Seeing this scene, Xia Xin was even more surprised: "This is exactly the same as in the movie, it's really amazing!"

At this time, Xia Xin felt like she was dreaming.

"Lin Xuan, do you think there are other mutants in this world, such as Storm Girl or Phoenix Girl? It would be great if I could have that kind of superpower!" Xia Xin suddenly looked like a little girl Same, whimsical fantasy.

"Maybe there will be!" Lin Xuan smiled bitterly in his heart. If there were so many people like him in this world, it would have been a mess long ago.

However, it is not difficult for Lin Xuan to imagine that he, an ordinary person, can obtain superpowers, which means that human beings can really have superpowers.

Perhaps one day in the future, after human civilization and technology reach a certain height, or after countless years of human gene evolution, it is really possible to evolve people with superpowers.

Just like hundreds of millions of years ago, who would have thought that one day humans would evolve on the earth with high intelligence. How could human ancestors have thought that human society could develop to the level it is today.

But now, who can imagine how high human civilization will develop in the future, and what human evolution will look like.

Xia Xin's whimsical words opened Lin Xuan's mind, and he began to think wildly. Of course, these are all illusory things to him now. Even if there is such a day, he still doesn't know if he can see it.

The two continued to walk along the deserted road. Xia Xin, like a reporter, asked Lin Xuan many questions, such as when did Lin Xuan find out that he had supernatural powers, and how did he feel after discovering that he had supernatural powers? What do you think, have you ever thought about using supernatural powers to dominate the world, and other gossip and brain-opening questions.

Lin Xuan couldn't laugh or cry for a while, so he could only make up and deal with it.

In the end, Xia Xin finally changed the subject and asked about Lin Xuan's company. The two chatted and walked along the way. Twenty minutes passed without knowing it. Here comes a black BMW 3 Series.

And he recognized at a glance that the car belonged to Liu Haiyang.

Soon, the car arrived at Lin Xuan and stopped. Liu Haiyang got out of the car, saw the blood-stained clothes at a glance, and couldn't help changing his face: "Boss Lin, are you injured?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's just red wine!" Lin Xuan quickly covered his chest with his hands, and said something casually.

Liu Haiyang's eyes flickered slightly, he could tell that it was obviously not red wine, but he didn't ask any more when he saw that Lin Xuan didn't want to say more, and he didn't look too much when he saw that Lin Xuan didn't look like a wounded person Worried, so after glancing at Xia Xin, he quickly opened the rear door and said, "Boss Lin, get in the car!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Liu!" Lin Xuan smiled and led Xia Xin into the car without much explanation. After the car started, it turned a corner and drove towards the city on the same road.

On the way, Liu Haiyang briefly talked to Lin Xuan about a few things in the company, and did not ask too much why Lin Xuan was in such a remote place.

But in the end, he talked about the strange phenomenon he saw on the way here.

"Today we in Binhai don't know what major case happened. When I came, I saw a lot of police cars on the road, and there were also police cars at the intersection when I came here just now. I checked them one by one. It felt like I was arresting something serious. Suspect!"

"For these policemen to work so hard, it seems that this criminal has touched some Tai Sui's head!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly and joked casually.

Of course, this was just a casual joke on his part. He didn't immediately expect that these policemen were so mobilized because of Xia Xin who was beside her.

But Xia Xin thought of something, her complexion changed slightly, she quickly took out the cell phone that Lin Xuan snatched from the bad guy before, and called her father: "Hey, Dad..."

"Xiaoxin, where are you?" Xia Weiguo's anxious voice came over the phone immediately, and Lin Xuan beside him had sharp eyes and ears, so he naturally heard it too.

"Dad, I'm already safe. I'll tell you the details when I get back!"

Xia Xin didn't explain too much, but his words reminded Lin Xuan of what happened when he was fired last time, and couldn't help but link what Liu Haiyang said just now with Xia Xin's kidnapping.

It seems that Xia Xin's background is indeed not simple. The policemen Liu Haiyang mentioned just now were dispatched because of Xia Xin's kidnapping.

Lin Xuan guessed in his heart, but he didn't figure it out.

Since Xia Xin didn't take the initiative to speak up, there was no need for him to get to the bottom of it, and Xia Xin had a strong background, so he could save himself a lot of trouble, and didn't have to trouble Zhang Qisheng to help deal with the scene in the unfinished building.

Moreover, Lin Xuan knew that Xia Xin was a smart person, so she would definitely handle this matter well, and would not let this matter become a side issue.


Chapter 77 The Feeling of Flying

The car drove all the way back to the urban area. After Lin Xuan sent Xia Xin back to school, he also returned to the company.

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