Howang's face suddenly became more gloomy. He still believed in Kaguya's words. Even if he didn't believe in Kaguya, he would believe in the dream on Kaguya's shoulder. The two sides have known each other for tens of thousands of years. It looks unreliable, but in fact it is very reliable at critical moments!

Since Kaguya is the man who dreamed of choosing, even it will regard Kaguya as its own! (Hey, seems to have found something amazing)

It seems that this alliance is really rotten!

"Ow!" King Ho vented the anger in his heart on the strange bird, which was unable to struggle at first. The strange bird kept whining, and finally lost all strength.

"Honey King, please restrain your anger, you should vent your anger where it should be!" Seeing that the strange bird had swooped down on the street, Kaguya once again started her own super hatred process!

He won't make the alliance better. Does the alliance really not know about this incident? !Not the alliance must know!They even play a vital role in this!

Now that the incident has been resolved, the Alliance wants to pretend that it has nothing to do with them, but Kaguya will never allow it!

Even if it really has nothing to do with the alliance, Kaguya will pour dirty water on it, not to mention it does have a relationship!

As for the alliance to track down how to do? !Kaguya can only say that I am trying to persuade me to fight! !Hoo-oh misunderstood, is it my fault? !As for the avatar of the strange bird that the alliance said, it is easier to explain. He respects the God of Life and tells it his information!There's nothing wrong with that!

Listening to Kaguya's words, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched, your sister, what do you mean by restraining your anger! ?Are you sure this is talking to the God of Life? !

What else is meant by venting anger where it should be vented? !This is the rhythm for Ho-oh to seek revenge against the President of Emiya!And the Minajun family can't escape!

Even the headquarters of the alliance is tragic!

This is to be punished!

Heart broken!

Komatsu was terrified when he heard it, Kaguya is definitely a real villain, it seems that he is trying to persuade King Ho to calm down, but he is actually pulling hatred!Remembering that he had offended Kaguya before, shouldn't he let Ho-wang kill him! ?

As long as Feng Wang looked at him, his little life could not be saved!

Feng Wang took a deep look at Kaguya, as an existence who didn't know how long he lived, how could Feng Wang not understand that Kaguya was drawing hatred and wanted to use it as a spearman, but if Kaguya said it is real, it doesn't mind doing it!

Chapter 535 The Phoenix King's Gift-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Feng Wang took a deep look at Kaguya, as an existence who didn't know how long he lived, how could Feng Wang not understand that Kaguya was drawing hatred and wanted to use it as a spearman, but if Kaguya said it is real, it doesn't mind doing it!

But why is this guy doing this? !It doesn't seem to do him any good!

Is he dissatisfied with the existing alliance? !It seems that he will investigate Kaguya well in the future.

The three holy beasts were tightly surrounding Ho-wang, telling things about Kaguya. Even if they didn't have too much contact with Kaguya before, the story of Kaguya still circulated all over the world, but the story about Reshiram, Akatsuki And Kaguya's other identity, they won't know!

Of course, they will not fall behind what the alliance has done during this time, and tell Ho-oh what they have seen.

Suijun, Emperor Yan, and Emperor Lei are each in charge of their own families, other members of their families are responsible for reporting information to them, and they are responsible for telling all the information to King Ho!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

This is a very strict system, but it is also very useful!

Young Suizun told his father what he had observed before, but of course he didn't know much!What Kaguya usually shows is just the tip of the iceberg!

Ho-wang listened to the report of the three holy beasts, and of course knew that Kaguya played a big role in the appearance of Dark Lugia last time, and looked at Kaguya with a lot of kindness.

It also knew about this matter, and was ready to take action by the way, but it was quickly solved with the help of Reshiram and humans!

It seems that this human is Kaguya!



Hoo Wang gave Kaguya a deep look, this man seemed to be more interesting than the child he had seen before.

One is that he has an unparalleled love for Pokémon, and why is Kaguya? !To be recognized by so many beasts! ?

Kaguya was a little embarrassed to be seen by King Feng. This kind of pressure is not something that ordinary people can bear. He knew that his careful thoughts were seen by King Feng!

However, Ho-wang quickly withdrew his gaze, but instead it was the bell hung around his neck, the transparent bell that had been stolen before, under the control of a super power (this Ho-wang can really use it!) It floated down into Kaguya's hands.

"This?!" The people at the Bell Tower looked at all this in horror, what's going on? !Ho-sama is about to abandon them! ?Even the bells were given to outsiders!How can they call themselves Ho-oh's apostles in the future! ?Kaguya is obviously more qualified than them!

Kaguya also looked at King Ho in doubt. Could it be that he was interested in himself! ?Taking a closer look at Feng Wang, it's just that his head looks like a turkey, but the rest are pretty good-looking, especially the feathers, which are very sacred and noble!

"Take it! This is my certificate!" Ho-oh's words rang in Kaguya's ears again.

This is already Kaguya's second bell, different from Rogia's last time, this time Howang gave the bell to himself in full view, what does it mean? !Brother is really famous! .

Chapter 536 Rescue Ladios

Kaguya held the transparent bell given to him by King Ho, and there were thousands of Arceus galloping in his heart. Big sister Ho King is so polite!This politeness is a bit over the top!Now I am afraid that I will become the target of public criticism!

But thinking about it carefully, Hui Ye also understood Feng Wang's intentions, maybe he wanted to protect himself in a disguised form!Hui Ye is the man of the Phoenix King, so I ask you if you are afraid!

He's getting bigger now!

Now he seems to have more cards!

"By the way, there is still one thing I want to ask for your help, please save this guy!" Kaguya released Ladios after saying that.

Today's Ladios has become very haggard, and its origin is much more damaged than imagined. Even eating fairy beans from time to time doesn't have much effect!

"Five-eight-three" "This?!" Seeing Ladios's appearance, Feng Wang's eyes became sharp all of a sudden. What's going on? !Even if a divine beast like Ladios is about to die of old age, it will not become like this.

"There is an evil organization that wants to use it to study the method of super-ancient beast mega evolution (return to the original, Kaguya should pretend not to know, knowing too much will kill people!) and control them, forcing Ladios to carry out After the experiment of mega evolution, I rescued it, but its condition has not been good!" Kaguya quickly continued to explain, and at the same time released Ladias, this was not done by himself, Therefore, he will not take the blame!

Feng Wang heard the words and remained silent, it seems that today's human beings are really getting more and more presumptuous!This has violated the original rules!It felt the vitality of Ladios, and now it is indeed lingering.

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