
In Sizhou Province, there is a very quaint residential area on the outskirts of the city. Yang Shuke walked along the path paved with bluestones and came to the gate of a courtyard.

The courtyard has blue bricks and red tiles, and a mahogany gate, which looks quite antique.

Yang Shuke walked to the mahogany gate, grabbed the bolt and tapped it a few times, and soon a woman's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Sister-in-law, it's me, I'm back!" Yang Shuke said.

"Crack——" the door was opened, and a woman who looked about forty years old, plainly dressed, and with a slightly ordinary appearance appeared in front of Yang Shuke, with a slight surprise on her face: "Xiao Ke? What are you doing?" You came back suddenly, didn't you say that you and Lin Xuan will go to Lin's house to celebrate the Spring Festival this year?"

"That... I changed my mind temporarily!" Yang Shuke's complexion sank slightly, and he said with a dry smile.

The woman Yang Shuke calls her sister-in-law is exactly the aunt who raised her—Su Qingmei.

... [Thank you for dreaming and pastime, remembering Ruocheng for rewarding, thank you! 】

Chapter 86 Yang Shuke's Secret

"Xiao Ke, are you having trouble with Lin Xuan?" Su Qingmei saw that something was wrong with Yang Shuke, frowned, and asked in a deep voice.

"No, sister, look at you, don't you want me to come back to spend the New Year with you?" Yang Shuke said dissatisfiedly with her mouth slightly pouted.

"Sister-in-law is of course willing, but I'm just worried about you. Come on, come in quickly!" Su Qingmei quickly took Yang Shuke's luggage, put her arms around Yang Shuke, and walked into the yard.

The yard is very spacious, the ground is paved with blue bricks, one side is a flower bed made of stones, and the other side is a thick locust tree, with bamboo tables and chairs placed under the tree, and a wooden man standing beside it The wooden body of the entire wooden dummy is black and shiny, as if it has been oiled.

"Xiao Ke, are you hungry? Auntie will make you dinner right now! You can rest in the room for a while!" Just after entering the room, Su Qingmei went to the kitchen to cook.

"It's okay, I'm not tired, aunt, I'll help you!" Yang Shuke put down his luggage, and immediately got busy with Su Qingmei.

Although the courtyard looks antique and simple on the outside, the kitchen is quite modernly decorated, with all kinds of kitchen utensils and appliances readily available.

After the meal was ready, the aunt and nephew moved their chopsticks together. While eating, Su Qingmei also casually asked about Yang Shuke's schooling, but while chatting, she suddenly changed the topic around Lin Xuan .

"Xiao Ke, how far have you and Lin Xuan progressed? When does he plan to take you back to meet your parents?" Su Qingmei asked.

Hearing Su Qingmei's words, Yang Shuke's complexion became serious, and he was silent for a while, and said with a worried face: "Sister, do we have to take revenge for the revenge of our Su family?"

"Xiao Ke!" Su Qingmei suddenly put down the chopsticks in her hand, frowned, looked at Yang Shuke seriously and said, "How can you have such thoughts, how can your belief be shaken! Have you forgotten? , There are 39 members of my Su family, all of whom died in the hands of the Song family, do you think this revenge should be reported or not?"

"And you asked me since you were a child, why don't you have parents like other children! This is also a gift from the Song family. Do you want to avenge your parents or not?"

As she spoke, Su Qingmei was a little agitated, her eyes were wide open, and her cheeks were full of hatred and anger.

In fact, Yang Shuke had heard these words countless times, and even felt a little numb.

As long as she can remember, she has lived with her aunt, never met her parents, and her feelings for them are limited to fantasies.

Although she resented the Song family who killed her parents because she had no parents when she was a child, she couldn't really feel the monstrous hatred in her aunt's heart.

And as time went by, and as she grew up, she got used to the fact that she didn't have parents, or became numb.

Moreover, she is optimistic by nature, open-minded, and she is very open to grievances and hatreds.

If it wasn't for her aunt who had always instilled in her the belief and determination to take revenge, she really didn't want to take revenge. She just wanted to be a person like most girls and live an ordinary life.

But she didn't want her aunt to be disappointed and sad, so she could only follow her wishes and walk step by step to today!

"But sister, don't we have any other way? Is it the only way for me to marry into the Lin family?" After a little silence, Yang Shuke asked again.

"That's right, this is the only feasible way. Although the Song family is not as good as before, it is still not something ordinary people can shake, and the Lin family and the Song family have been at odds in recent years, so we can't let go of this opportunity.

And you also know that the current head of the Lin family is a son like Lin Xuan. I heard that the Lin family has always regarded Lin Xuan very highly. This child is not interested in official careers and vanity fairs, but he is quite knowledgeable in martial arts. This just fits us Therefore, he will definitely become the next head of the Lin family in the future.

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