Just when Lin Xuan was having all sorts of fantasies in his heart, the news about him was like a blockbuster, causing an uproar in the major media and the Internet.

The news report swept across major news sites, social networking sites, video sites, and mobile new media in an instant, almost in a gesture of swiping the screen, and even traditional media such as TV and radio were also affected.

One of the first videos to be uploaded on the Internet has reached hundreds of millions of views in just ten minutes, and the number of retweets is astonishingly high.

The original CG animation is very good, you can go to Hollywood to develop!

Another season of Spider-Man?


This video is ridiculous, how could there be Spider-Man in this world!

Let me go, the Spider-Man movie came to China to shoot!

The landlord is a great god!Identification is completed!

I feel like this video is real!

Haha, let me tell you, I am actually Spider-Man, come kneel and lick!

Upstairs is silly B!

I shot the real version of Ultraman fighting monsters yesterday!Anyone wanting a private message for a video...

Netizens’ comments are varied and full of ideas, but most of them are skeptical, and the rest are just watching the excitement. Only a very small number of people think that the video may be real.

After all, most people have not seen it with their own eyes, and it is impossible to believe that Spider-Man really exists.


Wang Zhipeng is a full-time internet writer. He spends most of his day coding or conceiving plots. His only entertainment may be playing games and watching movies.

At this time, because of Calvin, he was staring at the computer screen with straight eyes, racking his brains for the plot.

Suddenly, he saw a pop-up window news from Fujixun popping up in the lower right corner of the computer, titled: A fire broke out in a building in Binhai, and a live-action version of Spider-Man appeared on the scene to save the survivors.

Seeing this headline, Wang Zhipeng's eyes lit up, and he was very curious, but he immediately felt that this was probably another piece of news that the headline gang tricked into clicking.

But despite thinking this way, he clicked in, wanting to see how the headline party lied!

The news was in the form of pictures, texts and videos, and it looked very real, which made Wang Zhipeng's expression slightly serious. At the end, Wang Zhipeng's expression had changed from initial suspicion to complete shock!

"I rub it, it's true!"

Wang Zhipeng was a little unbelievable, and then looked at the comments below the news. In addition to some expressing shock and disbelief, there were also many people who believed that the video was fake. .

So Wang Zhipeng also had some doubts about the content of the news, but deep in his heart he hoped that it was true, so he was curious and conflicted, so he immediately searched on Baidu to find other reports on this matter to confirm each other The authenticity of the event.

At this moment, there are countless netizens like Wang Zhipeng in China. After reading the relevant news reports, they began to search for verifiable answers on the Internet, and even directly posted questions on some social networking sites or question-and-answer sites.

Soon a bunch of so-called experts emerged on the Internet, and began to answer questions for the majority of netizens.

Of course, not all of these people are real experts, because whenever an event becomes popular, there will be some people who want to use this event to gain a sense of presence or hype themselves.

Some of these so-called experts and scholars spoke out to criticize the falsification of the video and the irresponsible reporting of the online media.

But there is also a large wave of so-called experts who have come out to prove that the video has not undergone any artificial processing.

Soon, an online battle started between the two groups, making netizens even more confused, wondering who to trust.

However, this scolding war did not last long, as major newspapers, even TV stations and radios began to report this amazing news.

Everyone was completely shocked. If it is said that videos on the Internet can be faked, there may be false fabrications in online news.

Well, if the traditional TV and newspapers have reported it, then eighty percent of it is true!

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