Xia Xin had almost lost her voice, her pretty face was full of tears and sadness, as well as that deep reluctance!


Chapter 75 Resurrected from the dead【Modify】

Seven Snakes didn't expect Lin Xuan to be so obedient, but after a moment of stunned, he still came back to his senses, his face regained that cold-blooded and ruthless expression, walked forward, looked at Lin Xuan, and said: "Boy, the old man respects you as a man, but I, Seven Snakes, never like to keep alive!"

Saying that, the Seven Snakes didn't raise their heads, and fired two shots casually, and the two stern men on the side fell to the ground in response.

But Qi Snake's face didn't show the slightest expression fluctuation, as if he just killed two ants casually.

But he didn't notice, or didn't expect, that when he just shot, Lin Xuan's wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"So, you little girlfriend, I can't stay either..." Qi Snake said expressionlessly, then turned around suddenly, and looked indifferently at Xia Xin who was still crawling towards Lin Xuan.

But just when Seven Snakes raised his pistol and was about to pull the trigger, Lin Xuan who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and then shot out a spider web from his right hand, which stuck to Seven Snakes' body, and pulled , the Seven Snakes were directly pulled over by him.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also took advantage of this pulling force, and his body shot up, and the bone claws on his fist shot out, and with a puff, they pierced directly into his heart from the back of Seven Snakes.

Seven Snake's triangular eyes stared into a circle for the first time, and an unprecedented shock appeared on his face. He never expected that Lin Xuan, who had just died, would come back to life.

But now there is no time to think about these, because he has already felt the rapid loss of vitality and strength.

"Old Wang, bastard, go to hell!" Lin Xuan, who was full of anger, finally broke out at this moment, roaring like a wild beast, and the bone claw of the other hand, also full of anger, pierced fiercely He grabbed the body of the seven snakes, then lifted it over his head, and threw it out.

The heart was pierced, and even the Seven Snakes, who had practiced internal martial arts, were powerless to return to heaven, as if their strength had been emptied in an instant, and the body was no longer in control.

He was thrown out by Lin Xuan without any resistance, and finally fell heavily on the ground, not even knowing where the gun in his hand went.

"Who the hell is he?" Seven Snakes lying on the ground stared blankly at Lin Xuan, who had bone claws in his hands and looked like a beast. An unprecedented fear and shock rose in his heart.

He has wandered in the killer world all his life, met all kinds of people, and seen all kinds of strange things, but he has never seen a person who can bring the dead back to life, and he has never seen anyone with such bone claws. I have never seen the shadow of a wolf on a human being.

Is he really human?

Perhaps until death, Seven Snakes couldn't figure it out.

Seeing Lin Xuan walking towards him step by step, Qi Snake's vision gradually blurred, his pupils gradually became dilated, and finally died of exhaustion.

"Ding—get rid of the killer and get 6 hero points, which is 14 points away from being promoted to the next level!" The voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lin Xuan's mind, which didn't surprise Lin Xuan too much, but the 6-point hero However, Lin Xuan was a little surprised. It seemed that the Seven Snakes really held a lot of lives in their hands.

After confirming that the Seven Snakes were dead, Lin Xuan immediately put away the bone claws, and turned to look at Xia Xin who was beside him.

At this moment, Xia Xin was completely stunned. No matter how strong she was able to bear the ups and downs just now, she was completely stupid at this moment.

Lin Xuan knew that Xia Xin must be frightened, so he ran to Xia Xin immediately, helped her untie the rope on her body, then patted Xia Xin on the shoulder, and asked, "Xia Xin, are you okay?"

Hearing Lin Xuan's call, Xia Xin seemed to come back to her senses, but her eyes were still a little dull, she looked at Lin Xuan in disbelief, then reached out and touched Lin Xuan's cheek, feeling that everything seemed so real, her There was a gleam of light in his eyes: "Lin Xuan, you, are you alright?"

"It's okay, everything just now was fake!" Lin Xuan didn't know how to explain what happened just now, so he could only find this excuse to lie to the child.

"I, I'm not dreaming, you, you really are not dead!" Xia Xin touched Lin Xuan's blood-stained chest again, and asked in disbelief.

"Well, I'm really not dead. I've said it all. It was a fake just now. Look, I don't have any wounds on my body!" Lin Xuan pulled off his collar and let Xia Xin take a closer look at his chest. Except for a trace of blood, there was indeed no wound.

"Touch my heart again, is it still beating!" Lin Xuan took Xia Xin's hand again and placed it on his chest.

Feeling Lin Xuan's heartbeat and warm body temperature, Xia Xin seemed to gradually believe all of this, her face couldn't help showing excitement and joy, and she hugged Lin Xuan.

"Great! Lin Xuan, you're not dead, it's really great!" Xia Xin hugged Lin Xuan tightly, fearing that if she let go, everything in front of her would shatter like a bubble.Tears flowed from his eyes again, but this time they were not tears of sadness, but tears of joy and excitement.

Although she didn't know what happened just now, seeing that Lin Xuan was still alive, she was so excited that she didn't have time to think about it.

Being hugged by Xia Xin like this, Lin Xuan felt mixed feelings. He knew very well that Xia Xin really cared about him, but it was a pity that he would fail her after all.

"Okay, it's okay, I'll take you out of here in a while!" Lin Xuan comforted Xia Xin's soft hair gently.

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