told his mother and sister that he was going to travel abroad for a period of time, and that he would hand over all the company affairs to Chen Yu, so he didn't worry about it during this time. , the company can't do without itself.

In the next period of time, I can devote myself to this task wholeheartedly.

And whether it's for myself or for the relatives and friends I know, I have to complete this mission.

When he came to the desk, Lin Xuan turned on his laptop, connected it to the Internet, downloaded several hacking software and programming software, made some modifications, and used hacking methods again to visit the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of National Defense to see their latest news from .

After some investigation, Lin Xuan found that the Ministry of Security's previous "Dark Sword" operation had failed, and had been renamed "Skynet" operation, and began to search and arrest Ma Changwei across China.

Not only that, but Lin Xuan saw another secret operation.

"Even my company and family are being monitored by them. It seems that they really misunderstood my relationship with Ma Changwei and listed me as the number one suspect!" Looking at the computer screen, Lin Xuan looked helpless.

The ancients said that companionship with a monarch is like companionship with a tiger. Although there are no monarchs now, this principle still seems to apply.

When you let the country think that you are a talent, they will try their best to protect you and value you, but once they think you are a threat, then I am afraid they will really turn their faces and deny you!

Of course, Lin Xuan didn't expect the country to trust him so much. He and the country were only in a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship. In addition, he was a Chinese, and Huaxia was his motherland, that's all.

And he believed that when his mission was completed, all misunderstandings would be cleared up.

"Que'er, have you arrived at the base successfully?"

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly heard the voice of the man in white. The voice came from the room opposite him. Although ordinary people couldn't hear it clearly through two doors, Lin Xuan's hearing was amazing, but he could hear it clearly. He clearly heard the voice of the man in white.

And this villa is not like Ma Changwei's villa that has many special sound insulation layers, especially Ma Changwei's study room. Even if Lin Xuan's hearing is bad, he can't hear any sound from the outside at all.


Lin Xuan frowned slightly. He remembered that when he came, the people at the door called the man in white Hu Ge. From this, it can be inferred that the woman in red who Ma Changwei called "Zhu" was probably called Suzaku. Of course, Lin Xuan Know that this is just their code name.

So the bird in the white tiger's mouth should be the woman in red.

"Well, that's good, don't worry, I'll be fine, in our territory, he can't make waves!" The white tiger continued after a short pause.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan frowned even tighter. He could hear that Baihu was talking about him, so he immediately went to the door and listened carefully.

"Okay, when the limelight passes these days, you can come here!" The white tiger continued, his voice sounded extremely gentle, as if he was talking to his lover.

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