And Lin Xuan and Chen Yu simply changed the development of the intelligent voice butler from the development, to causing major app vendors to compete for franchise rights, to the popular network, which attracted the attention of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Apple and Google came to China to discuss acquisitions, and then to today's company A series of things that happened in the establishment were told to several brothers.

Several people were amazed, especially when they heard about the negotiation between Lin Xuan, Page and Cook, their blood boiled with excitement and their hearts were filled with joy.

After all, European and American capitalists have made a lot of money from China in recent years, especially Apple, which has come to China to steal money. Now they are led by the nose and slaughtered by the Chinese people, which is really very satisfying.

"Third brother, to be honest, you are really my idol, you are so fucking awesome, even Paige Cook is played around by you!" Zhang Wei looked at Lin Xuan with great admiration and said.

"Yes, third brother, you are the pride of us Chinese people!" Li Kun also gave a thumbs up, and Cao Yang, who usually spoke very little, also nodded and said, "Well, the third brother is really very proud." sharp!"

"Hehe, if you keep boasting, I'm going to heaven, okay, don't say anything, come on, let's drink!" Lin Xuan laughed and raised his glass immediately.

"Okay, come on, let's give a toast to the elder brother and the third brother!" Zhang Wei quickly stood up and raised his glass to toast.

Several people finished off a glass of beer again, Lin Xuan paused, and said again: "Brothers, after you graduate, if you don't mind, you can all work in the company, the salary is definitely good!"

"I don't dislike it, of course I don't dislike it, haha, I'm relieved to have the words of the third brother!" Li Kun suddenly said excitedly.

"However, in the past few years in college, you have to learn some real skills. If you don't have any skills, I won't accept them!" Lin Xuan suddenly made another joke.

"Fuck, it's okay, if I don't study well, I can show you the gate and be a security guard!" Li Kun completely gave up his integrity.

"Hey, that's all your ambition!" Lin Xuan was completely defeated by Li Kun.


Chapter 71 The Unexpected

Lin Xuan drank with his roommates until after four o'clock in the afternoon, but Lin Xuan's dinner was not over yet, so he promised Zhang Qisheng and Chen Guohua at noon to drink with them in the evening.

So after seeing off his roommate, Lin Xuan took a taxi directly to Zhang Qisheng's manor.

When they came to the manor, the food was ready, Lin Xuan immediately continued drinking with Chen Guohua and Zhang Qisheng without saying a word.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is in good physical condition now, and his alcohol capacity is also amazing, otherwise, the average person would really not be able to bear the two consecutive drinks.

The three of them chatted while drinking, but because both Lin Xue and Zhang Qisheng's family members were present, the three of them only chatted about some things about Lin Xuan's company.

In fact, as early as a day ago, the two were surprised when they heard that Lin Xuan was going to start a company and invited them over.

Lin Xuan in their previous impression was like a mysterious agent, who came and went without a trace, with high martial arts skills, and could grasp information that they could not grasp.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan has such a talent. He can develop software by himself, start a company, and let two international giants invest in him to cooperate with him. This makes Zhang Qisheng and Chen Guohua seem to know Lin Xuan again. In general, Lin Xuan is becoming more and more difficult to see through.

Of course, they didn't think that Lin Xuanru was as simple as he appeared on the surface. He came from an ordinary background and started from scratch. They always felt that Lin Xuan must have a backer behind him, maybe it was a family, or someone they couldn't reach.

Otherwise, how could Lin Xuan achieve such a great achievement at such an age.

After a long time, after Lin Xue, Yang Shuke, and Zhang Qisheng's family had all sat down, the three of them talked about the assassination incident a few days ago.

Chen Guohua also found it incredible. He also knew the name of the Seven Snakes very well, but he couldn't figure out why this veteran killer who had immigrated for many years suddenly appeared again?

But the three talked and talked, but it was fruitless, and in the end they simply stopped mentioning this matter.

At night, Lin Xuan hugged Yang Shuke's soft body and lay on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep. Although he was not afraid of the seven snakes, and his relatives were safe now, Lin Xuan still had a kind of glow back feeling.

The next day, Lin Xuan went to the company early, and now there is still half a month before the upgrade fee for the smart voice manager. He has to hurry up and develop several local language versions commonly used in China.

In addition, English, Korean, Japanese, French, German and other language versions must be developed as soon as possible, so Lin Xuan will be busy in the future.

Fortunately, after this stage of training, the company's technicians can basically get started, so Lin Xuan assigned some simple program parts to each technician to write.


Just as Lin Xuan was busy developing a new language version for the smart voice steward, the Seven Snakes that made Lin Xuan look like a ray recently appeared at Binhai University.

But different from what Lin Xuan had expected before, the person the Seven Snakes were targeting was not his mother, sister, or Yang Shuke, but Xia Xin.

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