After Lin Xuan came to the driving school, he immediately started to practice driving. He practiced until after five o'clock in the evening before leaving the driving school.

Now it’s December, and it’s getting dark earlier. At this time, the sky is basically completely dark, and the surrounding street lights have been turned on. However, this place is relatively remote, so it is much darker than the downtown area, and the vehicles on the road are not particularly special. More, and the speed is relatively faster.

Lin Xuan came to the side of the road and waited for the taxi he called with a taxi app not long ago.

But at this moment, a black Honda drove up from not far away at a high speed, with high beams on, and the people who illuminated it did not dare to look directly at it. Lin Xuan didn't pay much attention to this car, but this car was approaching When approaching Lin Xuan, the speed of the car suddenly slowed down, followed by an arm holding a pistol protruding from the lowered window on the driver's side, aiming at Lin Xuan, and pulling the trigger.

Lin Xuan didn't pay attention to this black Honda at first, but at the moment when the opponent's pistol was pointed at him, the spider sensor and Wolverine's perception of danger issued a crisis warning at the same time, and his body also instinctively dodged action.

At the same time, a bullet shot at him at an incredible speed, and he narrowly avoided it in the end.

Seeing that Lin Xuan dodged the bullet, the black Honda stopped instantly, and the people in the car immediately fired several shots at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's nerves were tense, and he relied on the spider sensor to dodge one after another. At the same time, he flipped his palm, and with a "whoosh", a spider web shot out, and it hit the gun barrel of the man accurately, and immediately pulled it hard. , directly pulled out the pistol that was equipped with a muffler.

Immediately before the man could react, the other hand also shot out a spider thread, which stuck to the body of the car. With a pull, the whole person borrowed strength and flew to the vicinity of the car in an instant, grabbing the quilt The pistol he pulled out was on the forehead of the man who was about to assassinate him just now.

The man's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately raised his hands. His originally cold face was now full of horror. Maybe he hasn't been confused until now, how did Lin Xuan snatch him away just now? The gun rushed to him again.

Looking at the strange man in front of him, Lin Xuan felt annoyed. He wanted to send this man to heaven with a single shot, but he knew very well that this man must have been ordered by others, so he had to ask the person behind the scenes, otherwise he would be in the dark tomorrow. , the enemy is in the dark, and there will be endless troubles after settling.

And he found that many cars around had stopped to watch, he didn't want to cause unnecessary sensation, so he immediately opened the rear door and got into the car.

"Drive!" Lin Xuan pointed the gun to the back of the man's head, told him to start the car, and quickly left the scene.

But Lin Xuan didn't know that his actions just now had been clearly seen by the people in another black Mercedes not far away!

"It's really not an ordinary person!" A middle-aged man with a top hat, triangular eyes and high cheekbones said in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz. His voice was hoarse and extremely uncomfortable.

"Master, what kind of weapon did that man use just now? He looks like Spider-Man in the movie!" The man in the driver's seat of the Mercedes turned around in surprise.

"What is Spider-Man? You also believe in the things in the movie! Hmph, he must have used some unique hidden weapon just now. It seems that this kid's background is not simple. Fortunately, we followed this time, otherwise I really don't know this kid The details!" The middle-aged man with triangular eyes said hoarsely.

"Then what should we do? Do we want to follow?" The man knew that his master had never seen "Spider-Man", but he didn't explain. Gao Qiang can be trusted.

"No, even if we keep up, we might not be able to kill him!" said the middle-aged man with triangular eyes.

"Then let him go?"

"Well, he is telling us that we are in the dark. He can't escape. We need to change our method now!" The middle-aged man with triangular eyes said coldly, with a gloomy coldness shining in his eyes.


After Lin Xuan got into the car, he ordered the man who assassinated him to drive towards Zhang Qisheng's manor. He knew very well that he couldn't keep this man, but if he got rid of him, he might even provoke the police.

But if this kind of person who licks blood at the edge of a knife, if he let the tiger go back to the mountain, he will definitely not be grateful to Dade, but he will definitely repay his kindness.

So he suddenly thought of a person - Zhang Qisheng.

Zhang Qisheng is definitely the best at dealing with this kind of person, and he can definitely do it neatly, so he asked this person to drive directly to Zhang Qisheng's place.

"Why did you kill me?" Lin Xuan asked coldly after the car drove for a while.

"Qiye asked me to assassinate you! As for why, I don't know!" The man replied in a deep voice, his voice sounded calm.

"Master Qi?" Lin Xuan frowned, "Who is Master Qi?"

"There used to be a well-known killer in China, because he only had seven fingers, and each finger was like a poisonous snake, which could kill people, so people in the industry called him Seven Snakes. As for his real name, no one really knows. I think What big person have you offended, there are not many people in Huaxia who can invite Master Qi to leave the mountain, and Master Qi immigrated to Thailand as early as five years ago, and this time he came back suddenly, the people behind the scenes must have a lot of background!" The man explained said, but there was a sly look in his eyes.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan frowned even tighter, wondering who the seven snakes were?Instigated by whom?I haven't offended any big shots recently, could it be related to the enemies of the Tianyuan Group?

Just as Lin Xuan was thinking, the killer glanced at Lin Xuan through the rearview mirror, and then his eyes flashed, and he turned the steering wheel suddenly, and the car crashed into the green belt on the side of the road.

Lin Xuan's body immediately fell to the side according to the inertia, and the man also took this opportunity to open the car door and prepared to escape, but his reaction speed was not as fast as Lin Xuan's. Lin Xuan immediately stabilized his figure, spun silk with his left hand, It directly stuck to the man's body and pulled him back again.

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