In this way, when Cattleya and Xirona came to Luzi Town, Kaguya brought Xiaolan, Yayi, Touzi, and Arturia on the plane to Manjin City in Chengdu area!

Xiao Huang and Na Zi chose to stay. Na Zi needed a better environment to cultivate Chao Meng. Although many people from the Yew Research Institute usually come to visit, they are only limited to the front row, and no one will come to the backyard at all. !It is the safest and quietest place!

What's more, there are too many people being provoked by Kaguya now, coupled with the relationship between Reshiram, the current Hezhong area is turbulent, and Nazi can also protect the yew well by staying.

Although Xiao Huang also wanted to go on a trip with Kaguya, she finally decided to stay in the Yew Research Institute. She is also very interested in the Pokémon in the institute, and she wants to know all about Pokémon!

Compared to being a Pokémon trainer, Xiao Huang actually wants to be a Pokémon researcher or a Pokémon breeder!

There is no better place for Xiao Huang to live than the Yew Research Institute!

If it weren't for Kaguya, maybe she is still in the Viking Forest, getting along with Pokémon innocently!

When Cattleya came to Luzi Town and found that Hui Ye had already left, she couldn't help being furious and said to Shirona: "Sister Shirona, look, that man is so irresponsible, he's not worthy of Xiluo at all. Sister Rona, you!"

Hearing the words of the Cattleya child, Yew and Shirona couldn't help but smile, they both knew Cattleya's character very well!

Just a kid!

As for Xiao Huang, she looked at Cattleya in a tangled state. The girl in front of her was as good-looking as the legendary princess who lived in the castle, but she seemed really naive!The tone is also like what Kaguya said before!

On the other hand, Na Zi snorted coldly, Kaguya is her man, and she is now putting herself into the position of being a woman of Kaguya!Now that she heard someone say Kaguya's words, of course she was very upset!Even if she knows that Cattleya's mentality is a little problem!In fact, this is also a phenomenon that superpowers often have!

"En?~`!" Cattleya cast her eyes on the cold-faced Nazi: "Golden Gymnazi!?"

"En!" Nazi nodded coldly. In terms of age, she was a few years older than Cattleya, and she was much more mature in her thinking, but she wouldn't be like a child. !

That is the behavior of a shrew, she has already left this level!

"It looks like you're the woman of that man, and you don't know what's so good about that guy!" Cattleya snorted coldly.

"You don't understand how powerful he is!" Nazi closed her eyes when she saw Cattleya and stopped talking. Yew and Shirona on the side had already hinted at her clearly!She will still give this kind of face more or less!

Nazi is not that kind of inhumane character.Just don't talk!

"He's amazing!?" When Cattleya heard Nazi's words, her face suddenly became strange. She seldom had contact with people from the outside world since she was a child, and her only real friend was Hirona, so she will only meet this time. So excited!

Chapter 439 The Dirty Cattleya-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"He's amazing!?" When Cattleya heard Nazi's words, her face suddenly became strange. She seldom had contact with people from the outside world since she was a child, and her only real friend was Hirona, so she will only meet this time. So excited!

Cattleya treats Shirona as her sister!As for Yew, she also knew it. She had also met through Shirona's introduction before. If the family wanted to arrange her to be the king of heaven in the Hezhong area, naturally they had to know a few local snakes!

Obviously, the yew is the representative of the local snake!

However, when Cattleya heard Nazi's words, she instantly became confused. Although she could not contact the outside world, she usually surfed the Internet a lot, and she understood a lot of those dirty words.

She glanced at Nazi with deep meaning, then at Shirona, and then stomped her feet angrily: "What if he is powerful?! I will prove that he is not worthy of Sister Shirona!"

Shirona and Yew looked at each other, and after a long time, Shirona said, "That little guy in your family seems to be having a hard time recently! The Hezhong area will not be peaceful!"

"Life is better or worse, this is also relative, he has to face it sooner or later, isn't it!?" Yew looked at Shirona with deep meaning.

Shirona sighed silently: "Maybe, I hope he can persevere! Some things are life!"

"Then what about you!? How did that guy get you fat?!" Yew looked at Shirona with a weird face, Kaguya didn't seem to have these quirks, even those who deliberately stayed in the bathroom before, Hui It doesn't seem like the night has done anything bad!

".~I don't know either!" A blush appeared on Sirona's face. Will tell, it's too much to say!

However, Kaguya seems to be really special, and she seems to have received divine revelation recently...


When Shirona and Yew were discussing Kaguya, Kaguya and the others had already boarded the plane to the Chengdu area.It would be quite boring to simply fly, but with a few girls to accompany her, Kaguya's journey would not be boring.

"Look, Huiye, this Mr. Lu Xun has spoken again. He is a real warrior who dares to face the bleak life and face the dripping blood. What kind of mourner and happy person is this? Mediocre design... This Mr. Lu Xun really dares to say that he is bloody, and I don't know what kind of person he is!" Although Xiaolan said so, but in his words were Meaningful!

She knew that Hui Ye definitely had a great relationship with the Xiao organization, and this Mr. Lu Xun might even be Hui Ye!

It was for their safety that Kaguya didn't tell them. Knowing more was not necessarily a good thing, but more troubles.

As for whether Hui Ye did it right, Xiao Lan didn't know. Since Hui Ye did it, she would support her. Her man should be an unparalleled hero!What's more, with Kaguya's current strength, if you don't resist, I'm afraid you won't get a good end in the end!

Politics is always dark, and Xiao Lan has already prepared herself. If the critical moment comes, she will encourage Kaguya to come out and resist! .

Text Chapter 440 Road meets Shui-kun

Xiao Lan's thoughts are very simple, Kaguya can't have anything to do anyway, as for the other things, then it's not her business!If her parents knew about Xiao Lan's thoughts, they would definitely shout that the girl should not stay!

To a certain extent, Xiao Lan's thoughts are dangerous, but they are also the thoughts that best serve Kaguya's interests!

Hui Ye also has confidence in his heart, no matter what the process is, he has the confidence to protect the people around him!

As a man who wants to open a big harem, if he can't even protect the women around him, then what qualifications does he have to open a harem! ?

"Mr. Lu Xun is really amazing!" Hui Ye nodded noncommittally. He didn't know what Xiaolan was thinking, but her favorability rating for him was always above 95, which was enough to ensure that Xiaolan wouldn't change his mind and hurt her. That's it!

Looking at these quotations recited in elementary school, junior high school, and high school in the past life, Hui Ye still has some strange feelings in his heart. In the past life, he thought how hateful Mr. Lu Xun was, but in this world, Hui Ye felt Lu Xun again. Mr. is actually really cute!

He has stirred the blood of countless people with his pen!One person is like a thousand troops!

This is also the reason why Hui Ye chose to use Mr. Lu Xun's pen name. Although in a different world, Mr. Lu Xun's article is really 480 profound!

It will never go out of style in any world!

I hope that one day, everyone will talk nonsense and pass the buck to Mr. Lu Xun!

"However, that Cattleya really won't come to the Chengdu area to trouble you?! That eldest lady is usually bored and has nothing to do!" Tou Zi on the side asked Kaguya.

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